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Krishna’s complaints in Bhagavad Gita:

7.13 Deluded by the mental states of experience conditioned by the three

modes of the flow of natural forces, this entire world knows not My Being as
the Immutable One transcending such conditionings.

7.24 Without realising My Supreme Nature as Unsurpassed and Immutable

Being, people of little understanding conceive Me, the Unmanifest, as a
particular manifest unit (form, image, entity).

7.25 I am not revealed to all owing to the veil of My Formidable Field of

Becoming (Yogamaya). This deluded world does not know Me, the
Immutable Unborn.

9.10-11 With Me as the Witnessing Basis, Natural Force or Prakriti

manifests this universe of sentient and insentient beings. For this reason, the
world revolves and evolves. The ignorant persons, ignoring My Supreme
Nature as the Great Basis of all that is manifest, ignore My Presence in their
human body.

Note: These are also Adhiyagnya's complaints, so to say. Adhiyagnya is

the Ground of Existence underlying any living person's different states of
consciousness, manifest in and through the activities and processes of
natural forces in existence.

Koosraj KORA VENCIAH 24.11.2010

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