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01[21:37] <~ShadowGM> FADE...

01[21:37] <~ShadowGM> .TO....

01[21:37] <~ShadowGM> ..BLACK
01[21:37] <~ShadowGM> When we last left our heroes they had
just finished watching videos as they tried to figure out
just who or what this mysterious "Gambler" is! Left with
nothing really aside from a strange playing card, the group
is left to prepare an ambush for the following night!
01[21:38] <~ShadowGM> We find our heroes, Jun and Rairaku,
leaving their teammates at the musuem to go and pursue the
beach and all its joys!
01[21:38] <~ShadowGM> The street is bustling with people
and lined on each side with stores boasting all sorts of
exquisite treats and oddities.
01[21:39] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks around at the stores in
the corners of her eyes still walking behind jun
[21:39] <Hideki_Jun> "Yikes, so much food, so little salary"
[21:39] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Vegetable?"
[21:40] <Hideki_Jun> Looks at Rai in some sense of
disappointment. "No Rai, never vegetables"
01[21:41] * Hyuuga_Rairaku gives her ususal blank
expression "Where now?"
[21:42] <Hideki_Jun> Thinks (I'm broke any so let's hit the
beach) "To the beach!"
01[21:43] <~ShadowGM> The street your on lead straight down
the length of the ray to the beach, which you can see at
the end.
01[21:44] <~ShadowGM> However, logic dictates that to both
your left and right are also beaches.
01[21:44] <~ShadowGM> *you're on leads
01[21:45] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at a few people passing
by, her eyes looking at a few women in swimsuits as well as
other dressed diffrently then themselves."
[21:45] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "No clothes, Should take off?"
[21:46] <Hideki_Jun> "Come on Rai, put your swimsuit on and
let's go... Might wanna use that tent over there"
01[21:46] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stares at Jun as he tells her
the order
[21:46] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Swimsuit?"
[21:47] <Hideki_Jun> Looks at her incredulously.. "You...
Don't have a swimsuit, do you?"
01[21:47] * Hyuuga_Rairaku Looks at herself still in the
same clothes monobike gave her.
[21:48] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "No..."
[21:48] <Hideki_Jun> "Let's go to town and get you a
swimsuit. You need one to swim at the beach, you can't run
around naked" (Even if I would like that... A lot)
01[21:49] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods silently and follows jun
[21:50] <Hideki_Jun> Walks around and looks for a place
that sells swimsuits
[21:50] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Why need, swim before in oasis.
nobody bothered."
01[21:52] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at jun quzzicly
[21:52] <Hideki_Jun> "Uhh, trust me, it's needed. That's
the way most people are comfortable with swimming and
besides.." eyes move to her boobs "...I think you would
stand out"
01[21:53] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at herself slightly
confused. "If leader think i need.."
[21:54] <Hideki_Jun> (Must. Not. Exploit.) "Yeah... Let's
find one"
01[21:55] <~ShadowGM> If you're shopping, roll a wealth
01[21:56] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at the shops as they walk
by, various swim shops as well as souveneir stands.
[21:56] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> 1d20+9
[21:56] <Orac> Hyuuga_Rairaku rolls 1d20+9 and gets <5 + 9>
= 14
[21:56] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> 1d6 AP!
01[21:56] <~ShadowGM> are you going to AP it?
[21:56] <Orac> Hyuuga_Rairaku rolls 1d6 AP! and gets 5
01[21:56] <~ShadowGM> lol
[21:56] <Hideki_Jun> Lol
01[21:57] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stops at one shop as they walk
by, looking at the mannequins in the windows
01[21:58] <~ShadowGM> One hour later... a two-piece in the
window of a store with grecian columns outside catches
Rai's eye. The base is a fiery red cloth with gold
ornamentation sewn into it.
01[21:58] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stares at it intently
01[21:58] <~ShadowGM> The bottom is a cloth loinscloth
attatched around the waste by a gold clasping mechanism.
01[21:59] <~ShadowGM> *waist
[21:59] <Hideki_Jun> Whistles "that looks nice. What do you
01[22:00] * Hyuuga_Rairaku continues staring at it. "Dont
know, you?"
01[22:01] <~ShadowGM> The store's name is 'Sakubara's
01[22:01] * Hyuuga_Rairaku turns her head to jun waiting
for his judgement
[22:01] <Hideki_Jun> "I think if we can get a deal on it
then you'll make all the girls back in sunagakure jealous.
