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Teacher Success Manual : K-12

Teacher Success Manual Flow

Stage Process Description - Trial /Demo Class

Section 1 PlanetSpark's USP

Section 2 Teaching Methodology

Section 3 Understanding Student’s/Parent’s Need

Section 4.a Demo/Trial Class - Junior

Demo/Trial Class - Senior

Section 4.b Post Demo Counseling / Closing - Junior

Post Demo Counseling / Closing - Senior

Section 5 Demo Operational Aspect

Section #1 : Planetspark's USP

Planet Spark is one of its kind ed-tech platforms that specializes into creating confident
communicators and public speakers.

Our unique selling proposition is that we specialize into functional communication - verbal, non-
verbal and written that lies at the cusp of the creator economy today. We offer multiple avenues
to help our students foster leadership skills, creativity, independent thinking and enhance their
communication skills. Our customer base is not just limited to kindergarten and high school
students but also spread across graduates and professionals across all domains. Housemakers
who want to be great influencers but face lack of communication skills as a pitstop in their
journey, also come to us as their most preferred choice as a polishing school!

Our endeavor as a team is to help our students achieve the next level of success in their lives
whether it's cracking an interview for a job, getting better placements with well-established
MNCs or enhancing and diversifying their career options by being successful youtubers or
podcasters. Planet Spark is a one-stop choice for all young budding writers, speakers, college
students, working professionals who want to conquer the universe with impeccable
communication skills.

Why is Public Speaking Important?

Speaking in public is a major fear in adults & kids alike and mastering these skills are necessary
for a bright future.

So many children grow up with this massive fear of public speaking, that they don‘t want to go in
front of a crowd or a group of people because they are scared of speaking in public.

Being good at public speaking, has amazing advantages, like :-

● Builds confidence
● Shapes personality
● Increases self-esteem
● Helps overcome introversion
● Builds interpersonal skills
● Hones their leadership traits
● And most importantly, makes them ready for careers of tomorrow

In a famous stand-up comedy bit, Jerry Seinfeld jokes about people‘s fear of public speaking: “I
saw a study that speaking in front of a crowd is considered the number-one fear of the average
person. I found that amazing. Number two was death. Death is number two? This means, to the
average person, if you have to be at a funeral, you would rather be in the casket than doing the
eulogy.” Psychologists attribute our fear of public speaking to our fear of being ostracized from a
group, which thousands of years ago meant imminent death by a large predator.

However, with preparation, practice, and experience kids can overcome their fear, build
confidence, and deliver strong speeches.
Student’s fluency can improve significantly (by up to 75% through Planetspark) if a
student masters the art of Public Speaking.

Ability to speak fluently in English language without hesitation or interruption forms an essential
part of a student‘s English communication skills. Oral communication is the verbal and non-
verbal interaction with an audience to communicate thoughts, information, and feelings.
Learning public speaking hones a student's skills as an overall communicator.

Practicing public speaking skills significantly helps your general oral communication, whether
you have an audience of 200 or an audience of one. Practice the fundamentals of all oral
communication – clarity, coherence, and confidence.

Learning Public Speaking has become even more important.

The pandemic and post pandemic transition has taken its toll on the emotional well being of a
student. While the academic needs of students are given adequate attention, their emotional
and personal development needs can often go unfulfilled.The most important unfulfilled need is
Social Interaction. With a world full of technology, Students are becoming accustomed to
computer screens as they‘re now very much the norm. This can result in extremely shy children
who find it difficult to communicate in real life situations.

However, public speaking is essential to a well-rounded student and more importantly a

successful adult. Public Speaking gives students the opportunity to build social connections and
overcome social anxiety which are essential skills in any future career. In this day and age,
many of us are so engrossed in our electronic communication devices, that actual real-life
communication can seem strange.

Mastering Public Speaking makes you more self-confident during social situations &
increases your self-worth!

Getting up in front of people to talk can be daunting, but once a student does it, they often feel a
great sense of pride and self-satisfaction which boosts their confidence and self- esteem. Public
speaking will help you increase self confidence dramatically.

By practicing public speaking you are increasing your skill at communicating with others, making
you more confident around people automatically, and it also increases your skill at perceiving
people‘s reactions to your message. This means that in general conversation you can better
understand what people are thinking and thus change what you are saying to make them think
and feel the way you want them to.

Public Speaking skills can significantly boost overall personality

Public Speaking is an Essential ingredient in Personality Development. As one grows with time
her/his personality keeps evolving. Every individual has a different personality and this is what
makes them unique. It is often said that the way one talks and interacts with others, the way
they express and present themselves is a big part of their personality and defines who they are.
This shows how the skill of communication adds so much to one‘s personality and by working
on this skill how they can develop their personality and can make you a better writer, practicing
public speaking can significantly hone your skills as an overall communicator.

Introverted and shy learners can be awesome public speakers, they just need a great
coach! If you are introverted or shy, then this is the Programme for you!

The benefit of being an introvert is that introverts think before they speak, which is an essential
part of effective public speaking. Introverts may not be self-starters therefore they need to
master practical strategies to step up, speak up and command the stage. If you want to
overcome shyness, you need to get others to accept his or her ideas and opinions. Evidence
suggests that Shy people can be awesome speakers!

Need to develop interpersonal skills? Public speaking courses can work wonders!

Sometimes it is difficult to express yourselves freely in front of guests, extended family, in typical
classroom settings or even in a homeschool environment. Encouraging imagination and
experimenting through speech creates enthusiastic communicators, they gain the courage to
step out of the box. It also promotes an appreciation of the language and literature, and
becomes a solid foundation for you in future.

When public speaking, there is usually a purpose or a particular message, and therefore
students learn persuasive skills (all great leaders know how to persuade others). From here,
the sky's the limit in terms of the positive influence they can have on others. Along with these
beneficial learnings and skill development, the most important thing you can get from enhancing
your public speaking acumen is feeling comfortable speaking in front of other people and having
belief in your own communication abilities - written and verbal.

Speaking in front of others is inevitable and everyone has to do it at some point of their

Whether you want to be an Astronaut, Leader, Coder, Coach or a CEO, there will always be
situations where you will have to speak publicly. Leaders give speeches, coaches instruct their
team, and CEOs head meetings. Some positions are more communication-heavy than others,
but regardless, everyone will face a time when they need to put their thoughts into words to
make a point, take a stand, or get a job done.

