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Yarmouk University

Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology

Computer Engineering Department

Digital Design Lab CpE231 Second Semester 2010/2011

Exp6: Flip-Flop Circuits

Study the data sheets for the 74LS74 (D type Flip Flop) and the 74LS76 (JK type flip
flop). Also revise the material in chapter 5 of the textbook “Digital Design by M. Mano”.

1. Using D-type or flip flops design a 3-bit binary counter that counts only odd numbers,
this counter should move between the following states 1 – 3 – 5 – 7 and back
to 1. Your design should include the following steps: a state table, k-maps and
simplification results, and logic diagram. Try to make your design a cost effective one
by minimizing number of IC's used. . You should show the pin connections of all IC’s
and gates in your diagrams

2. Repeat the design of the same counter above but now with using JK-flip flop
And show all the steps of your design just like the previous part.

3. Construct a T-flip flop from JK-flip flops and repeat the design of the odd sequence for
the four bit counter. Also here; all your design steps should be completed.


Build your counter designed in all three parts above and verify that it fulfill the design
requirements. Connect the output of each flip flop to seven-segment display and take into
account the significance for each flip flop. Use a pulse switch (denouncing switch) to
drive the clock input of all flip flops. Try to use an ordinary switch later and observe the
behavior of your counter and try to explain the strange behavior that you will see. Finally
replace the pulse switch by the output of the clock generator in
your kit, use a frequency of 1 and 2 HZ .Hint search the internet for the bouncing
effect in switches and how it is rectified through a denouncing circuit.

Digital Logic Lab CpE 231 Dr. Sami Hamdan: Lab coordinator
Yarmouk University
Hijjawi Faculty for Engineering Technology
Computer Engineering Department

Digital Logic Lab CpE 231 Dr. Sami Hamdan: Lab coordinator

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