How To Change Your Life With: Numerology

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How To Change Your Life with

By Blair Gorman
Copyright (c) 2010 Blair Gorman/
All Rights Reserved
Manufactured in the United States of America
First digital edition 10/2012

Cover and interior design Shadow Oak Studio

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Disclaimer: The author assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of the information in
this book. Anyone following the advice provided in this book does so at their own risk.

This book is no substitute for legal, accounting, investment, medical and other professional
services to suit your specific personal needs. Always consult a competent professional for
answers to your specific questions.
Table of Contents
How to Change Your Life with Numerology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Numerology Literally Transformed My Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

The Four Cornerstones of Your Numerology Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1. Your skill and talent number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2. Your reason in life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3. Your reason behind your motives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
4. Your traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

The Codes to Your Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Numerology is a Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
A. Called Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
B. Called Name Heart’s Desire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
C. Base - Primary Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
D. Ultimate Goal Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
E. Karma and the Law of Vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
F. Focus Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
G. Building Blocks of Personality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
H. Cornerstone of your First Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
I. Subscious Self . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
J. Correction Lessons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
K. Pinnacles of Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
L. Combination Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
M. Essence - You Feel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
N. Personal Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
O. Personal Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
P. Personal Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
How To Change Your Life
With Numerology
By Blair Gorman

Dear Friend,
What you are about to read: “How To Change Your Life
With Numerology” is genuinely profound and, without any
exaggeration, an absolute truth, proven as such by the accu-
mulation of empirical data gathered over the last 30 years.
Numerology completely changed my life!
It is so powerful it also changed the lives of my family, friends and even my
clients (many of whom were once skeptics, as was I)… and now, perhaps it
will even change your life…
Do not just take my word for it. It’s likely we haven’t met and this may well
be the first time you have heard my name, but be prepared for a complete
surprise with the Sample Report you are about to receive.
To give you an idea of the power of Numerology, let me tell you my story
and a little about me.

Best regards,

Blair Gorman
B.Sc (Hons), Master Numerologist,
NLP Master Practitioner
Numerology Literally
Transformed My Life

A s a teenager, way
back in 1984, I
became fascinated by
state. This was not healthy for my mind
or my body. I needed something more, I
needed an out, an answer, and then it came.
computers and learned
One ‘fateful’ weekend, my lovely wife
to use them. I much
had been to a new-age fair (something I
enjoyed computers that when I left school
had no interest in at the time). She came
I went to University and gained an honors
home excited about something she had seen,
degree in computer science.
something she insisted I had to see with my
My degree enabled me to launch my own eyes.
career as a computer programmer. I found
I was reluctantly dragged along (you
work at an innovative company, and my
don’t know how persistent my wife can
salary was very rewarding, but most of the
be) and so was to find the answer I was
time I was left feeling unfulfilled, without
looking for.
direction and just miserable. Money alone
does not make for happiness. Apart from the tarot readers, Reiki
Masters, clairvoyant readers, all tucked
It was not the company; the hours were
away in their tiny booths, I was introduced
long, but the drain on my body and mind
to and had a brief session with a man called
was caused by something other than my
Peter, a Numerologist.
work with computers.
Being skeptical by nature, I made sure
I could not explain why I always felt
not to give him anything that he could use
low, why I was not content and happy with
in my body language, or from any responses
my lot, especially when I was certainly in a
to anything he said that could give him clues
better place financially and career wise than
about me.
most of my friends.
He asked for my name and birth date;
I started to drink when I got home, and
then he started...
this is not a good thing, but I found the alco-
hol took the edge off my stagnant depressed

