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Meaning of Buying Motives

A learner once quoted for Buying Motive as “A motive can be defined as a drive or an urge for which
an individual seeks satisfaction. It becomes a buying motive when the individual seeks satisfaction
through the purchase of something.

Motive is inner urge that prompts a person to perform some action. It can be a strong desire, feeling, a
drive or any emotion which plays a role in the consumer’s decision to purchase a product or a service.

Characteristics of Buying Motive

 There is a process by which individual decides whether, what, when, from whom, where &
how much to buy.
 It comprises of mental and physical activities of a consumer.
 Individual behaviour is also influenced by internal and external factors.
 There is drastic change in the attitude and behaviour of consumer

What cause people to buy into new ideas, new projects, new products, new people, and new risks? Let
me introduce the seven buying motives. These seven buying motives can cause people to buy into

Motive one: desire for gain. Usually financial gain. We all want money to feel secure. We also like a
little extra cash for play. Desire for gain is why we buy stocks, take jobs, hire employees, get an
education and invest in businesses.

Motive two: fear of loss. Usually financial loss. We have worked very hard for what we have gained.
We do not want to lose it. Fear of loss explains why we get guard dogs, need safety deposit boxes and
buy burglar alarms.

Motive three: comfort and convenience. We all like hiring people to take out our trash. We all like
spending whatever we can on those little things that make our lives comfortable and save us hassle.
Comfort and convenience explains why people buy microwave ovens, washing machines and flannel

Motive four: security and protection. Usually protection of a loved one, or a loved possession.
Security and protection is why we buy life insurance even though we won't be alive to benefit. It's
also why an otherwise peaceful person agrees to war. We buy anything to protect what we love.
Motive five: pride of ownership. We believe that our possessions say something about us, and we
want to be sure that our possessions are saying the right things. Pride of ownership is what causes
someone to buy a stolen painting for a private collection, buy a sweater worn by Marilyn Monroe, buy
a bright shiny new Bentley, or pay a thousand dollars for a pair of shoes.

Motive six: satisfaction of emotion. The emotion is usually love. We buy cards, presents, dinners and
movies in an attempt to either gain someone's love, admiration, acceptance and forgiveness; or to
demonstrate our own love, admiration, acceptance and forgiveness.

Motive seven: satisfaction of ego. We like to treat ourselves right. We like to look good. Satisfaction
of ego is why we buy make-up, facelifts, gym memberships, cologne, vacations and Godiva

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