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Resolución 24195 DICIEMBRE 20 de 1983 Mineducación

Sede Villavicencio

NAME: ___________________________________________________________CODE:_________________
FACULTY:___________ENGLISH___GROUP:_________DATE:______________TEACHER: ____________


In terms of adopting a waiting child domestically, why is the domestic adoption situation so complicated? I've been educating
myself about the domestic adoption protocol for a couple of years now; it isn't easy. The agencies and states make it so
confusing and expensive. It doesn't have to be this way. Every day that we are confounded by the bureaucracy and red tape
means another child waits in limbo.

I am a single mom with one 13-year-old bio daughter. I am of Asian/Russian descent and wish to adopt an Asian boy or
biracial Asian sibling boy/girl waiting for a family. May I go ahead and have a home study done and apply to state agencies or
make a brochure and send them out to state agencies in states where there are a higher likelihood of Asian children.

Living in Virginia, I was instructed to go through the United Methodist Family Services. When I went for an interview, they told
me there were NO ASIAN children available. They expected their free, but she told me that she didn't think there would be
any Asian children for several years! I asked her if she communicated with a national database or if I could contact agencies
in CA, WA, OR, NY, etc. She said no (in 1999).

It is getting to the place where I think I can do more footwork to find a child than the agencies. the unsaid is expectation that
adoption lawyers will do the running around and coordinating. I am supposed to just retain a lawyer and pay him/her to do
this work.

With all the state and federal money being used or misused, why can't we pool/pull information together as in the national
waiting child database and get all the legally free children in it so that all children are accountable. I am making some sense
to someone.


1. It isn´t the Domestic Adoption situation so complicated. T F

2. The Agencies don´t make it so confusing and expensive. T F
3. We are confounded by the Freedom T F
4. It´s necessary a Brochure to adopt a child T F
5. Adoption Lawyers will do the running around and coordinating. T F


Create Questions according to the instruction.

1. Greeting
_______________________________________________________ ?
2. Nationality
________________________________________________________ ?
3. Occupation
_______________________________________________________ ?
4. Numbers
________________________________________________________ ?

Complete the dialogue:

How are ___________?
Fine t____________, and you?
Very well. What are you studying?
I’m studying _______________
Are you Brazilian?
No, I’m not. I’m from__________
Oh! Nice to meet you!
Nice to meet you too! Bye

Choose the correct answer.

1. The correct sentence is

a. His from Germany
b. He’s from Germany

2. The correct question is

a. What’s your name?
b. What’s you name?

3. The correct answer is 352+540=_______________

a. eigth thosand ninenty two
b. eight hundred ninety two
c. eihgt handred ninty two

6. 5630-25=__5605_____________________
a. five thusand six handred fifth
b. five thosand six handred five
c. five thousand six hundred five

7. What time is it? It is 3:55

a. It is three fifty- five
b. it’s five to four
c. it is three and fivety-five


Answer the next questions about personal information, write complete answers
1. How are you? _______________________________________________________________
2. What do you do? ___________________________________________________________
3. What’s your last name? _______________________________________________________
4. What’s your phone number?____________________________________________________
5. Where are you from?__________________________________________________________
6. What is your nationality?_______________________________________________________


1. ___________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________

1. ___________________________________________________ 5. ___________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________ 6. ___________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________ 7. ___________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________
1. ___________________________________________________ 5. __________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________ 6. __________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________ 7. __________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________ 8. ___________________________________________________

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