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The Problems with Progress

Nothing will ever get accomplished when you have a group of people
who can’t come together for the common good.
Nothing will ever get accomplished when you have one or more
individuals within the group who have their heads stuck so far up their
rear ends, that they could literally turn themselves inside out.
Individuals, everyone knows them.
These are individuals who instead of working together for progress,
only work for themselves.
These individuals are legends in their own minds and are blinded and
driven by delusions of grandeur seeking their own glory, all to the
detriment of the whole and in no way contributing to the progress of
the organization.
Nothing will ever get accomplished in any corporate, congregational
endeavor where there is the presence of individuals who can’t wrap
their minds around the basic concept of unity, which is singleness or
constancy among individuals and groups.
These individuals don’t even understand that the word individual is
a combination of two words.
The first word being indivisible (meaning not capable of being
separated into parts) and the second word being dual (meaning having
two parts, functions, aspects, or items of a similar kind) and in essence
individual means indivisible duality.

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