But then again that'll probably happen anyway"
01[22:02] * Hyuuga_Rairaku continues looking at jun,
[22:03] <Hideki_Jun> Nervously moves on "So... How about
you get it?"
01[22:05] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at herself and reaches
into the chest speration in her robe, pulling out a small
[22:05] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Buy with paper?"
[22:06] <Hideki_Jun> "haha, geez what all do you keep in
there Rai?" half hoping for an invitation. "Uh yeah,
that'll work"
[22:07] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Dont carry anything, funny hat
said paper important." as she hands the bag to jun
[22:08] <Hideki_Jun> A little surprised by her reserves of
cash, Jun enters the store and speaks to the clerk. "My...
Date likes the swimsuit in the display, how much?"
01[22:09] * Hyuuga_Rairaku walks into the store past jun
speaking to the clerk and walks up to the display
01[22:10] <~ShadowGM> She gives you a once over and frowns
01[22:10] * ~ShadowGM : -> Sakubara Chikuma: "Oh... isn't
that... sweet. There's a children's store down the way that
I'm sure can help you."
01[22:11] * Hyuuga_Rairaku Stares at the display, then
looks back at jun at the counter.
[22:12] <Hideki_Jun> "You see, I appreciate the
condescension as much as the next guy, but my date isn't a
child, as you can see. But hey, if you don't want an exotic
beauty from the land of fire modeling your work, then feel
free to turn us away"
01[22:13] <~ShadowGM> She gives Rai a look but doesn't seem
too interested in finding a model so much as finding a wad
of cash in her hand. "It'll be 5,000 Ryo."
01[22:15] * Hyuuga_Rairaku continues staring at the
display, then at herself. She looks again, then begins
undoing her sash on her robe
[22:15] <Hideki_Jun> "Was that a joke? If so I wouldnt
recommend you leave your day job for stand up. 3500, not a
ryo more"
01[22:16] <~ShadowGM> Give me a Persuasion check, Jun.
[22:17] <Hideki_Jun> 1d20+2 booyah
[22:17] <Orac> Hideki_Jun rolls 1d20+2 booyah and gets <7 +
2> = 9
[22:17] <Hideki_Jun> Ap
[22:17] <Hideki_Jun> 1d6
[22:17] <Orac> Hideki_Jun rolls 1d6 and gets 1
[22:17] <Hideki_Jun> ((fuck))
01[22:18] <~ShadowGM> She frowns, unamused, "I'm not open
to barter. This is a fine establishment, and I don't need
to be insulted by children. The price of that beautiful
piece of swimwear is 5,000 Ryo, and not a bit less."
[22:19] <Hideki_Jun> "Tch, fine. See if we become return
01[22:20] <~ShadowGM> Are you paying?
[22:20] <Hideki_Jun> Yes. Before Rai gets nude
01[22:21] <~ShadowGM> Too late.
01[22:21] <~ShadowGM> "Very well, let me just help your
'date'--" as Sakubara takes the money and counts it she
turns to see a half-naked Rai attempted to take the bikini
off the mannequin.
01[22:22] * Hyuuga_Rairaku tries to open the display with
her robe undone and hanging freely open, her bloomers still
01[22:22] <~ShadowGM> She would scream, except she
apparently forgot how to breath at this moment in time.
[22:22] <Hideki_Jun> Uses speed rank one to intercept
[22:23] <Hideki_Jun> "Rai! You can't do that in publ-holy
shit they're huge!"
01[22:23] * Hyuuga_Rairaku turns her head after fiddling
with the display, "What are?"
[22:24] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Buy now?"
[22:24] <Hideki_Jun> TAkes a last full, full stare before
closing you robe. "Just bought, let's get you changed.
Follow the lady"
01[22:25] * ~ShadowGM : -> Sakubara Chikuma: "..."
01[22:25] <~ShadowGM> She appears to not be breathing, but
leads Rai to the back to a dressing room.
01[22:25] <~ShadowGM> She leavevs Rai there for only a
moment before she passes Rai a bikini like the one in the
display before leaving her to try it on.
[22:27] <Hideki_Jun> Slumps into a cushioned seat "I think
we just hopped a bit ahead of first date there.." be
mumbles to himself
01[22:27] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stares at the peices of clothing
given to her in the dressing room.
01[22:27] * Hyuuga_Rairaku knocks on the door from inside
the dressing room, "How put on?"
