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Reaction Paper about

Sam Dawson (Sean Penn), an autistic man living in Los Angeles, is

single-handedly raising his daughter Lucy (Dakota Fanning), whom he

fathered from a homeless woman who wanted nothing to do with Lucy and

left him the day of her birth. Although Sam provides a loving and caring

environment for the 7-year-old Lucy, she soon surpasses her father's mental

capacity. Questions arise about Sam’s ability to care for Lucy and a custody

case is brought to court. Sam is a man with a mental age of 7 who is well

adjusted and has a great support system consisting of four similarly

developmentally disabled men. His neighbor Annie (Dianne Wiest), a piano-

player and agoraphobic, befriends Sam and takes care of Lucy when Sam

cannot. Sam works at Starbucks busing tables. Sam is popular with the

customers, whom he addresses by name and favorite coffee. His job gets

difficult when Lucy starts grabbing objects, making a woman spill iced coffee

down her shirt. In a humorous, but innocent exchange, Sam tries to remove

an ice cube from the startled woman's cleavage. Sam then brings Lucy to his

neighbor and baby Lucy croons, "Annie!" Sam says, "Her first word was

Annie." Flustered but flattered, she retorts, "And people worry you aren't

smart," and agrees to function as Lucy's babysitter. Lucy is as precocious as

Sam is backwards. Sam loves reading Green Eggs and Ham to her, but when

she starts reading "real hard" books like Stellaluna, she balks at reading the

word "different" because she doesn't want to be smarter than her dad. She

knows he's different, "not like other dads", but that's all right with her

because he is loving, taking her to the park and to International House of

Pancakes (every Wednesday, because "Wednesday is IHOP night"). When

they decide to go to Big Boy for a change, Sam causes a disturbance

because he cannot get the kind of French pancakes he is accustomed to. At

the school Halloween party, he dresses as one of the Beatles but

embarrasses his daughter by drawing undue attention. Other kids tease her,

calling her dad a "retard". She tells one boy that she is adopted. This causes

a crisis at her birthday party, which results in an unexpected visit from a

social worker who takes Lucy away. A judge allows him only two supervised,

2-hour visits per week. Sam's friends recommend that he hire Rita (Michelle

Pfeiffer), a lawyer. He shows up at her office and starts spelling out his

situation while she juggles coffee orders to her assistant, Patricia. Socially,

Sam is rather high-functioning—more together in many ways than his high-

class, respected lawyer whose marriage is falling apart and whose son hates

her. Sam surprises Rita at a party. Stunned, she announces that she's taking

his case pro bono, because others see her as cold and heartless. Rita

begrudgingly works with Sam to help him keep his parental rights, but chaos

arises when Lucy convinces Sam to help her run away from the foster home
she is being kept in during the trial. Over the course of the trial, Sam gets a

new job at Pizza Hut and Annie leaves her apartment for the first time in

years. Sam also helps Rita with her family problems, and helps her to realize

how much her son really means to her. During the trial, however, Sam

breaks down, after being convinced that he is not capable of taking care of

Lucy. Meanwhile, Lucy is placed with a foster family who plan to adopt her.

Lucy often runs away from her foster parents in the middle of the night to go

see Sam, who moved into a larger apartment closer to her. In the end, the

foster family who planned on adopting Lucy lets Sam have custody of her.

Sam says that Lucy still needs a mother and asks if the foster mother would

like to help raise Lucy. The movie ends with Lucy's soccer game where Sam

is the referee. In attendance are Lucy's former foster family, the newly

divorced Rita and her son with whom Rita has renewed her relationship,

along with Annie and Sam's other friends.

