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Dang Thai Duong

Dr. Nguyen Thu Ha

ENGL 101

15 October 2022

The Essential of Presentation Skills as an ISE students

Presentation Skills are one of the most importance abilities in today’s workplace, being

ISE students delivering presentation on a regular basis would be an important part of our job.

Especially, when we have a range of foreign teachers and require to illustrate our point of view.

According to Bradbury (2006), “Presentation is one of the most important skill of the modern world”.

Your ability to speak to an audience is effect to your success. Speaking well can garner the

respect and esteem of others, make you more salient in school, and get attention from people

who can help you and open doors for you. Good presentation ability will also convince people

that you are generally more talented and intelligent than others who do not speak as well. Good

Presentation Skills are essential for success in business, marketing, education, training, and more

importantly just feeling more at ease speaking in front of crowds and generally growing as a

student at ISE. Every college student at ISE has to present at some special subjects like “Speech

Communication” or “Marketing Logistics”, while some people take this in their stride, others find

it much more challenging. According to report from group of ex- ISE students confirm that 3 out

of 5 students may experience a nervous breakdown during presentation test although their

prepared, which mean our speaking public skill are low- level. In this essay, I will give some

necessary information to understand certain things about Presentation Skills to let ISE students

improve these abilities right at this time and deliver effectively in public.
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Firstly, we need to define what is Presentation Skills because we can’t find out if we

don’t know what it means. In “Learning Charisma. Transform Yourself into the Person Others

Want to Follow”, John Antonakis mentioned that:

Presentation Skills are the abilities, which requires constant practicing and effort. It

requires confidence and knowledge on the topic of presentation while some people may choose

to go to school to be taught how to perfect the skill while some will learn through observation,

reading and practice. (Review 90)

Current status, many students at ISE has struggle with presentation because many reasons

and there are some of that

1. Family and School

Almost student don’t really learn public speaking in high school or another level of

learning. Instead, they spend a large part of time for writing and grammar but a small number of

students really invest time to become great verbal communicators. Besides that, many parents

who don’t think public speaking is important because students are not graded on it and this is not

useful for learning academic.

2. Physiology

Fear and anxiety crows is the automatic system in our body. When confronted with a

threat, our bodies prepare for battle, this expression leads to the emotional experience of fear,

and it interferes with our ability to perform comfortably in front of audiences. Eventually, it

prevents people from pursuing opportunities for public speaking.

Some researchers suggest that there are people who generally experience higher anxiety across

different situations, and are therefore more likely to feel anxious about speaking in public as

well. People who are affect to feeling anxious find it more challenging to master their anxiety
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and control their fear of public speaking and will avoid it. For other people, the anxiety is limited

to public speaking situations, but the signs of fear they experience as they get ahead, prepare, and

perform in public are similar.

2. Thoughts

Another factor involves people’s beliefs about public speaking and about themselves as

speakers. The fear often arises when people care too much about communicating their ideas in

front of others, viewing the speaking event as a potential threat to their image and chance to

reach an audience. Negative views of oneself as a speaker (I am not good at speaking in front of

crowds, I am not a good public speaker, I am boring, etc.) can also raise anxiety and augment the

fear of speaking in public.

3. Situations

While there are people who nature tend to be more anxious, or people who don’t think

they are good at public speaking, there are certain situations that are likely to make most of us

more anxious when presenting in a public forum. Lack of experience as with anything else,

experience builds confidence. When you don’t have a lot of stage hours under your belt, you are

more likely to experience fear of public speaking. If you are about to speak in front of people of

higher status (e.g., people at your workplace in higher positions, or groups of accomplished

professionals in your line of work), you may feel a higher dose of fear tingling through your


4. New ideas. 

If you are sharing ideas that you have not yet shared in public, you may worry more

about how people will receive them. When your public appearance involves presenting
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something new, you may feel more uncomfortable stating your position, taking questions from

the audience, or dealing with those audience members who try to poke holes.

5. New audiences. 

You may already have experience speaking in public and presenting to familiar

audiences. You may, for instance, be used to speaking in front of professionals in your area of

expertise, fear may arise, however, when the target audience change. If you are standing in

front of an audience that is very different from the people you usually speak to, your

confidence may be a little decrease.

One thing is certain, Presentation Skills will come in handy not only at your school time

but also in your personal life. Here’s some advantage of Presentation Skills with college students

at ISE:

1. Presentation Skills Improve and Boots Your Confidence

One benefit which demonstrates the importance of public speaking in our daily lives is

that it helps us develop confidence. The repeated practice of speaking in front of a large audience

is help us face our fears. There is nothing more empowering than realizing that you have just

spoken in front of a large audience. Also, the fact that research confirms that one of the benefits

of public speaking is boosting your confidence. A study by the North Carolina Cooperative

Extension, which examined people from the ages 9 to 18 revealed that those who took part in a

public speaking program had increased levels of confidence. For sure, the anxiety and

nervousness that accompanies public speaking will not disappear completely. At least with

continued practice, you will be able to control these feeling more than you used to.