01[22:28] <~ShadowGM> Sighing, she enters and assists you
in putting it on, with a fair bit of impatient looks.
[22:28] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Angry?"
[22:28] <Hideki_Jun> Looks at the storeowner a bit
anxiously "She's never been to the ...beach?..."
01[22:29] * Hyuuga_Rairaku says as she lets the clerk help
dress her
01[22:29] <~ShadowGM> She doesn't answer, but soon enough
the outfit is on.
01[22:29] * Hyuuga_Rairaku moves around in the dressing
room with her newfound cloth-less freedom
[22:30] <Hideki_Jun> "How's it going in there?"
01[22:30] * Hyuuga_Rairaku exits the dressing room wearing
the new set of clothing. "Suitable?"
[22:31] <Hideki_Jun> Is stunned for one round. Six seconds
later "Yes. It is very suitable"
[22:31] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Beach now?"
[22:32] <Hideki_Jun> Stares at her for a few more "Beach...
01[22:33] * Hyuuga_Rairaku follows jun out of the store
01[22:34] <~ShadowGM> Sakubara shoos you out with all your
things, wanting nothing more to do with you.
[22:35] <Hideki_Jun> Heads straight for the beach.
Considers for a moment "Rai, were there any, you know, guys
there when you grew up?"
01[22:35] * Hyuuga_Rairaku turns around before leaving the
store looking at sakubara "Hate?"
01[22:35] <~ShadowGM> "Annoyance, I never hate paying
01[22:36] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stares at the woman for a few
moments before turning back around to continue following jun
01[22:36] <~ShadowGM> With that, the door to sotre closes
and she heads back to the register.
[22:37] <Hideki_Jun> "Yeah... So... Boys? Growing up? All
01[22:38] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks down at jun slightly,
holding her clothes to her chest. her gaze a mix of
confusion and inquiry
[22:39] <Hideki_Jun> "Hope I didn't piss you off, just
curious is all.."
[22:39] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "....?"
01[22:39] * Hyuuga_Rairaku tilts her head slightly as if
not understanding
[22:40] <Hideki_Jun> "Uh... Were they any males around
where you grew up? Like me, Tanaka, Yori, etc?"
[22:40] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Alone."
01[22:41] <~ShadowGM> (( sure, there were plenty of male
scorpions. The cries of their deaths after mating could be
heard echoing across the desert dunes. ))
[22:41] <Hideki_Jun> ((you. Suck. ))
01[22:42] <~ShadowGM> (( No, Rai does, she would suck the
marrow from your bones so that your future offspring will
be healthy. ))
[22:42] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> ((For reals))
[22:42] <Hideki_Jun> "Wow... Must have been real tough. But
at least you got us now, you'll be annoyed by people for
the rest of your life! Ha!"
01[22:42] <~ShadowGM> (( Let's just hope she ddidn't pick
up the giant sand scorpion mating habits. ))
[22:43] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Annoyed by who?"
[22:44] <Hideki_Jun> "it was a joke. I meant we are going
to be around for the rest of your life. "
01[22:44] * Hyuuga_Rairaku hmms lighty at jun's comment as
she begins walking twoards the beach
01[22:45] <~ShadowGM> The beach is as you would expect it.
Balmy... warm... clear waters... crowded...
[22:46] <Hideki_Jun> "You're going to be stuck with me for
a long while too. I guess it would be good to get to know
each other and all that jazz. You are my date, after all!"
[22:46] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Date?"
01[22:47] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at jun quizzicly again.
01[22:47] <~ShadowGM> (( It means he wants to mate with
you, get ready to devour his flesh ))
[22:47] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> ((Sweet))
[22:49] <Hideki_Jun> "Explaining a date... This will be
rough. Ok, when a boy and a girl, or a boy if you're
tanaka, like each other more than friends, they go out and
do things, have fun, and whatever. Thats called a date.
01[22:50] * Hyuuga_Rairaku Hmms lightly again, "So fun
things...." she says as she beings walking from the
concrete to the sand on the beach.
01[22:52] * Hyuuga_Rairaku sits down twoards the shore and
looks around.
01[22:52] <~ShadowGM> gimme an awareness check.
[22:52] <Hideki_Jun> "yeah, whatever the two enjoy. For
some people that's a theater, a walk for some, maybe books.