When that time comes, it‘s best to be prepared and feel comfortable with you as a speaker so
you can communicate what you need to say as effectively as possible. By becoming a confident
and capable public speaker you instantly put yourself differently as compared to others who
refuse to stand up and speak. No matter what career stream you choose,it is almost 100%
certain you will need to give a speech at some point in your life.

Presentation skills are very important and that is a vital skill for the future!

Presentation Skills determine the effectiveness of one's expression of interest. Students with
good presentation skills are able to express themselves more comfortably and confidentially. On
the other hand, poor presentation skills may spoil a good idea and pose a huge barrier to
effective communication.

Public speaking is not necessarily a talent, but a skill. Some students genuinely struggle when
asked to present information to a group and this may be a problem when students go on to
tertiary education and also later in life. For personal and professional success, effective
presentation skills delivered in a confident manner are vital during formative years. That is why
presentation skills need to be nurtured, before the student really has an awareness of being in
the spotlight and possibly being faced with stage fright. Public speaking and presentation skills
could be fostered, to such an extent that it becomes a natural skill.

Future-ready for Careers of Tomorrow! Future careers are going to be heavily dependent
on communication skills mastery!

The importance of communication in the workplace of the future can‘t be understated. And it‘s
only going to get more valuable in the years to come. According to a recent report from
McKinsey, Entrepreneurs & employees of the future will spend more time on activities such as
managing people, applying expertise, and communicating with others.

This is nothing new. In fact, more than a decade ago, the Wall Street Journal wrote that:
Communication and interpersonal skills remain at the top of the list of what matters most to
employers.Public speaking skills are very important to succeed in careers of tomorrow.

We have cool projects like “learning to give a TED Talk” Yes, you can learn to deliver a
TED Talk at PlanetSpark! And it is super easy.

If you really want to challenge yourself, come up with a truly original idea or new perspective. A
solution, a new invention, a new argument. This is indeed a challenge. That is the whole
premise behind the popular TED Talks videos featured on the Internet as well as behind the
PlanetSpark TED Talks we have created for our students.. TED, a non-profit organization,
promotes the spreading of ideas by inviting people from all walks of life and disciplines to give
talks on different subjects. We incorporate a host of Common Core English language arts
standards, from reading, researching, speaking, and writing, and engage students in creative
and critical thinking skills. We have all heard Ken Robinson‘s fantastic TED talk on whether
schools kill creativity.

PlanetSpark TED Talks are sensitive to all voices and topics—not just those that fit into
mainstream education and media. A talk can be about wormholes or pets, education or the
history of the brain, from the sublime to the delightfully ridiculous. What makes the talk different
is the personal spin that a speaker puts on it, which makes it all of his own. Make yourself learn
how to deliver a TED talk today!

Cool Live projects at PlanetSpark such as creating your own “Podcast channel” can help
in developing Public speaking skills!

Podcasting is a wonderful way of allowing you to share your work and experiences with
potentially huge audiences. A podcast is like a radio show. However, instead of being broadcast
live, a podcast is recorded and then distributed over the internet. There are thousands of
podcasts available, ranging from general interest entertainment shows to those which focus on
specific topics (e.g. computers / music / education).

You can benefit from Podcasting. It's great for developing literacy skills (writing scripts, setting
up interviews etc), allows one to develop and practice their speaking and listening skills, and
they also learn some amazing ICT skills. Podcasts can be interactive, and the audience can be
invited to send their comments, giving valuable feedback about the work. Making a podcast is
also great for developing teamwork skills.

Get to master skills to help yourself present in front of an audience!

For many people, standing up in front of their peers and presenting can be a nerve- wracking
experience. They are often worried about being judged, appearing nervous, or forgetting the
material they have prepared.

As these anxiety-inducing oral presentations are often mandatory at many places, it‘s important
that you work on it to help improve your confidence in public speaking. Fortunately, there are
many public speaking interventions that can help you to improve your confidence and
presentation skills. Learn more about ways you can improve your public speaking skills on a
regular basis, in the weeks before a presentation, and the morning of a presentation.

Section #2 : Teaching Methodology

C-FAR (Constructivist Framework for Activity-based Retention)

PlanetSpark hires only the top 1% of the teachers across India to teach Public Speaking &
Creative Writing to kids using an in-house pedagogical model called CFAR.

CFAR is a unique model which follows a constructivist approach to teaching and uses activity
and project based learning methodology to maximize retention. CFAR follows a unique model of
teaching where the child is first made curious about a topic, and once that is done, the class
objective is set and the child is familiarized with the concept.

The concept is then explained in detail and activities are done to reinforce the concept. The
student then does a small project in the classroom using the concepts learnt. Once this is done,
the feedback is shared with them to improve their learning outcome.


● Constructivist Approach
● Lego Blocks of Learning
● No Rote Learning (Learn by doing)
● Skill and Utility Focused
● Activity Based Retention
● New Age Learning
How does C-FAR work at PlanetSpark?

● The instruction is provided 1:1 i.e. one teacher and one student.
● There are more activities and less teacher talk.
● Retention of concepts and knowledge happens through activities and not by rote.
● Assessments happen at the end of each lesson and at the end of each module. These
assessments are based on predetermined criteria designed to gauge skill development.
● As a result students learn with each activity.

Let us now understand the complete journey of a Teacher at PlanetSpark!

1. Understanding Student’s/Parent’s Need

(Here you call the student and confirm their presence in the session)

● Introduction by the teacher

● Rapport Building with the parent (if time permits)
● Need Analysis of the student (if time permits)
● Slot Confirmation

2. Demo/Trial Class

a) Conduct a demo class using presentations & activities.

