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yaV6aidikāmantradVśaVpurāVāVindraVyamaVmātariś6ānamāhuV |
edāntinonir6acanīyamekamyaV brahma śabdena6inirdiśanti ||

śai6āyamīśaVśi6aitya6ocanyaV6aiVVa6ā6iVVuritistu6anti |
buddhastathārhanitibauddhajaināV sat śrīakāleticasikhkhasantaV ||

śāstetikecitkaticitkumāraVs6āmītimātetipitetibhaktyā |
yaVprārthanyantejagadīśitāramsaekae6aprabhurad6itīyaV ||

Whom (Yam) the VaidikaMantradrashah (those who ha6e understood the Vedas and to whom the
mantras were re6ealed), the Puranas (stories and history of ancient times) and other sacred scrip-
tures call: Indram (Indra, the God of Gods), Yamam (Yama, the eternal timeless God) and
Mātariś6ā (present e6erywhere like air). Whom the Vedāntins (those who follow the philosophy of
Vedānta), indicate by the word Brahma as the One (ekam) which cannot be described or explained

Whom the Śai6as call (A6ochan) the Omnipotent (Yamisham) Śi6a and Vaishna6as praise (stu6anti)
as Vishnu, the Buddhists and Jains (Baudhajainaha) respecti6ely call as Buddha and Arhant
(without any end), whom the Sikh sages (Sikh-santaha) call Sat ŚrīAkāl (the timeless Truth).

Some (kecit) call Whom as Śāstā, others (katicit) Kumāra, some call It Swāmī (Lord of the Uni6erse
and protector of all), some Mātā (di6ine mother) or Pitā (father). To whom they offer prayers, It
(Sa) is the same and the only One (Eka E6a), without a second (ad6itiyah).

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