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chance your arm – take a risk

eating me out of house and home – eating/spending to assess, to

expancive to keep

its brass monkeys out there – extrimly cold

its a complete white elephant – to have a give which looks good but
appearantly more problems than it worths.

more than you can throw a stick at=more than you could possibly

spliting hairs - trying to find differences which dont really exists.Usually

used in a discussion



pie diagram


as thick as 4 planks – not very intelligent

he is four pence to the shilling – someone is sick(stupid) he is dim- he is

not all there, he is not all there,

dunce – stupid

get up tight - means extremely tense and annoyed

let the cat out of the bag – to tell a secret

it is a red herring – a clue leads you to a wrong conclusion

a wolf in sheeps clothing – a nasty person who appears to be a nice

one, or a violant person who appears to be meek

you drive me up the wall – drive mad

cast your bread upon the water – and see what happenes

a red herring – to deliberatly mislead, waist time on something not


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