(You conduct the presentation based on your understanding of the student's level)

● Junior (Grade K -3)

● Senior (Grade 4-12)

b) Post Demo Counselling

(You assess the student based on his/her performance. explain PlanetSpark's Curriculum &
recommend them a PlanetSpark course)

● Building a rapport with the parent

● 3 key learnings from the class
● Talk about PlanetSpark.
● Transforming Student’s personalities across the globe.
● Summarizing student's performance
● Course Recommendation
● Curriculum Delivery
● Live Projects, Students Clubs and Contests
● Sense of Urgency
● Further Course of Action

3. Get Enrollment.

4. Start with your Regular class.

Section #3 : Understanding Student’s/Parent’s Need

1. Introduction by the Teacher.

Sharing credible information that makes the student/parent listen is a must. It is also important
to keep in mind that a positive approach always works. Teachers should be polite and should
listen to what the student/parents are saying. The teacher should verify the information provided
by the student/parent and then should proceed ahead.

Sample Script is as follows -

Hello, am I talking to <Student’s name>

<pause for response>

Hi, my name is ______(teacher’s name) and I am a Public Speaking teacher with PlanetSpark. You
booked a demo with us, and this call is regarding it's confirmation ;
<pause for response>

Thank you;
Firstly I would like to introduce myself to you, since I would be conducting the class for you; Like
introduced earlier , my name is __(teacher's name); I have been teaching for "___" (number of years
taught) years now and it has been around "____"(number of months/years) that I have been
associated with Planet Spark as Public Speaking Expert ; I have taught more than 800 students all over
the world and they are now outstanding public speakers; I would love to do the same for you"
<wait for response>
2. Rapport Building with the Parent.

Thumb Rule :

If a good rapport is built with the parent in the “slot confirmation call”, it can really help the
teacher in the “post demo counselling” part of the demo, as the parent would be more
comfortable with the teacher in discussions around the kid’s performance after the session.

Advantages :

● It acts as an ice breaker between the parent and the teacher and brings them in a
positive frame of mind.
● It helps the student to open up, which paves way for understanding the student's needs.
● It helps in establishing personal touch which enhances honest communication.

3. Need Analysis of the kid.

Thumb Rule :

● Efforts should be made to know the student in depth.

● The teacher should also use her expertise and relate it to the answers of the
● This would help the teacher to get established as a trusted figure and would increase the
chances of trial class conversion.

Sample Script is as follows -

Just like I have introduced myself , I would like to know a few things about you ; so that I can assist you
better during the demo session ;
As I can see on my screen,your name is ____ (Student’s name) and you are looking to be a better
communicator. Right ?

<wait for response>

So Mrs. Agarwal, how has been Aayansh’s performance in school ?

Does Aayansh speak in English in school or with friends/family ?
How is Aayansh’s fluency/confidence when he speaks in English ?
Does Aayansh participate in extra co-curricular activities in school ?
What all activities does Aayansh participate in ?
How has Aayansh's performance been there ?
How has been Aayansh speaking/writing ability ?
Is Aayansh into reading ?
What do you think needs improvement ?
And Mrs. Agarwal, what do you want Aayansh to become in future ?
<wait for response after each question and respond to them in an understanding and
communicative manner>

● Use your experience as a Teacher

Let me tell you from my experience, with thousands of students over the years, mastering
Public Speaking is easier as you have more time to learn.
I learnt confidence, better presentation skills and command over spoken English, during my
B.Ed/M.Ed/MBA/B Tech (whatever degree the teacher possesses) and am still working on it as we

Since I have made a note of your interest level now, I would be able to assess you better in tomorrow’s
(class date) _______ class.

4. Slot Confirmation

Important points to be shared with the student/ parent :

● I would request both the parents to be present during the session so that I am able to
counsel the kid in a proper manner.
● Please login in the class 5 min before the session.
● Ensure that your child has a pen/paper ready as there will be a lot of fun activities to get
to know him better.
● Ensure that your child doesn't wear earphones during the session!
● Ensure that you have an active internet connection and a desktop/laptop.

Script is as follows -

During the Public Speaking Class tomorrow, I will be teaching and evaluating you on 5 pillars of Public
Speaking and then I will be able to develop a customized learning plan for you, which will help to improve
in the future.

I would just like to reconfirm the slot timing, which is “__ PM”.
<wait for response>

Thank you!

Shortly after the call you will get an email confirming the slot timing to be in the Demo/Trial Session.
<wait for response>
Also please login 5 min before the session and i hope you have an active internet connection and a
laptop because that will help in ease of conducting the class.

Thank you, see you tomorrow. Looking forward to teaching you.

<wait for response>

Section #4 : Demo/Trial Class

A) Junior

4.a) Conduct a demo class using presentations & activities.

Trial/Demo class is a live demonstration class where you demonstrate your abilities to the
student by teaching. A trial class is a lesson with a student that is not currently signed up for the
PlanetSpark course. These are 50-60 minutes long classes and you need to show up 5 mins
before the scheduled trial class.

If a trial student doesn’t show up for the class, you can leave after 10 minutes. If you complete
the slides early, ask your student questions, play games, and engage in conversation until the
class time is up. DO NOT leave any class before 40-minutes as it could result in negative
feedback from a learner.

Demo class is the first & the most important step towards a student's enrolment with you. The
better you do in a demo class, the more students get enrolled with you and UNDOUBTEDLY!
more income!

For a perfect Demo class, you need to follow the below mentioned steps -

1. Aesthetics

Key points to remember.

● Teachers must be dressed formally & well groomed.

● Teachers should be seated in a silent room & maintain classroom ethics (No food, no
disturbances, no background movement allowed).
● Teachers should be seated in a well lit room.
● Teacher’s camera angle must be good - teacher's full face and upper body till waist
should be visible.
● Teachers must have a stable internet connection.

2. Introduction & Build Rapport

Smile, say their name (check pronunciation if needed) and check they can hear or see you.
Then, ask a simple open question designed to get them talking as soon as possible. So, keep in
mind to -

● Ensure that the student’s camera is ON

● Ensure that the parent is present at the start of the session.
● Welcome the student in the class followed by greeting him/her.
● Introduce yourself to the student.
● Set context of the class.
● Make the student comfortable.
● Motivate the student and create a positive learning environment for the child.

3. Content and Engagement - Student

PPTs are provided for the trial classes as this makes preparation easy. You can also use a
whiteboard, a hand puppet or anything that makes the class engaging. Since your goal is to
connect with the student and make a great first impression, it’s important to be cheerful. Who
knows, maybe you’ll get yourself a new regular student!

