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Love Systems Insider

Date: December 20, 2010

In this issue:

 New - Meet and attract the women you want at 2010 holiday parties
 Proven text messages to get the girl; Getting makeouts at the club but not dates?; What
are the "basics" of dating and attraction?

Happy Holidays from Love Systems!

Let's get straight to the mailbag - there are some crucial questions in there about meeting and
attracting beautiful women at holiday parties this year.

Dear Savoy,

Are Christmas and holiday parties good places to meet women? Do you have any special
advice for these? I have trouble approaching women I don't know and I don't want to
make an ass of myself around people who I do know.

- Cameron F., Evansville, IN

Hi Cameron,

Holiday parties are GREAT places to meet women. People are happy and social, and single
women want to meet men. Women you won't normally meet during the year still go out during
the holidays. And there are lots of parties.

In other words, it's easier. There's more variety. And the quality is higher. What more could a
man want?

For you, with "approach anxiety" one benefit of parties is they make it easier to start
conversations with women. At parties, people are SUPPOSED to meet each other. It's not like a
coffee shop (where people might be busy) or a nightclub (where people pretend they are not
there to meet each other). Some of my best holiday pickups have started with:

"Hi, I'm Savoy. How do you know [name of the host]?"

Or, even better, get your friends to help. At parties, most people are connected in some way, so
find someone who knows that hot girl you want and get them to introduce you. Done.

A couple tips to make approaching at parties even easier:

1. Never be alone for more than a few seconds. It's bad enough to be by yourself at a
nightclub, but at a party it's a social kiss of death. Plus, people at parties are connected
and talk to each other. Make a great impression on those random people early in the
night and you might find out later that night that one of them is the brother of the hot girl
you're trying to take home. Makes everything a lot easier, doesn't it?

2. Don't go into a party "cold." Put yourself in an outgoing, talkative mood first - ideally by
going to the party with people, or, if you're going alone, stop by a bar or restaurant on
the way and do some "warm up" approaches. It's tough to avoid being awkward if you
just dump yourself into a big social situation when you haven't been talking to people.

3. Start with a bunch of short 5-10 minute conversations at the beginning of the night,
instead of a couple of long, intense ones. Try to meet everyone at the beginning. That
will make women more interested in you. Women love to compete for a man's attention
and women like men who are well-connected and have social intelligence. Once you've
met everyone, re-initiate conversations with the women who most caught your attention.

Good luck, and happy holidays,


Dear Savoy,

My brother recommended the Love Systems interview series to me a while ago, and I'm
hooked. I've been a subscriber for almost a year and I get the old volumes for anything
that is holding me back. I've listened to your interviews on Social Circles and on "Warm
Approach" and they've helped me a lot, but what would be really useful would be an
interview that just goes through the differences between nightclub game and party
game. I know that I, and a lot of my friends who are also subscribers, would really
appreciate this!

- Christopher P., Brighton, U.K.

Hi Christopher,

I agree - despite being the most affordable Love Systems product at less than $1 per day, the
interview series is actually among the very best ways to improve your success with women. A
lot of Love Systems instructors, who are among the best in the world at dating and attracting
beautiful women, swear by the interview series as being crucial to them achieving the life that
they want.

As for your question about parties vs. nightclubs - we probably won't do an interview on it, so I'll
give you some pointers right here.

(We try to make our interviews like the magic pills from The Matrix - you want to learn how to
approach, or pick up "9s" and "10s" or even how to create a powerful voice and tonality - you
download, listen a few times, and get a new skill... So, we don't usually cover "theoretical"
subjects like Day Game vs. Night Game or Parties vs. Clubs.)

For the holiday season, here are some key ways that a party is different from a nightclub:

1. How You Dress - At a club, it's okay to stand out a bit. You don't want to look ridiculous
like those guys who wear leotards and capes to the nightclub (they exist!). That gets
attention, but it's not sexual attention. But at a nightclub, you can and should have one
interesting item as part of your outfit so a woman has an "excuse" to come talk to you. At
a party, just look good, fashionable, and in a way that supports your identity. In other
words, dial it down.

2. Approaching and starting conversations - Like I talked about earlier, "hi" is usually a
good enough opener for a party. Not a nightclub - at least not until you've got really
powerful body language, confidence, and non-verbal communication.

3. Risk/reward and taking chances - If a woman doesn't like you at a club, it's no big
deal. Find another part of the club. You'll never see these people again, so you can take
risks. At a party, assume that everyone sees everything. If they don't see it, they will
hear about it and talk about it. At a party, Social Intelligence is more important than

In a way, a party is like a very compressed Social Circle situation. So if you've read any of the
stuff by Braddock or Mr. M on Social Circle mastery (or been to the Social Circle Mastery
seminar), you'll be well ahead of the game.

Have a great time over the holiday season!

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