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Front Cover- Design one.

For my first design I have chosen for the masthead to be slanted over
the main image as the name of the magazine is more important as it
is a new magazine so people are going to want to know what it is
called. I have chosen for it to be slanted as well as I want the lettering
in my masthead to get bigger. I have designed it so the date price and
issue number are directly underneath the masthead so it is clear to
read and easy to find. I have also placed a skyline at the top of my
magazine which will have information about this new magazine which
will attract the target audience. For my first design I have decided that
I would like a medium close up for my main image of a new singer or
band. I have chosen a medium close up as it shows who the person
is clearly and what they are. To the left of the main image curving to
the shape of the main image I have designed to put my cover stories
there. I will order the stories in order of relevance and importance. I
will give the title of the stories and a sentence description to show
what will be in my magazine. On the right under the masthead and
next to the main image I will put more images that relate to the cover
stories on the left. I have designed the cover stories to curve around
the main image to show that the main image is more important than
the cover stories, I have also decided to split the images from the
stories as it looks like the main image has squeezed in between them.
I designed the cover stories to be on the left third as they will be seen
before the target audience picks up the magazine from the shelf so if
they are interesting stories hey will attract the reader for sure. I have
designed it so the main story is directly beneath the main image to it
is easy to locate. I will make the masthead of the story in a large font
in white or red to follow the colour scheme. The colour scheme for
this it black and white. I chose black and white because they are
contrasting colours and I personally feel they look the best on
magazines. I said that I might put the masthead of the cover story in
red because I want it to stand out and it will draw the readers
attention straight away because every thing else is black and white
based. I placed the barcode on the bottom right hand side so it is out
of the way and doesn’t cover up any parts of the magazine.
Front Cover- Design two.

For my second design I have chosen for the masthead and the skyline
to take up a third of the magazine. The skyline will have a block black
background with white writing telling the readers what this new
magazine is about. I have also chose the masthead to have a block
black background with a white font as they are contrasting colours and
stand out, I also want the font to be quite big so it is clear where the
masthead head is. On this design I have chosen design one of my
mastheads because it stands out on the block black background. I also
like the look of the scribbles it makes it look like it matches the genre
more. I have designed it so the date price and issue number are next to
the masthead with the barcode so it is clear where it is and barcodes
and date and price are usually together. For my second design I have
decided that I would like a the main image off centre slightly to the left so
there is enough room left for the cover stories and images. If I have a
band as my main image I would prefer to use long shots to show what
they are wearing and more of them will fill up this large space for the
main image. If I have a solo artist I will use a mid shot and I would like
the use a studio to show that the shots of the artists where taken
especially for the new magazine. Overlapping the main image will be the
main cover line so it links to the main image, I will choose a colour so it
is clear to read and also links to my colour scheme. To the right of the
main image in a column I have designed to put my cover stories there. I
will order the stories in order of relevance and importance. I will give the
title of the stories and a sentence description to show what will be in my
magazine. Along the bottom of the page there will be four or five pictures
depending on the amount of cover stories that relate to the cover stories.
I have decided to put them at the bottom of the page as it wont distract
the reader from the main story and main image. The colour scheme for
this it black and white. I chose black and white because they are
contrasting colours and I personally feel they look the best on
magazines. I said that I will choose the colour for the masthead after
taking my photos but it will be a different colour to black or white so it
stands out and the reader knows what the main story is. Also I want the
colour of the masthead to be white so when the magazine becomes
popular it is known for its large white font.
Front Cover- Design three.

For my third design I have chosen for the masthead to be in the top left
hand corner as it will be in the left third and the target audience will see it
straight away. The placing of the masthead was inspired by Q magazine
another popular music magazine. I have also chose the masthead to
have a block black background with a white font as they are contrasting
colours and stand out, I also want the font to be quite big so it is clear
where the masthead head is. Also in the left third I have designed that
the cover stories will be here I have positioned it here so the reader can
get a taster of the magazine straight away. I will order the stories in order
of relevance and importance. I will give the title of the stories and a
sentence description to show what will be in my magazine. I have
designed it so the date price and issue number are at the bottom of the
left third so they can read the cover stories and then see the price of it,
with the barcode date and price together it is clear where to look and
barcodes, date and price are usually together. I have placed it on the left
third so the reader can see if it is a good price and will pick it up to see
whether my magazine is any good. For my third design I have decided
that I would like a the main image off centre slightly to the right so there
is enough room left for the cover stories. For this design I would use a
long shot as I have designed the main image to take up most of the right
hand side. For my main image I think I would like to use studio photo
shoots as they look more professional and make it look like the photo
shoot is unique to this magazine and you cant get them anywhere else.
The main cover story has been placed at the very top of the page so the
reader will read it and then look at the image. Overlapping the main
image on the right there will be polaroid images that relate to the cover
stories. I will place them in the same order I have written the cover
stories. Along the bottom of the page there will be a banner giving a brief
description on this new magazine. Also depending on the shot I get of
my artist for my magazine there will be a special feature box with another
image of a special guest interview The colour scheme for this it black
and white. I chose black and white because they are contrasting colours
and I personally feel they look the best on magazines. Also I want the
colour of the masthead to be white so when the magazine becomes
popular it is known for its large white font.
Contents page- Design one.

