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Exercise should be an important

part of the lives of young people

Many people exercise to lose weight. But
exercising can also relieves stress, which
causes social problems. Exercise should
be important to young people, if they
want to be on guard against heart disease
and obesity. We can all exercise and only
sixty minutes is needed, whither it’s
swimming, running, or even Skipping.
Would you rather be healthy and possess
more energy, or be weak and inactive?
The points I will be discussing are as
followed; how young people, who are
regularly active perform better
academically, how an increase in exercise
can reduce and prevent illnesses, and
how it can improve social life through
team sports. My association with exercise
has been avoided, as I assume it is too
much of a struggle.
Exercise is present in schools as physical
activity. Research shows that students
who exercise regularly, perform better
academically, and have a better attitude
towards school and themselves. Exercise
also urges the production of endorphins -
chemical substances generated by the
body that make you feel happy and
exhilarated. The mere mention of the
initials P.E, cause my whole body into a
stand still. As I have discussed, I don’t
like to exercise. But what are the
consequences of not exercising. Research
shows the risk of cancer is higher in
inactive people, more than what active
people would face. Also the other risks
Depression is also prone to lack of
exercise. People who exercise feel fit,
both physically and emotionally. I am
aware that people will argue that
exercise is boring and dull, However the
benefits on your health our more
important than your entertainment.
Exercise should be intertwined into
young people’s lives for both their
physical and mental health.
Secondly, an increase in exercise would
save the tax payers millions on health
costs. Figures show that 3,400 people
currently dying each year from obesity.
Millions of pounds are spent on diet
programs, gastric bands and even
liposuction. As I discussed the
consequences of obesity are major health
problems. Such as Lowe back pain,
diabetes, asthma and many more. Not
only can it damage your insides, it also
causes stretch marks, scarring on
the skin. This is noticeable due to the
blue scaring. The only solution is
exercise, exercise, exercise, exercise. I
know I might sound like a hypocrite. But,
exercise is good for you and is
completely free. So why don’t you burn
some fat?
Lastly, one’s social life can be improved
with team sports, just another positive
outcome due to exercise. There are
numerous dance classes available in
most towns. And a lot of young people
like to express themselves through
dance. Other social sports include
spinning, water aerobics, golf, tennis, and
net ball. Exercise is a healthy alternative
to an evening spent in a pub or in front of
a TV. Some people would rather “chill
out” than work out. And it is
understandable, watching TV is
entertaining in some many ways. But it
can ruin your social life with others. And
exercising can be fun. Playing Hide n seek
outside, sets the adrenaline off inside of
you, like a strike of a match. Just adjust
exercise activities to your standards, and
you will have fun.
To conclude, exercise should be a major
part in young people’s life’s, as it can
reduce health problems, improve your
social life, and make you smarter. My
option is that exercise is important. It
may look like a lot of work. But, it’s not.
Well, from what I hear. But wait there’s
already a saying for this. Don’t Judge a
book by its cover. My solution to people
reading this is to think of things exercise
would improve in their life. But if we just
ignore it, like a fly on the wall, it will bite
us back hard. Would you rather exercise
or sleep for eternity due to your lifestyle?

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