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The Nuclear Bible: The Inside Scoop

Intro: The Nuclear Bible: A False-Flag Nuclear Terror Conspiracy is a book comprised of news and information regarding an
upcoming False-Flag Nuclear Terror Attack. This book is NOT finished, but was sent out become Time is of the essence and Super Bowl
XLV is less than 2 weeks away. Due to the massive amount of data and information available on this specific topic, articles have been
liberally edited for content and structure. Please Google the “Title/Headline” for quickest route to the original article. It is imperative that
you research the claims submitted in this text for yourself and that you act accordingly. Albert Einstein is alleged to have said “Those
privileged enough to know have a duty to inform.” While the information enclosed in not 100% comprehensive, most relevant evidence
and information has been documented accordingly.

The Nuclear Bible will be published in every language possible, so any help regarding this process is appreciated. Please send any new,
relevant, missing, or helpful information regarding a Nuclear Terror Attack to David Chase Taylor at:

Nuclear Terror Foreshadowing:

Chapter 3: Nuclear Terror News
Chapter 4: Nuclear Terror Research
Chapter 5: Nuclear Terror Books
Chapter 6: Nuclear Terror Movies
Chapter 7: Nuclear Terror TV
Chapter 8: Nuclear Terror Video Games
Chapter 9: Nuclear Terror Music
Chapter 10: Nuclear Terror Quotes
Chapter 11: Nuclear Terror Drills
Chapter 12: Nuclear Terror Legislation & Summits
Chapter 35: Nuclear Terror Foreshadowing
Chapter 44: The Numerology of 26 & 11 (Date of Super Bowl XLV) February 6, 2011

The Setup
Chapter 18: Nuclear Hijack: Top Secret
Chapter 22: Terrorism & Mexico
Chapter 23: Terrorism & America
Chapter 24: Terrorism & Texas
Chapter 25: Terrorism & Sports
Chapter 27: The NFL & Company
Chapter 29: The 2011 NFL, NBA, MLB & NHL Lockout of 2011

The Nuclear Terror Scapegoat: Pakistan

Chapter 14: Pakistan & Nuclear Proliferation
Chapter 15: Pakistan & Terrorism
Chapter 17: Pakistan & World War III

Will the Real Terrorists Please Stand Up?

Chapter 13: US, EU & Israeli Nuclear Proliferation
Chapter 16: Pakistan, ISI, CIA & Blackwater Xe Connections

The Nuclear Terror Game Plan & Rituals

Chapter 1: The Inside Scoop
Chapter 21: Nuclear Blackjack
Chapter 26: The NFL & Human Sacrifices?
Chapter 28: The NFL & International Expansion
Nuclear Terror Targets
Chapter 30: Nuclear Terror Dates, Targets & Scenarios
Chapter 31: Nuclear Terror Target # 3: The World Cup
Chapter 32: Nuclear Terror Target # 2: The Olympics
Chapter 33: Nuclear Terror Target # 1: The Super Bowl (February 6, 2011)

Super Bowl Sunday (February 6, 2011)

Chapter 36: A Nuclear Armed Drone?
Chapter 37: Alex Jones & Super Bowl Sunday
Chapter 38: Nuclear Terror & LIVE TV

President # 44: Barack Hussein Obama (Barry Soetoro)

Chapter 19: Nuclear Dictator Barack Hussein Obama
Chapter 20: Sports Hero Barry Soetoro
Chapter 34: Obama’s Super Bowl Party

Nuclear Terror Aftermath

Chapter 39: Nuclear Terror Aftermath of America
Chapter 40: The End of the Internet
Chapter 41: Martial Law & FEMA Concentration Camps in America
Chapter 42: The Chicago “Windy City” Bio Attack

Nuclear Terror Suspects

Chapter 43: The Unusual Suspects

Chapter 45: Real Solutions

Chapter 46: The Nuclear Bible Dictionary
Chapter 47: References
Chapter 48: Author David Chase Taylor

The Nuclear Bible: The Who, What, When, Where, How & Why of Nuclear Terror
The following “Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why” synopsis attempts to portray the basics of The Nuclear Bible. This is a very
deep, devious, and developed conspiracy between many individuals, governments, organizations, and political entities that will finally be
brought into the Light. Any help in bringing this plot to the attention to the good men and woman of America and the World is greatly

WHO: Criminal Globalist Elements. Located within European Royalty, International Banking Houses, Secret Societies and the U.S.,
British, and Israeli governments, this rogue network of individuals will attempt to set off a nuclear device in a false-flag terror attack that
will ultimately be blamed on Al Qaeda, Pakistan and potentially Russia, China, Iran, and multiple countries in Africa.

As Globalist David Rockefeller stated: “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the
nations will accept the New World Order." Please see Chapter 43: The Unusual Suspects for more info…

WHAT: A Nuclear Terror Attack. The warnings of an impending terror attack are numerous and the references to stadiums, nuclear
terror, Al Qaeda, and Pakistan are exhaustive. Please see Chapter 14: Pakistan & Nuclear Proliferation, Chapter 15: Pakistan & Terrorism
Chapter 16: Pakistan & World War III for more info…
WHEN: Soon.

2011 NFL Super Bowl (XLV), February 6, 2011 in Arlington (Dallas), Texas, USA

Date: 6/11 The Day After: 7/11

Please see Chapter 30: Nuclear Terror Dates, Targets & Scenarios, Chapter 31: Nuclear Terror Target # 3: The World Cup, Chapter 32:
Nuclear Terror Target# 2: The Olympics & Chapter 33: Nuclear Terror Target # 1: The 2011 Super Bowl for more info…

WHERE: Live TV. A nuclear blast is only visible to the naked eye for approximately 30 to 60 seconds. In order to have its desired
terrorizing effect on its victims, a nuclear detonation MUST be seen by a live global TV audience, preferably in the hundreds of millions.
The top three venues for nuclear terrorism are the World’s most watched sporting events: The Super Bowl, the World Cup, and the
Summer Olympics.

