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Scottish Bread

Strong all purpose flour 790g

Salt 18g
Sugar 35g
Yeast 18g
Lard 75g
Water lukewarm 250ml
Milk lukewarm 250ml

1. Dissolve the yeast in the milk and water.

2. Place all the ingredients in a bowl and knead for 10 minutes until the dough is
smooth and elastic.
3. Set the dough in a greased round-bottomed bowl, place it somewhere warm and
cover with a wet towel for 45 minutes.
4. Divide into 50gm portions and roll into balls.
5. Place them in to two greased square baking trays, 9 balls in each, so that the balls
are evenly distributed
6. Brush the surface of the balls with whole milk. Let them rise for about 2 hours.
7. When risen, brush with whole fat milk and sprinkle lightly with flour, using a sieve.
8. Bake at 240°C with a tray of steaming water for 15 minutes
9. Remove the tray of steaming water so that the oven becomes dry and continue to
cook the rolls for a further 7 minutes
10. When baked remove from the oven, turn out tin to stop further cooking and place on
a wire rack to cool for one hour, then place in a plastic bag.

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