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The Skinny…A daily double-shot of digital goodness.

The Skinny is a synopsis of current digital marketing and social media trends. The Skinny’s mission is to deliver the buzz
to you in a few minutes or less so you can be in the know and focus on what matters most- your work.

Google Deploys People Finder to Help Victims in Japan

 When natural disasters disrupt traditional means of communication

Google comes to the rescue.

 The People Finder Tool allows affected people to register their status.

 People Finder is built with open standards to other registries can

plug into it and is multi-lingual.

 The People Tool has helped people affected by disasters in New

Zealand and Haiti.

The Future of Search-Where Search Meets Social

 Leo Dimilo gives some great points about Google and its attitude toward search engine


 He says search will evolve as Google knows a lot more about the searcher, and it is

in Google’s best interest to cater to the searcher and not the webmaster.

 Google knows what users like, who they hang out with, how important the user is

based on the size of their social graph and the size of their friend’s social graphs and

how engaged to others the user is…all based on the users use of social networks.

 Social graphs kind of shape search already since we stay connected with one

another via links and we stay largely within the framework of our “groups.”

 Dimilo is not saying that SEO is dead, and he says it will NEVER die. Instead Dimilio

points out how it will evolve much like how it has evolved over the last decade.

 This is a great article, you should definitely check it out. Click here.
Google is Closing the Gap on Apple’s App Store

 Most people thought that Android’s Market for apps would have

blown past the App Store by now.

 New looks at the most recent numbers show that Android still has some

work to do, however.

 Apple has 350,000 apps in the App Store, Android has 250,000.

 Android has an increasing rate of apps coming into the Market, so in

the next few months things will surely be even.

 Apple is expected to hold an 80% market share for the tablet market

in 2011, mainly because no single vendor has music, video, and

apps in as great a number as the iTunes store.

 Click here to see a Forrester report about the iPad’s expeected

market share in 2011.

“Never stop testing, and your advertising will never stop improving.” –David Ogilvy

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