Please see Chapter 38: Nuclear Terror & LIVE TV for more info…

HOW: Hijack & Scapegoat. The Criminal Globalist Elements has successfully set up the State of Pakistan as the scapegoat of all
terrorism and nuclear proliferation, while they themselves have hijacked (6) U.S. 150 kiloton thermo-nuclear weapons in 2007 during a
routine weapons transfer from Minot Air Force Base in South Dakota to Barksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana. Please see Chapter 18:
Nuclear Hijack: Top Secret for more info…

WHY: Control. Anytime a new theory is presented, one must address and answer the proverbial question of “Why?” In order for the
Globalists to remain credible, relevant, and in control, the 9/11 Truth movement, the Ron Paul Revolution, and the Internet as we know it
must be eliminated. The aforementioned grassroots movements are waking up millions of people and the Unconstitutional Federal
government of the United States is running scared. The powers that be must dismantle, disarmed, and force America into the North
American Union before it can truly experience its destined neo-renaissance of Freedom and Liberty. The Globalists have been exposed by
the freedom of information on the internet and are rushing to complete their sinister plans for global domination.
As Obama’s Foreign Policy Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski stated in May of 2010, “For the first time in all of human history mankind is
politically awakened – that’s a total new reality – it has not been so for most of human history”

A False-Flag Nuclear Terror Attack Equals:

 The end of the 9/11 Truth Movement
 100% Globalist Control over the Internet
 Emergence of the (NAU) North American Union as the “Solution” to Nuclear Terrorism
 Martial Law & Citizen Crackdowns in America
 World War III & Global Government

The 9/11 Truth Movement: The Globalists have been exposed at the perpetrators behind the attacks of 9/11, as well as the Mumbai
Attacks of 26/11, the London Attacks of 7/7, the Financial Crisis, the Housing Crisis, Geo-Engineering, Eugenics, Climatgate and a host of
other atrocities. This final act of Nuclear Holocaust will usher in a rabid fascist corporatist One World Government/New World Order
system that is hell-bent on invading or nuking any Nation that stands in is way. World Government has been the quest of tyrants and
despots for millennia. Should this event transpire, it would be the single greatest catalyst for world domination known to modern man.

The Internet: Long credited for the current global awakening, the Internet will likely be shut down just prior to or right after a nuclear
attack. This act will hamper and diminish efforts by politicians, law enforcement and citizen from exposing the true nature of the attacks.
Therefore, if you find the information enclosed relevant and credible, it is imperative that The Nuclear Bible is downloaded, printed, and
circulated immediately. As Senator Jay Rockefeller told Congress in 2009, “It really almost makes you ask the question: Would it have
been better if we never had invented the internet…?”

North American Union (Proposed Flag)

The North American Union (NAU): A false-flag nuclear attack on American soil is likely to bring about the emergence of the North
American Union (NAU), the political union of Mexico, Canada, and the United States of America. It is highly likely that alleged
“terrorists” from all three Nations will be fingered in the false-flag nuclear attack, thus making it an attack upon all North American
Nations. Politicians and the corporate media will attempt to deceive and convince the people of North America that they are safer and more
secure with a “nuclear terrorist stopping” security perimeter around all three Nations. The end result of the NAU is the disintegration and
obliteration of the people and the traditions that are woven into The United States of America. More importantly, the Constitution of the
United States and the American People’s Bill of Rights will be null and void, thus rendering the American people politically naked and

Martial Law & Citizen Crackdowns: A massive nuclear terror attack would empower and enable the U.S. Federal Government to crack
down on its civilian population which is in the genesis of all-out revolution. Patriot civilians will likely be rounded up, incarcerated, and
ultimately eliminated should these events transpire.

World War III: As 9/11 gave reason to the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, a nuclear terror attack will give the Obama Administration
the “green light” to nuke or invade any Nation that doesn’t cower, surrender, and submit to the New World Order/One World Government
system. A false-flag nuclear attack will likely be blamed on Pakistan, the greatest documented purveyor of terror and nuclear proliferation
on record. The Pakistani scapegoat has been beautifully groomed by the West for the last 30 odd years and is ready to be slaughtered. A
nuclear terror attack would be retaliated upon by the United States, which would likely go on a nuking spree of the Middle East, inevitably
starting WWIII.

Conclusion: If you find the information within The Nuclear Bible alarming, relevant, and reliable, please see to it that it is
forwarded to all:

1) Public Officials: Local, State, Federal & International (police, sheriff, FBI, CIA, politicians)
2) News Media: Local, National & International (tv, radio, newspapers, and internet)
3) Sports Media: Local, State, National & International
4) The Public: Classmates, Colleagues, Family, Friends, Neighbors & Fellow Church Goers
5) Texas: Businesses, Churches, Sports Bars, Local Governments in the Dallas/Arlington, Texas area
6) NFL Athletes: Whether on the Packers or Steelers, forward this information to any known current or retired NFL players

SAVE, PRINT & FORWARD TODAY: Due to the unreliability of the internet, especially in the case of a nuclear terror attack, please
download and print a physical hard copy of The Nuclear Bible: A False-Flag Nuclear Terror Conspiracy today.

David Chase Taylor:

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