For my first contents page design I have linked it to my first

design for my front cover. Again I have chosen the masthead
to be slanted however this time I have chosen to slant it going
towards the top of the right corner. I want the letters the get
smaller as we get towards the end of the word contents.
Designing it like this makes it clear and easy to know what
page it is when the reader turns the page. I have placed the
page information on the left hand side because it is natural to
start on the left this way you know where to look straight away.
On the left of the page I will put another photo of the main
guest however I want it to be different to the one on the front
and preferably a long shot. I will place the name of the
band/singer in the empty space between the contents
masthead and the main image. Again the background will be
black and the writing in white but I want the names of the
cover stories in red so the reader can find the story that they
are really interested in from the font cover. At the bottom of the
page there will be a special features section so the reader
thinks they are getting more for their money. Next to it will be
an image of the special feature artist so the reader knows who
it is and will want to find what page that special artist is on.
Contents page- Design two.

For my second contents page design I have linked it to my

second design for my front cover as it is in squares and
rectangles unlike the previous design. Where the skyline is will
actually be where the title will be. Designing it like this makes it
clear and easy to know what page it is when the reader turns
the page. I have placed the page information on the left hand
side because it is natural to start on the left this way you know
where to look straight away. On the right of the page I will put
another photo of the main guest however I want it to be
different to the one on the front and preferably a long shot. I
will place the name of the band/singer in the empty space
between the contents masthead and the main image. Within
the photo I will put a small description of who is in the image
and what page to find them on. Again the background will be
black and the writing in white but I want the names of the
cover stories in red so the reader can find the story that they
are really interested in from the font cover. At the bottom of the
page there will be a special features section so the reader
thinks they are getting more for their money. At the bottom of
the page there is a banner on the banner I will write a “must
read” story so the reader thinks I need to read that.
Contents page- Design three.

For my third contents page design I have chosen to have the

title along the to so it is clear stands out and you know where
you are. I have designed to put a large image which takes up
most of the page. Within the photo there will be a description
on who is in the photo and what page to find them on. In the
bottom half of the page there will be the page information and
will be in columns and the last column will be a special
features co.umn. The columns will have a border around them
in white so it contrasts with the black. Again the background
will be black and the writing in white but I want the names of
the cover stories in red so the reader can find the story that
they are really interested in from the font cover
Double page spread- Design one.

For my first design for my double page spread I linked to my first designs for my front cover and contents page.
Again I chose to have the masthead/ name of the singer or band to be slanted across the top third of the page.
Below I have decided to put a small introduction to the interview giving brief detail on the artist I'm interviewing .
The interview will take up the bottom of the page and also a column on the second page. The interview will talk
about her early life , dreams and ambitions and the photos on the right hand side will relate to the story showing
the artist at a young age to her life now. The colour scheme will be the same with black and white and possibly a
red masthead.
Double page spread- Design two.

For my second design for my double page spread I linked to my second designs for my front cover and contents page. For
the background of the double page spread I have designed for it to be a photo I have taken of the artist. This will make the
page look more exciting and busy. The masthead for this story will be a quote from the interview, I have chosen to do this
because the reader will want to read the interview to see why they said that. At the top of the page there is a skyline which
will give information on the new artist. On the second page it the top right hand corner I have put the name of the
magazine and the page number so the reader knows which page they are on, and where to look when they have chosen
what they want from the contents page Below the quote have decided to put a small introduction to the interview giving
brief detail on the artist I'm interviewing . The interview on the first page will be small where I will talk about her early life
and how she became famous including photos in the bottom right hand corner. On the second page will be about her life
now and where she wishes to be in the future with her music career including a photo in the bottom right hand side The
colour scheme will be the same with black and white and possibly a red masthead.
Double page spread- Design three.

For my third design for my double page spread .For the background of the double page spread I have designed
for it to be a plain colour black or white. The masthead will take up the top third of the first page so it is in large
font, clear and easy to read. Below the masthead have decided to put a small introduction to the interview giving
brief detail on the artist I'm interviewing . The interview on the first page will be small where I will talk about her
early life and how she became famous including a photo in the bottom left hand corner. On the second page will
be about her life now and where she wishes to be in the future with her music career including a photo in the
bottom left hand side. Also in the interview I have decided to enlarge a quote from the artist to show the special
bits of the interview. On the right of the second page I would like to have a long shot of the artist either leaning on
the text of dancing as it will show the talent of the artist and make it look like the interview was fun. The colour
scheme will be the same with black and white and possibly a red masthead.

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