Reaction Paper about

Sixteen year-old Juno MacGuff is the type of girl that beats to her own

drummer, and doesn't really care what others may think of her. She learns

that she's pregnant from a one-time sexual encounter with her best friend,

Paulie Bleeker. Juno and Paulie like each other, but don't consider

themselves to be exclusive boyfriend/girlfriend let alone be ready to be a

family complete with child. Although she would rather not be pregnant, Juno

is fairly pragmatic about her situation. Although there, Paulie really leaves all

the decisions about the baby to Juno. Initially she decides that she will have

an abortion, but that's something that she ultimately cannot go through

with. So she decides to have the baby and give it up for adoption. But first

she has to tell her father, Mac, and stepmother, Bren, that she is pregnant.

Although they would have preferred if Juno was on hard drugs or expelled

from school, Mac and Bren too are pragmatic about Juno's situation. The

next step is to find prospective parents for the yet unborn child. In the

Pennysaver ad section, Juno finds Mark and Vanessa Loring, a yuppie couple

living in the suburbs. Juno likes the Lorings, and in some respects has found

who looks to be a kindred spirit in Mark, with whom she shares a love of

grunge music and horror films. Vanessa is a little more uptight and is the
one in the relationship seemingly most eager to have a baby. On her own

choosing, Juno enters into a closed rather than open adoption contract with

the Lorings - meaning she will have no contact with the baby after she gives

it up. During the second and third trimesters of Juno's pregnancy which she

treats with care but detachment, Juno's relationships with her family, with

Paulie, and with the Lorings develop, the latter whose on the surface perfect

life masks some hidden problems. 

“Peer Interview”

Dixon: Hi Friend! Good evening.

: Can you help me in my activity in Ed 2?

Rujumel: Yes my friend. How can I help you?

Dixon: Just answer the following question yhat I’m going to ask.

Rujomel:What is that?

Dixon: Do you have any problem in the course that you are taking?

Rujomel: As of now, yes.

Dixon: Why?

Rujomel: Because I havn’t pass my activity in Ed 2.

Dixon: Why you did not pass it? Are you absent during the deadline?

Rujomel: Yes, because I am not feeling well during that day.

Dixon: Oh! That is really a big problem.

: Do you think our professor will accept late papers?

Rujomel: I don’t know.

Dixon: Well, the answer is no. Dr. Trayvilla is not accepting late papers.

: Thank you so much friend for answering my questions.

Peer Counseling

Dixon: Good evening guys!

: Can I conduct an interview with the three of you?

Jessie: Yeah, sure! What was it all about?

Dixon: It’s about the increase of the tuition fee in NORSU.

: What is the effect of the fast increasing amount of tuition fee to

you as a student?

Fatima: As a student, increasing of tuition fee is a big impact in my

studies because my parents can’t afford to pay high amount of

fee, and because we belong to a low class family.

Jastine: I definitely agree with you my friend.

Dixon: And because of that, many of the student can’t continue and

Finish their studies.

: What if the time comes that your parents can’t provide you

Your needs in school, and have not enough money to pay the tuition fee,

what are you going to do?

Jessie: I will pursue my dreams and ambitions. I will continue studying. I believe

that poverty is not a hindrance to success.

Dixon: How will you continue if nobody is supporting you?

Jastine: Maybe he will have a sideline job at the boulevard. Ahahahahahah.

Of course, we will find jobs or apply for a scholarship, or apply as a

student assistant in the school where we are studying, in order for us

to reach our goals.

Dixon: Yes! That is a very good answer.

Thank you so much for sharing your time, and may God bless you

Peer Interview Profile

Name: Rujonel Cariaga Course: BSED- Major in Mathematics

Date of Birth: January 2, 1991 Year Level: 2nd year

Age: 20 years old

Address: Vellehermoso, Negros Oriental

Peer Group Profile

Name: Jessie Pain

Course: BSED 1- Major in Mathematics

Date of Birth:

Jastine kadusale

Course: BSED 1- Major in English

Date of Birth:
Age: 17 y.o.

Fatima Baguioso

Course: BEED 1- Major in General

Date of Birth:
Age: 17 y.o.

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