Teachers should be well prepared for the class.

It’s best to always look over the slides and videos before your trial class so you know what
material you’ll be teaching and how!

In this Demo, after introduction cover initial slides by explaining rules of the classroom (Thumbs

An Overview of each activity in the Trial Lesson.

Ice Breaking Game: “Build a Story”

● This game tests the kid on all 5 pillars

● Body Language : How well a child uses hands, expressions & eyes.
● Confidence & Attitude : Shyness or nervousness while speaking; hesitation
● Tonality : Pauses, emphasis & flat tone
● Thought Structure : explaining the image vs being creative
● Fluency : No stammering; pronunciation errors; sentence formation

Introduce and explain the Ice Breaking Game. Walk through the slides and ask the student to
show emotion as shown in the ppt through their hand movements, facial expressions, and voice.


Body Language game : Identify the expression!

● The games demands active participation from both teacher and student;
● Be very active and let the student lead the games.
● Motivate the child to identify the expression and then show the same by themselves.

Talk about an event when you were..

Now it’s time to play another game!

You will explain the rules to the student that there would be two pictures with an expression .Out
of those students have to choose one option, and they have to talk about an event when they
felt that expression. Students will also use their body language which includes hands, face,
voice and eyes.

Parts of story

Teachers will explain that every story is made up of 3 parts: Beginning, middle and end followed
by explaining all the 3 parts in detail with the help of ppt.

Story Game

● Introduce the game to the child.

● Give proper instructions, read story with alternate turns, use body language while
reading story and motivate the child to use as well;
● After reading the story, ask the child to identify parts of the story based on learning from
Beginning, Middle and End slides;
● While the child tries to answer, ask how does the child know whether it's the beginning,
middle or end part of the story respectively.
● Reiterate that
● Beginning has when, where & introduction to characters.
● Middle part has the body & events in the story.
● End part has a summary & how the actions end.

Make your own story

● Proper instructions should be given in this activity and the child should be guided to
create a story using a graphic organizer;
● If a child is unable to form a story, the teacher should make the kid answer questions
from the graphic organizer, which will help the kid to create his/her own story.
● Use the chat option to copy/paste the points which are to be kept in mind, while drafting
a story.

After a detailed yet lively session, now the student will share their story.
Congratulate the child for doing well in class. Give some compliments.

4.b) Post Demo Counselling/ Closing

Now that the Demo/Trial class is completed, you will follow the below mentioned steps -

Junior PostDemoCounselling Script (Grade K-1)

1. Rapport Building with the parent

● When the teacher is done with the class, she/he will invite the parent for a discussion
about the kid.
● The teacher will introduce herself/himself here in order to build trust and credibility with
the parent. This ensures that the teacher garners the complete attention of the parent!

Here is an example -

Aayansh, you did an excellent job today. Now, since we are done with the class, can you please call your
mumma and papa/parents. I hope they are around you!

*Parent comes and gets seated comfortably *

Hello _Mrs. Agarwal_, I hope you are doing well. My name is ______(teacher’s name) and I am a
Public Speaking trainer at PlanetSpark.

I have 5+ years of experience in teaching where I have helped 800+ students become confident
communicators and PlanetSpark is helping me in this quest!

2. Ask 3 key learnings from the class.

1. This helps in making the learner summarize what he/she has learned (something valuable) in
the class.

2.Parent (the decision maker and silent observer) get an impression that the teacher has added

This also sets the context to formally call the parent to start the counseling session and serves
as a booster to teachers confidence (as it reassures that the kid has learnt something new).

3. Talk about PlanetSpark.

The teacher should now formally introduce the parent about PlanetSpark and tell about its
magnanimity. Here is an example :

So—---(student’s name), I hope you are aware of PlanetSpark!

PlanetSpark is the most trusted platform for Public Speaking and Creative Writing globally, with a
presence in 13+ countries 4500+ teachers & 22,000+ students globally.

3. Transforming Student’s personalities across the globe.

We are transforming the personalities of kids like Aayansh across the globe by making them flawless

Some of the kids have even delivered speeches at global TED conferences and won accolades for the
same like Oviya, who recently gave a TED Talk on soil conservation.

*Click on the hyperlink - to show them the video to build credibility*

5. Summarizing Student’s Performance

The teacher should keep an eagle’s vision in observing the kids weaknesses and strengths
during the demo class.

Provide such actionable feedback and detailed analysis of the learner during the assessment of
all 5 pillars of Public Speaking. This will help in the following ways:

● Parents would understand and observe your eye for detail.

● They would be impressed by your expertise in the Public Speaking domain.

Start with -

So (student’s name), you can see how gracefully you learned about key techniques to give an impactful
introduction and during this process, I critically analyzed you on 5 key pillars of Public Speaking.

These are Body Language, Confidence & Attitude, Tonality, Thought Structure, and Fluency.

(Taking the example of Body Language from 5 pillars: follow a similar approach for other pillars
as well!)

6. Course Recommendation

Teacher will recommend Excellence course based on the student’s performance during the
demo, Here is an example -

Now, based on my observations on 5 pillars of Public Speaking and the improvement areas you wish in
Aayansh, I would recommend an Excellence course for him.

The excellence course at PlanetSpark leads to complete transformation in the child through 165 LIVE
personalized 1:1 classes. The course offers a complete language immersion, where we give equal
importance to Listening, Writing, Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar skills.

Mrs Agarwal, as you are already aware that mastering a language doesn’t happen overnight, it takes
persistent practise, application and exposure to like minded people to do so.

Hence, in the Excellence course, Aayansh will get access to a Global Community of 22,000+ students
from 13+ countries along with hands-on learning through specially curated 20+ projects.
Aayansh will learn the art of Body Language, Fluency, Confidence etc through advanced application of
concepts like theater techniques, congressional debates etc

This course will lead to complete change in Aayansh’s mindset and personality as we will work on each
and every detail over the course of 165 classes.

Engaging in Global community events & competitions would also help him develop leadership skills that
stay with him for a lifetime.

7. Curriculum Delivery

Getting enrolled for either of the courses at PlanetSpark can be a big decision, hence every
Parent or Student would be very curious to know about what will be taught during their
association with PlanetSpark.

