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Raksha Bandhan symbolises the pure and natural love bond shared among

The râkhi is an occasion for celebrating the bond of pure love that keeps
brothers and sisters, through blood ties, together. It also reflects the great
vedic truth that: vasudahiava kutumbakam: the whole world is one family.

It is held that the relationship between a sister and her brother is a very
special bond in life. The sister is believed to inspire, encourage, and support
her brother in life; she represents the honour and pride of the family, clan
and society. She is the voice of the inner soul, dwelling in the deepest core
of all living beings. The brother is the one who acts and moulds the destiny
and honour of the family, clan and society. He is the arm of the inner soul.
Traditions hold that either the sister goes to her brother or vice versa. The
sister’s role is to remind her brother of his duty (dharma) and to bind him to
his responsibility of bringing light, delight, name, prosperity, and dignity
through his actions in the family and in the society.

Arati: waving the sacred light in a circular movement in front of the

brother’s eyes. My dear brother! May you always behold the unique
principle, the divine light of the soul, everywhere! May you, through the
light of true knowledge, consider the world as our larger family!

Tilak: the sacred mark on the brow centre. My dear brother! May you
always behold the unique soul principle, animating, activating and
illuminating the whole manifest creation from within! May the light of the
inner soul always enlighten your mind!

Râkhi: the sacred bond. My dear brother! May you always act in this world
by considering the sacred thread of the soul that ties the whole manifest
creation (sutratma)! May you always act for the peace, development,
elevation and happiness of one and all! May you never lose your inherent
Mithâyi: sweet cakes. My dear brother! May you always delight in the
sweetness of this realisation and bond! May you always speak with
sweetness and spread sweetness all around. Sowing sweetness and sharing
sweetness will ultimately result in the supreme beatitude! This is the most
precious gift that a brother can offer to his sister. A sweetness that never
fades away! A sweetness to be renewed every time a brother meets his sister
or a brother acts in accordance with dharma.

The raksha bandhan philosophy is not restricted to just the sibling

relationship. It can apply to any other pure relationship in social life. For
instance, a wife can tie the raksha sutra to her husband to remind him of his
dharma. A daughter can tie it to her father. A friend can tie it to another.


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