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Independent Clauses

Present Participle – Past Participle

Written by Ma. Guadalupe Torres Garza

Grammar Explanation:
A present participle can be used as a verb or as an adjective. If there is
no form of the verb TO BE, it is an adjective.
• The mother gorilla is (feeding) her baby next to the zoo keeper.
• The enthusiastic audience clapped the (amusing) clown.

A past participle can be used as a verb or as an adjective. If there is no
form of the verb TO BE or the auxiliary verb TO HAVE, it is an adjective.
• The (broken) window of the old apartment fell down with the
strong wind.
• The foreign political figures had (visited) our city before.
Directions: Underline the subject and the conjugated verb. Put
parentheses around the present or past participle in each sentence.

1. Working mothers around the world have to be very organized in their

house chores.

2. The houses destroyed by the flood will need to be fixed before the

winter season starts.

3. The young mother rapidly picked up the crying baby who was in the

baby carriage.
4. It is very depressing to see homeless people around the city dragging

their blankets.

5. My great grandmother always mended her sons worn out socks.

6. My neighbor’s singing bird wakes me up very early every morning.

7. In some restaurants baked potatoes are sometimes served as the main

course for lunch.

8. My youngest son can still recall the frightening scene in the last horror


9.The huge and old chimney filled up my mother’s house with soot last


10.Publishing houses are very eager to receive books of young writers.

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