Here, you will walk the parent through the complete journey that the student will go through in
Planetspark. As this journey would completely transform them into a confident communicator
and a standout Public Speaker.

Teacher will give a walkthrough to the Parent of the entire curriculum. The curriculum is as
follows- Curriculum Script (Grade K-1)

We will cover 15 broad categories -

i) Storytelling

We will help the student with the grammar, sentence structure, punctuation and thought
process, which will in-turn help him with his academics and not only in English but as a
foundation for other subjects.

Students will learn how to introduce themselves in front of people. Since young kids like
Aayansh, are very curious, I will help him to nurture his curiosity and develop a progressive
mindset in him.
ii) Voice and Fluency

We will work on student’s voices and fluency. They will understand the importance of voice and
expressions while talking. Then they will be taught about the creation of sentences through
several speech therapy techniques and this will help them get fluent.

iii) Conversational Skills

We will work on confidence so that the student gets rid of the shyness while talking to people.
All this will be followed by developing conversational skills where we will help them in initiating
basic conversations. They will learn how to describe things around and talk about them.

iv) Fundamentals of Writing

Then we will move towards Writing. We will introduce them to punctuations, spacings and
words. Once a child starts understanding these things, we will make them write through
pictures. i.e express after seeing a picture.

v) Logical Thinking

We will work on tools that will enhance writing like details about punctuations, using correct
words and power of vowels.

vi) Story Writing

Then we will cover story writing. Here we will teach them how to structure and write stories as
well as how to narrate personal stories in front of a crowd.
Once a child starts understanding these things, we will make them speak through looking at
pictures. i.e express after seeing a picture.

vii) Creative Performance

Once a child develops the basics of speaking & writing, we will start working on their creativity.
They will learn how to recite poems and learn rhymes. Inorder to teach them about body
language, we will introduce drama techniques like MIME Acts, Improv Theatre etc.

viii) Fiction Writing

Then we will move towards everyday writing as Fiction Writing is the composition of non-factual
prose texts. Here they will be taught how to expand sentences, add details to writing, and write
about things around them.

ix) Active Listening

Once a child starts writing, We will work on the grammar & vocabulary after that. We will teach
them tenses, adjectives, prepositions and spellings of difficult words along with the
understanding, which word to use at which place.
x) Presentation Skills

We will then start working on student’s creative expressions. They will be taught to write poems
and mini-comic stories. We will also make them learn how to write research stories and cover
pages .

xi) Report Writing

Once a student's creative self and presentation skill gets developed, we will start with non fiction
writing. Here, he would learn journal writing, report writing and opinion writing.

xii) Persuasive Writing

Once a student learns different writing styles, we will move towards advanced story writing. This
will include sequencing stories and visual storytelling.

Persuasive writing is any written work that tries to make the reader understand the writer’s
xiii) Vocabulary & Spellings

Reading is one of the most important skills that one needs to possess in order to become an
excellent communicator. Therefore, towards the end we will help them with reading strategies
along with developing phonemic awareness in them like rhyming, alliteration etc, this will help
them to enhance their reading and vocabulary.

xiv) Creative Expression

Kids need to develop social skills at a very young age and there can be numerous advantages
to the same. Therefore, here we will help them with the social and emotional skills like how to
socialize, manage anger, learn self control, develop self awareness and empathy.

xv) Leadership

Here, students will learn to think in a structured and a logical manner. We will work on their
decision making ability. They will also be exposed to debating like speed debates,
congressional debates etc. so that they are able to express their thoughts to the world.

8. Live Projects

Our approach is “We don’t just learn, we do’ and this is achieved through our projects”.

Teacher will explain about the projects, where students will be made to do a lot of in-house
projects like Standup sketches, Podcasting, LIVE reporting, parliamentary debate and many
These projects have been scientifically proven to develop confidence, poise and personality
enhancement in young kids. So, every module like Storytelling, Logical Argumentation, Public
Performance etc will have at least one project at the end so that students are able to implement
whatever they are learning in the classroom sessions in real life. We call this project based

These are taken by the selective teachers based on the no. of enrollments (at least 15+) and an
experience of 3-4 months. Teachers are approached by the team at PlanetSpark to take these

It pops up as Live events on the Dashboard - and the topics are available in it.

Students Clubs and Contests

Inform students about the International Student Community Exposure.

These are also taken by the selective teachers based on the no. of enrollments (at least 15+)
and an experience of 3-4 months. Teachers are approached by the team at PlanetSpark to take
these events.

Let's come to the adrenaline part of the entire journey where you will also be made to participate in Global
events, competitions and workshops as a part of PlanetSpark’s Global Student Community.

Here you get exposure to the International student community consisting of 22,000+ students from 13+
countries. You will interact with kids from different countries, collaborate with them on mini projects and
perform in front of them.
7. Sense of Urgency

The main idea behind creating a sense of Urgency in front of the learner is to make them enroll
with you, quickly. Also, this bit should sound genuine!

There are several ways to create a sense of Urgency. (Check the script for several ways)

8. Further Course of Action

The teacher must give details of the further course of action and end the session on a high note
and refocus on the sense of Urgency!

Check the script for reference.

B) Senior.

4.a) Conduct a demo class using presentations & activities.

Trial/Demo class is a live demonstration class where you demonstrate your abilities to the
student by teaching. A trial class is a lesson with a student that is not currently signed up for the
PlanetSpark course. These are 50-60 minutes long classes and you need to show up 5 mins
before the scheduled trial class.

If a trial student doesn’t show up for the class, you can leave after 10 minutes. If you complete
the slides early, ask your student questions, play games, and engage in conversation until the
class time is up. DO NOT leave any class before 40-minutes as it could result in negative
feedback from a learner.

Demo class is the first & the most important step towards a student's enrolment with you. The
better you do in a demo class, the more students get enrolled with you and UNDOUBTEDLY!
more income!
For a perfect Demo class, you need to follow the below mentioned steps -

1. Aesthetics

Key points to remember.

● Teachers must be dressed formally & well groomed.