For me... Guess it have to be something more active. "
[22:53] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> 1d20+11
[22:53] <Orac> Hyuuga_Rairaku rolls 1d20+11 and gets <17 +
11> = 28
01[22:53] <~ShadowGM> (( like rolling in hay? ))
[22:53] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> ((or eating glow worms for fun
like rai used to.))
01[22:53] <~ShadowGM> Ria notices a few boys looking her
way as well as a strange animal she has never seen the
likes of before.
[22:54] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> I grab it
01[22:54] <~ShadowGM> There is also a woman futher down the
beach wearing jewelry that is quite dazzl-- and so you do.
01[22:55] <~ShadowGM> It is a scaled animal with a hard
shell which mostly round but with ridges on the top like a
five-pointed star.
[22:55] <Hideki_Jun> Looks at Rai suddenly grabbing for
some critter. "Wha?.."
01[22:55] * Hyuuga_Rairaku examines the small creature she
is holding for a few moments, sniffs it, then begins to
gnaw on it
01[22:56] <~ShadowGM> The creature, quite frightened,
retreats into the safety of its shell.
[22:56] <Hideki_Jun> "Whoa Rai, put the turtle down. "
01[22:57] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stops nibbling on the turtle and
stares at it.
[22:57] <Hideki_Jun> "How about I take you for a bit to eat
01[22:57] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at the turtles head inside
its shell
01[22:57] <~ShadowGM> It blinks back at her.
01[22:58] * Hyuuga_Rairaku It okay, thought was food; Come
out now.
01[22:58] <~ShadowGM> It doesn't seem to understand.
01[22:58] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks back up at jun. "Food
fine, Rock come along?"
[22:59] <Hideki_Jun> "Uh, sure? You can bring the turtle.
He probably didn't have plans anyway. "
01[22:59] <~ShadowGM> As if turtles can plan!
01[23:00] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods and stands up and holds the
turtle ontop of the pule of clothes she carries
01[23:00] <~ShadowGM> Along the beach you find a plethora
of restaurants, bars, and grills.
[23:00] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Food."
01[23:01] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks at the turtle "Want food?"
[23:01] <Hideki_Jun> Looks for something that says
"charming enough for a second date"
01[23:01] <~ShadowGM> It remains in its shell but doesn't
seem to try to escape.
[23:03] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Where food? she says as she looks
[23:04] <Hideki_Jun> "There!" Jun says pointing to a
slightly better than low cost looking tiki hut shack
01[23:05] * Hyuuga_Rairaku starts walking to the tiki hut
[23:06] <Hideki_Jun> "hey let me hold that turtle for you"
01[23:06] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods and grabs the turtle and
hands it to jun
01[23:06] <~ShadowGM> The Tiki Hut Shack you are looking at
is in fact Kuwabara's Tiki Hut Shack, where they are
serving ramen in pineapple shells as well as shish kabob.
The entire place smells of grilled meat, pineapples, and
other exotic fruits.
[23:08] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Now what?"
01[23:09] * Hyuuga_Rairaku walks to a random table and sits
[23:09] <Hideki_Jun> "Yeah! That's what I'm talking about!
This stuff looks good. Go ahead and get what looks good,
Rai" with Rai distracted Jun whispers to the turtle (look
dude, here's the deal. I need this to go well so be all
cute and shit for me because this chick is fucking awesome!
You scratch my shell, I scratch yours)
01[23:10] <~ShadowGM> The turtle gives Jun a look that says
'Food. Now.'
01[23:10] * Hyuuga_Rairaku waits patiently at the table
01[23:11] <~ShadowGM> Roll a Animal Handling check.
[23:11] <Hideki_Jun> (Ok, but remember our deal. If you
screw me over I swear I'll sell you to the first pet shop I
[23:11] <Hideki_Jun> 1d20+1 turtle tamer
[23:11] <Orac> Hideki_Jun rolls 1d20+1 turtle tamer and
gets <3 + 1> = 4
01[23:11] <~ShadowGM> ooof.
01[23:12] <~ShadowGM> roll a persuasion. Fast.
01[23:12] <~ShadowGM> unless you want to AP that.
[23:12] <Hideki_Jun> 1d20+2 ha
[23:12] <Orac> Hideki_Jun rolls 1d20+2 ha and gets <17 + 2>
= 19
01[23:12] <~ShadowGM> APing? You're talking to a freaking
[23:12] <Hideki_Jun> Hes
[23:13] <Hideki_Jun> Yes*
[23:13] <Hideki_Jun> 1d6
[23:13] <Orac> Hideki_Jun rolls 1d6 and gets 6
[23:13] <Hideki_Jun> Yes!!
