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Nick Schneiderheinze

Mr. Neuburger

English Comp II

March 7, 2011

Holocaust Outline

1) Introduction

A) Nazis

B) Jews

C) Germany

2) Hitler’s Life

A) Child

B) Adult

C) Leader of Nazi party

3) Nazis Come to Power

A) When

B) What they stood for

4) Nazis View on Jews

A) Views

B) Reasoning

5) Nuremberg Laws

A) What they were

B) Who created them

6) Liberation
A) What caused Liberation

B) After Liberation

7) Kristallnocht

8) Ghettos

A) Location of main Ghettos

9) Wannsee Conference

10) The Final Solution

11) Selecting/Selektion

12) Death Camps

A) Location

B) Numbers Exterminated at each

13) Extermination Methods

A) Gas vans

B) Gas Chambers

C) Firing Squad

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