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• 2 large onions

• 5 tomatoes
• 1 / 2 carrot
• 2 cloves garlic
• 1 boiled egg
• 2-3 stove (leaves) of corn (maize), or banana leaves
• 2 beef bouillon cubes
• 1 / 4 kg of meat, your choice (chicken, pork)
• 1 / 2 kg of polenta (made with corn flour and water)

How do you prepare the tamales?

Wash the leaves of the corn, being careful not to spoil.

Heated oil in a medium saucepan, brown the meat into medium cubes game, then throw in chopped
onions and garlic cuadraditos laminates, but not too brown them, add the tomatoes (broken into small
squares), shredded carrots, and stock cubes. Hope you cook, retiring when the meat is cooked. We
must have played in this preparation, if not much, but little water is poured .* When ready, add the
polenta (this is done cooking cornmeal in water), moves well and cook for 5 minutes .
Chop the egg-shaped thin moonlets and olives.

Form the tamales:

Pull the leaves of corn, have a bit of dough into a small hole in the middle and put a little meat juice,
olive and egg lunita is closed and tied with a string of cooking. Let stand and serve. If you like hot ...
in a pot with a little water is heated.

Serve with a little salad of onion, lemon, chili, pepper, on a lettuce leaf.

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