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 THAT exists always in the full awareness of the present.

 THAT experiences in the here-now objects, events, entities, emotions,

thoughts that a particular unit of consciousness (individual mind, self,

ego) encounters from moment to moment.

 THAT experiences through the mind or consciousness of an individual.

 A particular self or individual cannot experience THAT as long as it is

engrossed in its own particular, distinct, personal activities.

 A particular self is mostly engrossed in thoughts, inner self talks, which

are either related to the past or concerned with the future. It can hardly

stay in the present moment of the universe. It is imprisoned in its own

petty little world.

 It is only when the particular self disconnects from thinking, from the

past or future, from the cage of its personal world that it is free to connect

or be connected to THAT which shines only in the present moment of

attentive awareness.

 In attentive awareness of the moment, which is timeless, one senses THAT

as Presence, one feels THAT as Love that binds existence into a whole.

One senses THAT as if experiencing oneself and everything connected to

oneself through one’s fully blown conscious awareness of the present.

 Any movement of thought, of translating into words and images of the

mind, moves one back again to the particular and isolated private self.

The connection with THAT is then lost.

Koosraj KORA VENCIAH 27.6.2010

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