2. Presentation Skills Improve Your Critical Thinking

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Another benefit that demonstrates the importance of public speaking in our daily lives is

that helps develop critical thinking skills, particularly if you need to prepare a speech, composing

a speech requires thought. You must understand and analyze your audience and choose the right

words to spread your message. Developing these skills as well clearly demonstrates how

important public speaking is in our daily lives. When writing speeches, there are several factors

to consider. How can you make sure that the audience is interested in what you are saying? How

can you help the audience understand your message? How can you improve your speaking style?

When you start thinking about these questions, you will inevitably employ and practice your

critical thinking skills.

3. Presentation Skills Creates New Social Connection

When you speak in public, you engage with people. Engaging with others demonstrates

again the importance of public speaking in our daily lives. When you are done, some may

approach you and start asking questions. This will lead to a conversation and we will help you

make new personal connections. Through the use of stories, humor, visuals, and engagement

techniques, they have a way of building a rapport with their audience. This ability to connect

with people gives employees a powerful edge in the business world. People want to work with

people who are confident, engaging, and interesting When this happens, try to listen to the

people approaching you, start asking them questions and ask for their opinions about your

presentation. By doing so you will meet new people and make new friendships.

4. Presentation Skills Are Important for Leadership

Your Presentation Skills, or in other words how you communicate, are therefore

extremely important when you become a leader. Indeed, research by Ishrat Queshi found that a

leader spends 75% – 90% of their time communicating, he argues that “everything a leader does
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to influence others involves communicating’ and ‘good communication skills are the foundation

of effective leadership.” No matter whether they are in banking, agriculture, business, or

education they are always have to work with people and team members, they are presenting their

plans and visions in front of co- worker and partner. But they can’t do it just as a formality, they

have to make it effective, meaningful, educational, and informational for the people they are

representing. Leaders need technical expertise to win the trust of followers, manage operations,

and set strategy, they also benefit from the ability to punish and reward.

5. Presentation Skills Are Helpful in Career Development

Presentation Skills are essential for ISE students because in the future we have to deal

with leaders, clients, bosses, team members, teachers or the interviews to apply for a job. In such

things, they have to win the trust of others. They can do it with certifications and qualifications

and experience but the presentation of past achievements, current projects and future plans in

front of potential clients or employers need effective presentation skills to make an impact. And

great presentation and communication skills can help them to get a bigger project, high-salary

jobs or promotions in the company, and investment in their startup. That’s why presentation

skills are important for career development.

6. Presentation Skill Are Helpful for Reduce Stress

Have a good present can reduce stress. The financial cost of stress to organizations can be

devastating, work-related stress can be depressing to staff, management and executives. Effective

presentation skills reduce miscommunication, which is likely the biggest cause of work-related

stress. Better presentation skills also the stress on presenters which means they will be more

willing to present and more effective with their principles and techniques of presentations apply
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to other methods of communication. Become a better presenter and you will become a better


7. Presentation Skills Are Important for Time Management

Many presentations take too long and thus waste time - because the presenter was trying

to fill the time period. Better presenters get their message across in less time because they

respect, focus on the message and use the most effective techniques to communicate. Better

presenters can deliver their 30-minute presentation in 5 minutes or 90 seconds when needed.

Better presenters also save time while preparing because they prepare their presentation more

efficiently. They know where they are going and how to get there faster.

8. Presentation Skills Help Student Create Innovative Ideas

Good presentation skills also help one come up with better ideas, find up-to-date

information and develop creative idea. It is common to see students using slides or other sources

while presenting, making them feel comfortable in front of an audience. Presentation skills help

create innovative ideas when students come up with creative and interesting slides to illustrate

their talk. The use of presentation aids makes for a much more interesting talk, and the creation

of such aids can help develop students’ confidence. Students are usually given 10 to 15 minutes

to present a specific topic in the classroom. Thus, the more talks they give, the more they will

learn. As a result, their confidence level will improve. Active involvement in classroom

presentations further prepares students for interviews, conferences, forums, workshops and

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Transferring your message to the audience requires particular presentation skills. If you

tend to organize information in a clear manner, maintain eye contact, provide audience real

information, or answer unexpected questions, then you probably understand the techniques of

having an fantastic speech. However, sometimes we can’t engage the audience, poorly organize

the information, or feel too scare to present information clearly. Fortunately, speaking in front of

people is a learned skill and not a personality trait or inborn ability. Every single professional

public speaker was experienced in the beginning, which mean your presentation skills can be

improved, although improving your presentation skills does require plenty of time and energy,

the outcome is definitely worth it. Therefore, if you think that your presentation skills are in low-

level you can rely on the following tips to train your own skills and become a better presenter:

