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Benefit of Oration

Firtsly, oration will helps you to

get more knowledge in every
aspect either local or global such
as in the aspect of economy,
politic and social. For example, if
you join a speech contest, you
must really understand about the
topic that you want to talk right?
Let say, you will talk in politic
matter like OIC. You must know
very well about OIC. What is OIC?
Who is the president of OIC? easy
to say, all about OIC are already in
your mind. Also in economy and
social such as DEB and MSC. So,
You must know deeply about it.
This situation indirectly help you
to get some added knowledge.

Secondly, you can improve your

confident level. I want to ask you
some question, “How many of you
like to talk?” “how many of you
are willing to talk in front here?
“what did you feel when someone
ask you to speak in front here?”
It is because the confident right?
Oration will build your self-
confident. It make you brave to
speak in front of public because
the concept of oration is talk
about the topic in front of
audience. Believe or not, when
you have the self-confident
people will trust what ever you
say even it is totally wrong.

Last but not least, oration will

sharpen or enhance your
communication skill. In discussion
for example. When you have an
assignment, you will do in group
right? So, you must have a good
communication with all of your
group members to produce the
best assignment among the other
groups because it is a teamwork.
Besides, it show your leadership
skill. If you have the leadership
skill, you might be the Prime
Minister soon. Who know right?
So, because of the enhancement
of good communication skill, it
will improve your attitude,
cooperation and many more.

In conclusion, oration have a lot of

benefit such as help us get more
knowledge, improve our
confident level and sharpen your
communication skill.

Created by,

Siti Nur Zaimah Binti Zainudin

Diploma in Law

Semester 2

Universiti of Sultan Zainal Abidin


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