01[23:13] <~ShadowGM> The tortoise looks like its about to
make a run for it before Jun's threat about the pet shop.
It seems to become passive and relax, looking as adorable
as a small turtoise can.
01[23:14] <~ShadowGM> As Rai and Jun sit down at the tiki
shack, a serving boy comes around and asks you what you'd
01[23:15] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stares at the serving boy with
her ususal blank stare.
[23:15] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Food."
[23:15] <Hideki_Jun> "What would you like to eat from the
menu Rai?"
[23:15] <Hideki_Jun> Shows her the menu
01[23:15] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stares at the menu
01[23:15] <~ShadowGM> (( it's in common, which she can
read. ))
[23:17] <Hideki_Jun> "Uh, she will take the kabob and I'll
have the pineapple ramen please. Thanks."
01[23:17] * Hyuuga_Rairaku points to five diffrent things
[23:17] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "That."
[23:17] <Hideki_Jun> "..."
01[23:17] <~ShadowGM> "Uh, sure thing, mate..." he takes
the menues after giving Rai an odd look and walks back to
what you assume is the kitchen.
[23:18] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Now what?"
01[23:18] <~ShadowGM> Outside it the sun is beginning its
inevitable dip toward the ocean, and as a cloud covers the
fiery orb, the tiki torches are lit.
[23:19] <Hideki_Jun> "Now we talk about each other while we
01[23:19] * Hyuuga_Rairaku nods
[23:19] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "What want to know?"
[23:20] <Hideki_Jun> "well, tell me about what you like and
dislike. Tell me about who you are"
01[23:21] * Hyuuga_Rairaku sits in silence
[23:21] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Dislike family, Dislike red hair
[23:22] <Hideki_Jun> "...ok... How about this: what do you
[23:22] <Hideki_Jun> Tries not to burst out laughing about
the disliking Sasori Sensei comment.
01[23:23] * Hyuuga_Rairaku points to the pair of fasionable
shoes monobike gave her, Red pair of elevated flat heel
shoes with a ribbon tie
[23:24] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Not sure what else like..."
[23:25] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Have not lived very long outside
old home."
[23:25] <Hideki_Jun> Smirks big "Well, there is a handsome
young man at this table you just might like"
[23:25] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "....Who?
01[23:25] <~ShadowGM> The turtle looks around.
[23:26] <Hideki_Jun> (Don't defy me turtle) "Why me of
01[23:26] <~ShadowGM> The turtle looks surprised but nods
regardless, as the meal arrives.
[23:26] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Like you already, Like others
01[23:27] <~ShadowGM> A pineapple shell bowl is placed in
front of Jun, filled to the brim with a sweet-smelling
fruit/noodle mixture.
01[23:28] <~ShadowGM> Five plates are placed in front of
Rai, several with shish kabobs of different meat and
fruits, one plate of ribs with a pineapple glaze, and a
bowl with noodles and meat.
[23:29] <Hideki_Jun> "....Well, maybe the way you like me
is different. For instance, I like you much differently
than i like yasu. He's one of my guys and you're an
attractive girl"
01[23:29] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stares at the plates for a few
moments before grabbing peices and eating very primaly
01[23:29] <~ShadowGM> The serving boy retracts his hands
quickly, afraid of losing it and the turtle sinks back into
its protective shell.
[23:29] <Hideki_Jun> Looks at her somewhat incredulously.
01[23:30] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks back up at jun with a
kebab in her hand. "No eat?"
[23:31] <Hideki_Jun> "you didn't answer me... Yeah I'll
eat" starts to eat his ramen.
01[23:33] <~ShadowGM> and so much eating is had.
01[23:33] <~ShadowGM> By the end of your meal (feast in
Rai's case) the sun is hovering over the horizon, readying
itself to plunge beneath the ocean.
01[23:33] * Hyuuga_Rairaku shews a large amount and tempted
to speak with her mouth full, instead swallows. "Dont know,
Not sure what you asking."
[23:34] <Hideki_Jun> "I meant do you like me
romantically?... You know, like a boy and a girl together?"
01[23:35] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stares at jun unsure what he
01[23:35] <~ShadowGM> ( Aww man, asking her when she's
full? How is she supposed to eat you when she's stuffed? )
01[23:37] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stares at jun for a few moments
longer before nodding slightly.