● Teachers should be seated in a silent room & maintain classroom ethics (No food, no
disturbances, no background movement allowed).
● Teachers should be seated in a well lit room.
● Teacher’s camera angle must be good - teacher's full face and upper body till waist
should be visible.
● Teachers must have a stable internet connection.

2. Introduction & Build Rapport

Smile, say their name (check pronunciation if needed) and check they can hear or see you.
Then, ask a simple open question designed to get them talking as soon as possible. So, keep in
mind to -

● Ensure that the student’s camera is ON

● Ensure that the parent is present at the start of the session.
● Welcome the student in the class followed by greeting him/her.
● Introduce yourself to the student.
● Set context of the class.
● Make the student comfortable.
● Motivate the student and create a positive learning environment for the child.

3. Content and Engagement - Student

PPTs are provided for the trial classes as this makes preparation easy. You can also use a
whiteboard, a hand puppet or anything that makes the class engaging. Since your goal is to
connect with the student and make a great first impression, it’s important to be cheerful. Who
knows, maybe you’ll get yourself a new regular student!

Teachers should be well prepared for the class.

It’s best to always look over the slides and videos before your trial class so you know what
material you’ll be teaching and how!

In this Demo, after introduction cover initial slides by explaining rules of the classroom (Thumbs

An Overview of each activity in the Trial Lesson.

Ice Breaking Game: “Story Chain”

● This game tests the child on all 5 pillars:

● Body Language : How well a child uses hands, expressions & eyes.
● Confidence & Attitude : Shyness or nervousness while speaking; hesitation
● Tonality : Pauses, emphasis & flat tone
● Thought Structure : explaining the image vs being creative
● Fluency : No stammering; pronunciation errors; sentence formation

Introduce and explain the Ice Breaking Game. Walk through the slides and ask the student to
look at a picture and build a story on it by taking alternate turns to add one-one sentences.


Body Language games : Public Speaking Master Game!

● The games demands active participation from both teacher and student;
● Be very active and lead the games.
● The teacher should have already played the game and made a note of things in
● See if the child is able to observe all the three pillars in the game “Public speaking
● Play the video at correct slide;
● Remember to paste the points which are to be identified in the chat box, so that the child
can note their answers down , while watching the video.
● Discuss all the points after the video.
● In "Speaker Challenge!" , see if the child is able to read the entire speech properly by
using 3 pillars.
● Motivate the child to read the speech like the speaker in the video.

Explain to them the importance of the game, followed by playing an identity game.

● In body language you will identify:

What facial expression is the speaker making?
What hand gestures is the speaker making?
How many times is the speaker making eye contact?

● For confidence you will see:

Does the speaker seem confident to you? Why?
How did the audience react?

● And for Voice you will observe:

How many times is the speaker pausing?
Where are these pauses?
How many times did the speaker modulate her voice?
SPEECH and Speaker Challenge!

Now, the teacher will discuss the questions with the child, ensure the child should not feel
demotivated if answered incorrectly or if failed to answer; Motivate/encourage the child!

● While playing the video ensure the child is able to hear and see the video properly
● Also be there while the video is being played, pause in between the video and ask the
child if he/she is noting down the answers while observing the video.
● After the video is complete, come back to the presentation.

Give the feedback based on questions, compliment the child for efforts followed by asking the
student to give the same speech now post receiving the feedback.


Go through the concept of Ethos, Pathos and Logos and then try to relate it with Pizza story;
Ask child how he/she persuades his/her mother for pizza; Keep the explanation precise.

Then One - by - one explain Ethos, Pathos and Logos followed by playing a quiz called -
Identify Ethos, Pathos and Logos in a speech.

● This game is to be played in the same manner as the first Body Language game -”Public
speaking Master”.
● Give instruction to the child, go to the “Identify” slide, talk about the points to be
identified, and paste those points into the chat box.
● Ask the child to note them down in a notebook.
● Go to the next slide, play the video for EPL.
● Once the video is done, come back to the presentation, go to the Discussion slide,
discuss all the points. Go to the Feedback slide and give the feedback.

Build your own speech

● Cover all the slides to see if the child is clear with all the concepts.
● Help the child to build speech using ''draft a speech'' slide I.E Graphic Organizer;
● Encourage the child to use body language as well while giving the speech.
● Be more energetic during this activity.
● Observe child sentence/thought structure in this activity and ability to remember the
learning of class in speech.

Draft a speech

● Relate some points with the topic the child has chosen.
● For example- if the child has chosen ‘Save Trees’; So, you can pick the first point from
ethos and say “have you ever planted a tree or have you ever seen someone trying to
save a tree?”.
● Pick the last point from Pathos and say “Remember to use some words which will help
people understand the importance of trees.”
● Pick a point from Logos and say “And use some real life examples to give proof, you can
say forests are being taken down for industries to stand.”
● This will give the child a little insight of how to write and will serve as helping hand)

Final Speech

After a detailed yet lively session, now it's time for the student to combine what they have
learned in this class and give a final speech.

After listening to the speech, share feedback and appreciate the student.

4.b) Post Demo Counselling/ Closing

Now that the Demo/Trial class is completed, you will follow the below mentioned steps -

Senior PostDemoCounselling Script

1. Rapport Building with the parent

● When the teacher is done with the class, she/he will invite the parent for a discussion
about the kid.
● The teacher will introduce herself/himself here in order to build trust and credibility with
the parent. This ensures that the teacher garners the complete attention of the parent!

Here is an example -

Aayansh, you did an excellent job today. Now, since we are done with the class, can you please call your
mumma and papa/parents. I hope they are around you!

*Parent comes and gets seated comfortably *

Hello _Mrs. Agarwal_, I hope you are doing well. My name is ______(teacher’s name) and I am a
Public Speaking trainer at PlanetSpark.

I have 5+ years of experience in teaching where I have helped 800+ students become confident
communicators and PlanetSpark is helping me in this quest!

2. Ask 3 key learnings from the class.

1. This helps in making the learner summarize what he/she has learned (something valuable) in
the class.
2.Parent (the decision maker and silent observer) get an impression that the teacher has added

This also sets the context to formally call the parent to start the counseling session and serves
as a booster to teachers confidence (as it reassures that the kid has learnt something new).

