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“Marketing managers are increasingly being held accountable for their investments

and must be able to justify marketing expenditures to senior management. The use of
marketing metrics can solve this problem.” Critically analyze this statement in relation
to managing marketing finances.

“No organizational silo –marketing, human resources, IT – owns the whole solution.
Best practice engagement is about making sure that these disciplines work together
in a complementary manner to deliver the right result for the organization”- Critically
analyze this statement in relation to internal marketing.

Change Management
a) What are the requirements for a successful and sustainable change to take
place in an organization?
b) What are the marketing implications of successful and sustainable changes?

Management and Marketing Roles

a) What are the basic roles of management?
b) ‘Marketing titles and positions vary considerably along with the particular
responsibilities that accompany them’- please critically analyse this statement.
c) Do you think sales and marketing are same concepts? Please elaborate.

Customer Perceived Value

a) How does the customer oriented organization chart differ from the traditional
organization chart?
b) How a customer oriented organization can analyze the perceived value of their
target customers?
c) Discuss the three different ways to measure and monitor customer satisfaction

“Achievement is more important than material or financial rewards” –based on

McClelland’s motivational theory how would you manage and lead the employees,
assuming that you are the manager of a sales team.

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