1. Research Your Audience

Knowing the needs of your audience can help you design your presentation to target their

interests and explain how your speech can be of use in specific situation. If you're going to be

giving a presentation at an event, Shonna Walter suggests sending a questionnaire to a handful of

people who will be in the audience before you start writing. This will help you determine your

choice of words, level of information and the method to data analyse. Without this essential step,

you’ll heave a room full of bored and uninterested audience and your presentation won’t be


2. Make a Good First Impression

The closing of your presentation is the first thing you have to give your audience

something that will stick in their minds. You can go back to your opening or end on a clever

slogan or a call to action. From the moment you appear as the presenter, whether that be standing

to take your position at the front of the room, walking onto the stage or entering the virtual
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presentation, your audience is making all kinds of judgments before you’ve had a chance to say a

word. This can sound intimidating but it’s actually a good thing. The energy you show through

your posture and your confident body language, will be registered by your audience even before

your hair and wardrobe.

3. Be Prepared Carefully

There’s nothing wrong with getting to your presentation 10 minutes early. If your

presentation is taking place in person, getting there early gives you a chance to scope out the

room, get the presentation set up and distribute useful noticed. In “Talk like TED”, Carmine

Gallo mentioned that, “ 95% success of your speech depend on what you prepared, 5% is your

skill.” Mistakes can happen even to the the most experienced speakers so you need to avoid that

which made you feel nervous during presentation.

4. Start with A Story

Audience are wired to pay attention to stories, It activates the same parts of our brain

that would activate if we experienced the events first-hand. We all respond to stories in this

way, there is no difference across cultures. This means you can harness the power of

storytelling to establish a connection with anyone, when you start your speech, you only

have one minute to make a good impression on your audience.  By Neil Conor “Story, quote,

or question can make their curiosity and make them want to keep listening.”

5. Watch your clock

You must be absolutely clear about the amount of time you have and the expected

structure of the talk. Sometimes, audiences expect you to speak for 75 percent of the time and

then conduct a question and answer session afterward. Many talks, conferences, and meetings are

carefully with regard to time.

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6. Keep it as short as possible

In “The Presentation Secrets of Steve Job”, Carmine Gallo mentioned that, “Three is the

magic number. Each of Steve Jobs’ presentation is divided into three point. There is a reason for

this: scientists have found that people cannot keep more than three or four chunks of information

in their short term memory easily”. If you give people too much information, they won’t

remember a thing. Ensure that you’re only sharing the most important information. All of the

extra fluff will bore your audience and you will lose their attention very quickly.
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In conclusion, this essay was carried out to demonstrate the importance of Presentation

Skills and to provide causes which prove that fear of Public Speaking is very common among

ISE students. Besides that, I mention 6 tips to control the stage and confident whenever you have

to speech in front of audience. To master the Presentation Skills you must be prepared to learn

and practice, over and over again for months and even years. There are no shortcuts. It is also

important to remember that preparation is what separates ordinary from greatness. So spend time

developing your logic, planning your words, and working toward your goal for your audience.

Every new line of present that you remember, every monologue that you deliver aloud, every

speaker that you observe and critique increases your ability to become an excellent speaker

yourself. Remember, Presentation Skills are learned skill and can be overcome by practicing and

people who experience public speaking anxiety can perform as well as those who have a good

command over public speaking.

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Works Cited

Antonakis, John, and Marika Fenley. “Learning Charisma. Transform Yourself into the Person

Others Want to Follow.” Harvard Business Review 90, no. 6, 2012, pp.127–130.

Bradbury, Alexia. “Successful presentation skills”. Philadelphia, Kogan Page, 2016.

Beilock, Star. “Why Talking with Our Hands Helps Us Think Better.” Psychology Today, 2 July


think-better. Accesssed 12 October 2022.

Bansal, Vinay. “Speaking Skills” e- book, 8 March 2021.

Gallo, Carmine. “Talk like TED.” The 9 public- speaking secrets of the world’s top minds, 4

March 2014, p.89

Gallo, Carmine. “The Presentation Secrets of Steve Job.” How to be insanely speak in Front of

any audience, 1 January 2009, p. 67.

Qureshi, Ishrat. “The importance of Speaking Skill for Elf Learner .” Research in

Psycholinguistics, 12 June 2019.

Neil, Conor. “How to Start a Speech.” Youtube, 12 Apr. 2012,

Accesssed 12 October 2022.

Waters, Shonna. “8 tips to improve your public speaking skills.” Better up Blog, 28 May 2021,8

Tips to Improve Your Public Speaking Skills ( Accessed 12 October 2022.

Tracy, Brian. “Speak to win.” How to present with power in any situation, 31 January 2008, pp.

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