3. Talk about PlanetSpark.

The teacher should now formally introduce the parent about PlanetSpark and tell about its
magnanimity. Here is an example :

So—---(student’s name), I hope you are aware of PlanetSpark!

PlanetSpark is the most trusted platform for Public Speaking and Creative Writing globally, with a
presence in 13+ countries 4500+ teachers & 22,000+ students globally.

3. Transforming Student’s personalities across the globe.

We are transforming the personalities of kids like Aayansh across the globe by making them flawless

Some of the kids have even delivered speeches at global TED conferences and won accolades for the
same like Oviya, who recently gave a TED Talk on soil conservation.

*Click on the hyperlink - to show them the video to build credibility*

5. Summarizing Student’s Performance

The teacher should keep an eagle’s vision in observing the kids weaknesses and strengths
during the demo class.

Provide such actionable feedback and detailed analysis of the learner during the assessment of
all 5 pillars of Public Speaking. This will help in the following ways:

● Parents would understand and observe your eye for detail.

● They would be impressed by your expertise in the Public Speaking domain.

Start with -

So (student’s name), you can see how gracefully you learned about key techniques to give an impactful
introduction and during this process, I critically analyzed you on 5 key pillars of Public Speaking.

These are Body Language, Confidence & Attitude, Tonality, Thought Structure, and Fluency.

(Taking the example of Body Language from 5 pillars: follow a similar approach for other pillars
as well!)

6. Course Recommendation
Teacher will recommend Excellence course based on the student’s performance during the
demo, Here is an example -

Now, based on my observations on 5 pillars of Public Speaking and the improvement areas you wish in
Aayansh, I would recommend an Excellence course for him.

The excellence course at PlanetSpark leads to complete transformation in the child through 165 LIVE
personalized 1:1 classes. The course offers a complete language immersion, where we give equal
importance to Listening, Writing, Reading, Vocabulary and Grammar skills.

Mrs Agarwal, as you are already aware that mastering a language doesn’t happen overnight, it takes
persistent practise, application and exposure to like minded people to do so.

Hence, in the Excellence course, Aayansh will get access to a Global Community of 22,000+ students
from 13+ countries along with hands-on learning through specially curated 20+ projects.

Aayansh will learn the art of Body Language, Fluency, Confidence etc through advanced application of
concepts like theater techniques, congressional debates etc

This course will lead to complete change in Aayansh’s mindset and personality as we will work on each
and every detail over the course of 165 classes.

Engaging in Global community events & competitions would also help him develop leadership skills that
stay with him for a lifetime.

7. Curriculum Delivery

Getting enrolled for either of the courses at PlanetSpark can be a big decision, hence every
Parent or Student would be very curious to know about what will be taught during their
association with PlanetSpark.

Here, you will walk the parent through the complete journey that the student will go through in
Planetspark. As this journey would completely transform them into a confident communicator
and a standout Public Speaker.

Teacher will give a walkthrough to the Parent of the entire curriculum. The curriculum is as
follows- Curriculum Script (Senior)

We will cover 15 broad categories -

i) Storytelling

We will start by teaching students the art of storytelling - which is the most important skill of the
21st century. We will help them with grammar, sentence structure, and thought process, which
will in-turn help them with the academics, not only in English but as a foundation for other
subjects. They will also be taught 11 different types of speeches and how to take the story to the

ii) Logical Argumentation

We will work on logical thinking and help the student to craft an argument. This would in turn
help them do well in argumentative competitions like debate, MUNs etc. followed by teaching
different styles of debating and Model United Nations to the student. This would increase their
confidence level and they will be able to express themselves in front of the crowd.

iii) Public Performance

Now we will move towards Public Performances - in which we will teach how to present
confidently in front of people. We will cover Poetry Slam and Stand Up Comedy in this segment.
This will also help them learn how to initiate small talks and initiate conversations.
iv) Story Writing

Then we will cover story writing. Here we will teach them how to structure and write stories as
well as how to narrate personal stories in front of a crowd.

Once a child starts understanding these things, we will make them speak through looking at
pictures. i.e express after seeing a picture.

v) Presentation Skills

We will then start working on student’s creative expressions. They will be taught to write poems
and mini-comic stories. We will also make them learn how to write research stories and cover

vi) Adventure Writing

We will cover the genre of adventure writing, where we cover fantasy and sports writing.

This type of writing takes the reader on an epic journey, exploring new horizons – be they
historical or geographical. Explore the themes of courage, endurance and resourcefulness.
Allow readers to connect with a different reality or culture.
vii) Charismatic Oration

It is not just important to speak confidently - but also to speak with charisma or with a great
personality and we cover this here. We will also teach how to create a podcast and how to be a
charismatic host for live events or TV shows.

viii) Design Thinking

Thinking in the right direction and in a structured way lies at the heart of communication skills.
This is what we focus on next. We will teach students how to think in a structured manner.

ix) Creative Expression

Then we will move to creative expressions. Here students will learn how to think creatively and
express themselves in front of a crowd using body language through MIME Acts & role plays.
Creating video tutorials and short films will also be taught to the students here.
x) Opinion Writing

Then we will cover the genre of opinion writing, where we will teach students how to develop
their own point of view by analyzing arguments and thinking logically.

xi) Leadership

After all this, we will work on developing leadership skills in the students. This will be done by
teaching decision making skills and conflict resolution skills to them. Students will be made to
give speeches of great public figures so that they can imbibe/understand the power of voice
modulation, body language and confidence.

xii) Influence & Persuasion

Now students will be taught how to influence and persuade others. They will learn these skills
by observing advertisements and infomercials. Teachers will expose them to cross-cultural
communication and propaganda techniques to understand persuasion techniques.
xiii) Suspense Writing

Here, we will cover the genre of Suspense writing, where we also cover Horror Writing and Sci-fi
writing. Suspense writing is a matter of setting reader expectations by controlling information—
how much you reveal, and when and how you reveal it. In its most practical sense, suspense is
a series of incremental steps.

xiv) Report Writing

Once a student's creative self and presentation skill gets developed, we will start with non fiction
writing. Here, he would learn journal writing, report writing and opinion writing.

xv) Biographing

Here, students will learn about biographing i.e how to write biographies. By learning and
knowing how to list down experiences through their exposure to expository writing.

