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Sign and Symptoms of DHF

• DHF patients are generally accompanied by the signs:

ofever for 2-7 days without apparent reason
oOn examination torniquet test, looked the larva (puspura) bleeding.
o Trombocyte ↓, Ht ↑
o the presence of conjunctiva, epistaxis, melena, and others
o Happened liver enlargement (hepatomegaly)
o decreased blood pressure, causing shock
o in laboratory tests (blood) days to 3-7 a decline in platelets below
100,000 / mm3 (thrombocytopenia), an increase in hematocrit values above
20% of normal value (hemakonsentrasi)
 the emergence of several clinical symptoms that
accompany such as nausea, vomiting, decreased appetite
(anorexia), stomachache, diarrhea, chills, seizures and
Was bleeding at the nse (nosebleeds) and gums

Fever sufferers perceived cause compalints soreness / pain

in the joints
Muzzle red spots on the skin due to rupture of blood

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