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 Almost all Bluetooth devices can work together. Infrared devices, such as TV remote
controls, need to be designed for specific devices.
 Infrared is direct line-of-sight; it will not pass through walls. Bluetooth devices can
communicate even when they are separated by obstacles.
 The omnidirectional nature of Bluetooth makes it less secure than infrared. Bluetooth
devices do use special techniques to minimize this possibility, but it remains a possibility.
Infrared signals can only be intercepted by a device in its line of sight.
 Officially, Class 3 Bluetooth works at about 30 feet, while infrared is rated at 3 feet. In
practice, infrared devices can work at distances of several yards if the conditions are right, but
performance may be spotty.
 Infrared devices make one-to-one connections. Bluetooth devices can form networks
once all of the devices have "identified" themselves to each other.

Overview of Bluetooth

The Bluetooth wireless connectivity technology was originally envisioned in 1994 by the
Swedish phone equipment maker Ericsson as a way for mobile devices to communicate with
each other at short ranges -- up to 30 feet, or 10 meters. In 1998, Ericsson, IBM, Intel, Nokia,
and Toshiba formed the Bluetooth Special Interest Group consortium to develop a royalty-free,
open specification for short-range wireless connectivity. Since then, more than 2000 companies
have joined the Bluetooth SIG, including virtually all manufacturers of phone, computer, and
PDA equipment.

While Bluetooth is positioned as a replacement for cable, infrared, and other connection media,
it offers a variety of other services, and creates opportunities for new usage models. For
instance, it's also a good technology for synchronizing devices. It works quietly, unconsciously,
and automatically in the background."Bluetooth" was the nickname of Harald Blåtland II, king
of Denmark from 940 to 981, who united all of Denmark and part of Norway under his rule. A
runic stone has been erected in his capital city, Jelling. The runes say.

Bluetooth vs. Infrared

Home electronics devices like TVs and VCRs communicate using beams of light in the infrared
spectrum. Infrared is fairly reliable and doesn't cost much to build into devices. It does have
• It's line-of-sight, so a sender must align with its receiver.
• It's one-to-one, so a device can't send to multiple receivers at the same time.

Infrared's advantages are consequences of its disadvantages:

• Because it's line-of-sight, interference is uncommon.

• Because it's one-to-one, message delivery is reliable: each message sent goes to the
intended recipient no matter how many infrared receivers are in the room.

What is the difference between Bluetooth and Infrared technology?

Answer: Infrared technology is what most TV remotes use. The distance an infrared signal can
travel varies based on the strength of the remote, but is usually less than 50 feet for household
electronics. In order for an infrared signal to be detected, there must be a direct line of sight
between the transmitter (remote) and the receiver (TV). If there is a wall or large object between
them, the signal will not pass through it.
Bluetooth, on the other hand, uses a radio frequency, which allows transmission through walls
and other objects. The standard range of a Class 3 Bluetooth device is about 30 ft., which makes
it ideal for syncing PDAs with computers, using wireless cell phone headsets, and enabling
hands free cell phone use inside Bluetooth-enabled automobiles. Because Bluetooth technology
is based on a standard 2.4 GHz frequency, different Bluetooth devices can typically
communicate with each other, regardless of the manufacturer. Most infrared devices only work
with proprietary equipment.

While Bluetooth is well on its way to replacing infrared in many different areas, the technology
is not meant to be used for wireless networking. Instead, technology, which has a larger range
and higher bandwidth than Bluetooth, is the standard that most wireless networking equipment

This wireless technology enables communication between Bluetooth-compatible devices. It is

used for short-range connections between desktop and laptop computers, PDAs (like the Palm
Pilot or Handspring Visor), digital cameras, scanners, cellular phones, and printers.

Infrared once served the same purpose as Bluetooth, but it had a number of drawbacks. For
example, if there was an object placed between the two communicating devices, the
transmission would be interrupted. (You may have noticed this limitation when using a
television remote control). Also, the Infrared-based communication was slow and devices were
often incompatible with each other.

Bluetooth takes care of all these limitations. Because the technology is based on radio waves,
there can be objects or even walls placed between the communicating devices and the
connection won't be disrupted. Also, Bluetooth uses a standard 2.4 GHz frequency so that all
Bluetooth-enabled devices will be compatible with each other. The only drawback of Bluetooth
is that, because of its high frequency, its range is limited to 30 feet.

While this is easily enough for transferring data within the same room, if you are walking in
your back yard and want to transfer the address book from your cell phone to your computer in
your basement, you might be out of luck. However, the short range can be seen as a positive
aspect as well, since it adds to the security of Bluetooth communication.
Definition of: INFRARED

An invisible band of radiation at the lower end of the visible light spectrum. With wavelengths
from 750 nm to 1 mm, infrared starts at the end of the microwave spectrum and ends at the
beginning of visible light. Infrared transmission typically requires an unobstructed line of sight
between transmitter and receiver.

Widely used in most audio and video remote controls, infrared transmission is also used for
wireless connections between computer devices and a variety of detectors.


Radiation is electromagnetic radiation of a wavelength longer than visible light, but shorter
than microwave radiation. The name means "below red" (from the Latin infra, "below"), red
being the color of visible light of longest wavelength. Infrared radiation spans three orders of
magnitude and has wavelengths between 700 nm and 1 mm.

Different regions in the infrared

 Near infrared NIR, IR-A DIN, 0.7–1.4 µm in wavelength, defined by the water
absorption, and commonly used in optic telecommunication because of the low attenuation
losses in the SiO2 glass medium.
 Short wavelength IR SWIR, IR-B DIN, 1.4–3 µm Water absorption increases
significantly at 1450 nm
 Mid wavelength IR MWIR, IR-C DIN, also intermediate-IR (IIR), 3–8 µm
 Long wavelength IR LWIR, IR-C DIN, 8–15 µm)
 Far infrared FIR, 15–1000 µm
However, these terms are not precise, and are used differently in various studies i.e. near (0.7–
5 µm) / mid (5–30 µm) / long (30–1000 µm). Especially at the telecom-wavelengths the
spectrum is further subdivided into individual bands, due to limitations of detectors, amplifiers
and sources. Infrared radiation is often linked to heat, since objects at room temperature or
above will emit radiation mostly concentrated in the mid-infrared band.
The common nomenclature is justified by the different human response to this radiation (near
infrared = the red you just cannot see, far IR = thermal radiation), other definitions follow
different physical mechanisms (emission peaks, vs. bands, water absorption) and the newest
follow technical reasons (The common Si-detectors are sensitive to ~1050 nm, while Inga As
sensitivity starts around 950 nm and ends between 1700 and 2200 nm, depending on the
specific configuration). Unfortunately the international standards for this specification are not
freely available.


The Project ended this week. Like many things, it did not go as I planned. I thought I
would spend some enjoyable time discovering what I wanted to do for a living, identify a few
companies to speak to about my plans, secure an exciting high paying job in a non-traditional
manner, save the world a little while I was at it, and write about my progress, which would be
fun for me, and inspiring for you. I was willing to be flexible on saving the world and inspiring
you. Plans don’t get any easier.

In my defense, all my previous experience in securing employment lead me to believe this was
entirely reasonable. I created a schedule of articles detailing the process, all based on the idea
that I knew where things would end up. I could plow through them, but that would be boring to
write, and to read. When the plan comes unraveled, it’s time for a new one, so I am going to
bring you up to speed right now
Name-Jogesh Chandra Rana
Roll. No:-10EEE012.
Branch-Electrical & Electronics Engineering


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