8. Live Projects

Our approach is “We don’t just learn, we do’ and this is achieved through our projects”.

Teacher will explain about the projects, where students will be made to do a lot of in-house
projects like Standup sketches, Podcasting, LIVE reporting, parliamentary debate and many

These projects have been scientifically proven to develop confidence, poise and personality
enhancement in young kids. So, every module like Storytelling, Logical Argumentation, Public
Performance etc will have at least one project at the end so that students are able to implement
whatever they are learning in the classroom sessions in real life. We call this project based

These are taken by the selective teachers based on the no. of enrollments (at least 15+) and an
experience of 3-4 months. Teachers are approached by the team at PlanetSpark to take these

It pops up as Live events on the Dashboard - and the topics are available in it.

Students Clubs and Contests

Inform students about the International Student Community Exposure.

These are also taken by the selective teachers based on the no. of enrollments (at least 15+)
and an experience of 3-4 months. Teachers are approached by the team at PlanetSpark to take
these events.

Let's come to the adrenaline part of the entire journey where you will also be made to participate in Global
events, competitions and workshops as a part of PlanetSpark’s Global Student Community.

Here you get exposure to the International student community consisting of 22,000+ students from 13+
countries. You will interact with kids from different countries, collaborate with them on mini projects and
perform in front of them.
7. Sense of Urgency

The main idea behind creating a sense of Urgency in front of the learner is to make them enroll
with you, quickly. Also, this bit should sound genuine!

There are several ways to create a sense of Urgency. (Check the script for several ways)

8. Further Course of Action

The teacher must give details of the further course of action and end the session on a high note
and refocus on the sense of Urgency!

Check the script for reference.

Section #6 : Demo Operational Aspect

In 1:1 Demos

1. Open LMS, click on Demo Management and choose Demo requests.

2. Choose the demo as per the time, date and grade convenience.

3. In order to check details, click in between the box and see the information.
4. Click on Accept as per the details.

5. Click on Yes and it will direct you to another page.

6. Click on Free Call and choose Show Phone Number.

7. Now, the mobile number is visible, kindly dial the number and contact the parent.

8. After calling the parent, update the status by clicking on the Update Status option
at the bottom.
9. Choose Parent Demo Confirmed and update the notes.

10. At the time of class , click on the Join Class icon at the bottom right side.

11. Once clicked, it will redirect you to the demo class.

12. When the student joins, it will reflect on the screen. Start with the demo class.

Before starting the demo, teachers need to be prepared with the Demo pdfs and
videos inorder to give uninterrupted demos.

13. Open the demo material folder provided to you and download the ppts as pdf on
your laptop/desktop.

14. Once the pdf is downloaded then go to download → right click on the pdf →
click on open with → choose another app.
15. Select GOOGLE CHROME → Select the box - “Always use this app to open .pdf
files” to make it the default app → click on OK → File will open in the chrome

Demo Videos Links

MALALA Video -
Greta - Body language, Voice Modulation and Confidence -
Greta EPL -

16. Click on the share screen option.

17. A dialog box will open → Select CHROME TAB → Select the demo pdf that you
have already opened in the chrome tab → Select Share tab audio → Click on

18. Demo pdf will be shared and it will start reflecting in the classroom screen.
19. Click on the “Picture in Picture” option as shown in the above image in order to
see the student (encircled in Red) while you navigate the slides from a different
tab as shown below.

20. When it’s time to play the video. Go to the youtube tab where the video is already
open → Click on the “Share this tab instead” option (as shown in the above
image encircled in Green) → Video will be shared in the class.
21. Click on the badge and press yes to assign the badge to the student.

22. Click on the give applause tab and press yes to give an applause with sound
effects to motivate the student.

23. After completing the demo start with post demo counselling and give
assessment of the child to the parent using the take assessment tab.
24. Click on the Request feedback tab towards the end of the demo and ask parents
to submit feedback.

25. At the end click on the book counselling session and ask the parent for their
availability for counselling session scheduling with PlanetSpark Counselling team.

Teachers need to update the Demo status at every stage -

● Demo Confirmed - After the slot confirmation call with the parent you will mark the
demo status 'Confirmed' within an hour, once confirmed by them.
● Conducted - When the Demo is conducted successfully, you will mark the status
conducted after completion of the demo.
● Rescheduled - Mark the demo status Rescheduled when parent requests for demo time
change after the slot confirmation call.
● Canceled - when there is no response from the parent and they are not willing to join the
demo then you will mark the demo status as cancelled.

Group Demos -

There is a new section at the top of the LMS called “Accept Group Demo Bookings”.

The section will not be visible/will be hidden in case all CLGBs (Combat Lead Group
Bookings) have been accepted. New CLGBs will keep coming in this section.

This section will not be visible to those teachers who have selected only Personal Classes i.e.

Following information will be visible to the teacher on the CLGB card before accepting a CL
Group Booking slot:-

1. Category (One out of the 8 categories)

2. Timeslot
3. Number of bookings so far within the slot
4. Any other lead information

After accepting a CLGB slot, the teacher will be able to see all the bookings inside the CLGB
slot in a listview with phone number, name and any other details in real time as they come.
Teacher does not need to call the bookings.

The cap of a CLGB slot is going to be 15 bookings i.e. after 15 bookings the CLGB slot will not
be allowed to take further bookings and a new CLGB slot will be open for bookings

There is going to be only 1 unique CLGB slot in filling now status for a given category at a given
time slot and only 1 teacher can accept it. CLGB slot will not be visible for any other teacher to
accept once a teacher accepts that

CLGB Statuses:

● Conducted: (All corresponding CLB statuses to be marked as Group_Conducted and

will move into post trial flow to the sales team with Group_Conducted tag)
● Teacher Ready: (This status is visible 6 hours before the demo. Must change status to
Teacher Ready 2 hours prior to the demo time. If not, the CLGB is unassigned and
floated back again)
● Demo Confirmed: (Must change status to Demo Confirmed within 2 hours of accepting
otherwise CLGB will be unassigned and will be floated again)
● Pending: Pre acceptance status
● Canceled: Temporary status when CLGBs are canceled by the teachers or auto
canceled by the system
● Note: Reschedulement not allowed

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