[23:37] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> (i think this is what im supposed
to do)
[23:38] <Hideki_Jun> "Ok... You know how a girl thinks
about a guy and feels happy,safe, maybe like her chest gets
funny when she thinks of him"
01[23:38] * Hyuuga_Rairaku turns her head side to side,
taking a napkin and wiping her mouth.
01[23:39] <~ShadowGM> The serving boy soon returns with the
bill in hand
[23:39] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "First boy aside from brothers and
[23:39] <Hideki_Jun> "Well hopefully you'll feel that way
about me someday"
[23:40] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> 'Like what?"
[23:41] <Hideki_Jun> "Like you don't about any other boy"
01[23:41] * Hyuuga_Rairaku looks down at the paper the
sever is holding
[23:41] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Should See others."
[23:41] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Waiting for us."
[23:42] <Hideki_Jun> Sighs and pays the bill.
01[23:43] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stands up and grabs her clothes
as well as the turtle. "No worry, I dont feel much bout lot
of things. All new to me, give time."
[23:44] <Hideki_Jun> "I'm not worried. I don't give up on
goals and competitions when I get into them" smirking widely
[23:45] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> with that we head back to the hotel
01[23:45] <~ShadowGM> and so you arrive at the hotel!
[23:46] <Hideki_Jun> Indeed
01[23:46] <~ShadowGM> The other team has just finished
watching the videos of the thefts, and is preparing to plan
the ambush.
[23:47] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Find invisible ninja?" she says
walking into the room holding her old clothes and a turtle
in hand
01[23:48] <~ShadowGM> To the others, Rai is wearing a
smoking hot bikini and Jun looks decidedly cock-blocked.
[23:48] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka smirks at the sight
"looks like you had fun"
01[23:49] * Tanshin_Yori looks up. "Oh. Look who decided to
join us."
[23:50] <Hyuuga_Rairaku> "Make final plan?"
[23:50] <Nawa_Yasu> Yasu eyes jun accusingly, but his
attention is stolen by Rai and he has trouble looking away
from her.
[23:51] <Chikamatsu_Tanaka> Tanaka is equally entranced by
Rai's clevage
[23:51] <Hideki_Jun> "Fuck. You. Guys. So what's the plan?"
01[23:51] <~ShadowGM> (( Lies and deciet ))
[23:51] <Nawa_Yasu> "Let Yori explain it, he came up with
it mostly."
01[23:53] * Hyuuga_Rairaku walks over to the tv sititng
infront of it and staring at it in slight amazement
[23:53] <Tanshin_Yori> "It's a sting operation. We've got
a museum willing to help us out, so Chief Kishimoto is
going to spread the word around that they're getting a new
exhibit tomorrow. We show up with Rairaku and some fancy
jewelry in tow. Once the Gambler finds out that shinobi
ahve been hired to protect the exhibit, he won't be able to
resist the challenge."
01[23:55] * Hyuuga_Rairaku stares at the Tv pushing the
buttons on it
[23:55] <Hideki_Jun> Takes a break from staring at the
sexing awkward Rai "I like it ... What the setup for the
trap to be sprung?"
[23:55] <Tanshin_Yori> "That's what we need to figure out."
[23:55] <Tanshin_Yori> "Yasu figured out that the Gabler
can use chakra, so he must've had some type of shinobi
training. That card we found seems to be a weapon of some
[23:56] <Tanshin_Yori> "He knows some sort of invisibility
jutsu, and he managed to silence that glass ceiling
shattering somehow."
[23:57] <Tanshin_Yori> (Gentlemen, I'm afraid that's all we
[23:57] <Tanshin_Yori> "That's... pretty much it."
01[23:57] * Hyuuga_Rairaku continues flipping and pushing
buttons on the tv
[23:57] <Hideki_Jun> "Hm, interesting... Greg work guys. I
think your sand will come in handy Yori"
01[23:58] <~ShadowGM> The TV doesn't seem to respond other
than turning off and on when she hits one particular button.
01[23:58] * Hyuuga_Rairaku gasps lightly and presses it a
few more times.
01[23:58] <~ShadowGM> The TV turns on and off and she does
01[23:59] <~ShadowGM> And as our team once again reunites,
01[23:59] <~ShadowGM> your journey and your life ends in
television set-induced terror as we...
01[00:00] <~ShadowGM> FADE...
01[00:00] <~ShadowGM> .TO....
01[00:00] <~ShadowGM> ..BLACK

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