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Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer affecting men and the second cause of cancer
death. Death rates in black men are more than twice as high as rate in white men. About
85% of these cancers originate in the posterior prostate gland; the rest grow near the
urethra. Adenocarcinoma is the most common form.


Prostate cancer grows slowly. When primary lesions spread beyond the prostate gland,
they invade the prostatic capsule and then spread along the ejaculatory ducts in the space
between seminal vesicles or perivesicular fascia. When prostate cancer is treated in its
localized form, the 5-year survival rate is 70%; after metastasis, it’s lower than 35%.
Fatal prostate cancer usually results from widespread bone metastasis. [ CITATION Wil07 \l
13321 ]

II. Causes
 Age (more than 70% of all prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in men older than
age 65)
 Diet high in saturated fats
 Ethnicity (Black men have the highest prostate cancer incidence in the world. The
disease is common in North America and northern Europe and is rare in Asia and
South America.)

Williams, L. (2007). Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice series Pathophysiology.
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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