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Chapter 40&41

Chapter 40: Chapter 41:

Madame and Mademoiselle de Villefort have gone to a
Albert returns from Treport and visits ball. Monsieur de Villefort stays home to reflect on the
Monte Cristo. Albert states that the troubling events of the past few days. Then Madamade
de Saint-Meran arrives and announces that he's husband
thought of living with Mademoiselle has die and she thinks she’ll die soon also so she wishes
Danglars every day horrifies him. Monte to be there to bless Valentine’s marriage before she dies.
Cristo reassures Albert by stating that When Valentine tells Maximilien of her decision to
honor her father's and grandmother's wishes, he swears
Monsieur Danglars may back out on his that he will kill himself for he cannot go on living
word in favor of another husband for his without her. Meanwhile, Valentine's grandmother dies,
and Valentines sends for Maximilien, Maximilien
daughter. At this Albert wonders why he finally meets Valentine in the Villefort house, Valentine
is not good enough for Danglars, despite secretly brings him to see Noirtier, the only one left
his desire to be rid of the duty to marry. who still loves her. Valentine tells Noirtier how much
she loves him, and how she will kill herself if she has to
Monte Cristo reassures Albert Danglars marry Franz. Noirtier makes Maximilien promise to
is a man of bad taste, and so prefers wait and to not be hasty, for he says that the marriage
contract with Franz shall never be signed.
another to Albert.

-prosecutor: a person who institutes or conducts legal proceedings, esp in a

criminal court.
-Lamentations: a lament; expression of sorrow
- apoplexy: Sudden impairment of neurological function, especially that
resulting from a cerebral hemorrhage; a stroke.
- Reluctant: Unwilling; disinclined

Setting: Paris, France

Dialogue: there’s dialogue all through the story.
Hyperbole- when Maximilien tells Valentine he would die without her.

A ball is a large formal party for dancing. The word 'ball' is derived from
the Latin word "ballare", meaning 'to dance'; the term also derived into
"bailar", which is the Spanish and Portuguese word for dance
Attendees wear evening attire, which is specified on the invitation as black
tie or white tie. Social dance forms a large part of the evening; actual
Ballroom dancing may or may not occur.


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