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Sitting relaxed in stillness

Breathing with full awareness
Slowly, gently, joyfully.

The alert and attentive mind

Dives slowly in a state of silence
Deeper, wider, number.

The awareness flows with the moment

Without holding on to anything specific
Just joyfully expanding.

All of a sudden, the mind stops completely.

The awareness detaches from the mind
Totally mindful of itself.

There is nothing but pure awareness

Conscious of its own beingness:
Ecstatic and orgasmic.

This is the blissful moment

moment of fullness
A blessed moment of wholeness
Untouched by the mind.

Eventually, the thinking mind took over again

Holding on to that blissful experience:
Pining, hankering for that.

Unfortunately, that bliss is beyond mind.

Mind can only think about it
Trying to recreate it.

Koosraj KORA VENCIAH 4.7.2010

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