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
I Was Stunned!
He launched into a de- Of all the initial information I looked
scription of my situation… he at, one thing stood out above all else: one
described how I was feeling component that had to do with my name.
and what was going on in my It identified my passion, the missing element
life… he spoke as if he had in my search for what was wrong in my life:
been perched on my shoulder my Heart’s Desire.
for months, maybe years…
and he revealed my (then) This is the one thing everyone should pay
present circumstances, my recent and earlier immediate attention to, it is the motive that
past. He spoke of things only those closest to drives us all to do in life what we need to do,
me knew, as I am a very private person. to feel we have a purpose and to get excited
about it.
Although I was skeptical, I had to admit
to myself that there was no way this man Numerology, as the name signifies, is all
could have known such specific things about about numbers and there are many in your
me and my life, UNLESS what he did with name and date of birth. However, it is the
numbers was for real. I was captivated. Heart’s Desire number that reveals your
innermost yearning, the dreams dearest to
What was this Numerology Stuff? I was your heart.
blown away. And my wife was so pleased
that some ‘guy’ could do what he did to me. I was well pleased to find my Heart’s
She was grinning from ear to ear later when Desire number was something special, and
we talked about it. I had a new energy, a new then to find other special numbers in my birth
purpose. I had to know more. date that also had significance. These were
the number’s 11 and 22 and explained why
When I arrived home from the fair, I got I was so ‘lost’ and unable to identify what I
stuck ordering books, materials, anything I really wanted to do in my life.
could find on Numerology. I devoured all I
could, so eager to learn everything I could Numerology literally saved my life.
about this amazing thing called Numerology.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
The Four Cornerstones
Of Your Numerology Chart

W hen building a brick

wall, there are rein-
forcing rods, concrete foun-
The Skill and Talent Number or Life Path
as it is often called, identifies specifically how
you approach everything and how you utilize
dations, mortar to hold the your inbuilt and instinctive skills, tools if you
bricks in place and of course like, to make an effect on anything you touch
the bricks themselves. There or approach in life.
is the bricklayer too, as there
can be no design or pattern to the wall with- This is How you Do Things. This is why
out his magical touch. You are such a wall you do things in your life and even just in
and you are the architect of your life. Your your daily routines, the way you do, as
name and date of birth are the bricks and opposed to others who do things in a differ-
mortar of your existence. ent way. You might say that it is “just the
way I do it and they do it their
To evaluate your life according to way because we’re different”
Numerology, certain core elements, but it is not just a random
your primary numbers, have to be circumstance. People are
identified and you have to understand unique, you are unique, and
the important role they play in your this is why some people are
life. Here we are going to look at the better at doing certain things
Main 4 cornerstones of your Numero- than others.
logical Profile.
Discover your latent talents, how to im-
1. Your Skill and Talent Number — prove and apply your skills in a manner that
the Total of Your Entire Birth Date makes for greater effect and expertise, and
you will then, and only then, realize with
The birth date in its entirety shows your amazement that you can do things you never
inbuilt talent, the means by which you apply before thought you could do, so have never
yourself to all you do throughout your life. even tried. This is a sad yet thrilling and mi-
This is the unchanging, but ever improving, raculous discovery.
skill base through which you interact with
the world and the specific way in which you
express your abilities.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
Your Life Path is something to be reck- Also known as your Expression, your
oned with. Martial artists and karate experts Destiny comes from the name you were given
are not born leaping and bounding off walls; at birth and the many ways in which you use
they are experts because they have come to it. Interlaced with your name are components
know their Natural Skill and have sharpened comprising and making up your destiny, your:
it to perfection.
• Intellectual and mental qualities
Your Life Path may position you in the
arts with a brush, in the air as a pilot, in the • Physical alignment of your Personality
sea as an Olympic champion, in business as
• Emotional expression and sensitivity
a respected and admired achiever... dare to
dream, you may be blown away by the extent • Intuitive capabilities and extrasensory
of all that your Life Path — when applied to perception
its Full Capacity and Energy can do for you.
 When you employ your Skill Number
with your Destiny Number, another means to
2. Your Reason in Life — Your Destiny express yourself becomes awakened.
To each of us is given Too many people change their names
a Name and although because they are not happy with who they
many others may have are. Perhaps they desire to follow the path of
one similar to yours, yours entertainers, movie stars or sports heroes. Yet
is unique because it has to come to know the power, talent and unique
support from other aspects tools that lie waiting in the wings of your life’s
of your character that pro- stage, and then to employ them in the most
vide the vital difference. effective way, opens doors of opportunity,
tailor made for you, which you otherwise
Like an arrow, your name has a flight path,
will never have the keys to.
a Destiny, when released from the Archer’s
bow. You have a beginning to your Life Jour- The Destiny Number is your most intimate
ney and the final target where you will one number of all. It is YOU in every sense and it
day land. reveals a place in life just for you, where you
can be and learn, love and be loved.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
Your birth date is fixed but your name is at But once you appreciate the awesome power
your discretion, should you decide to change and the invisible guidance of the Heart’s
it. Be very careful, as a name altered brings desire number, you will know once and for all
about a course change in your immediate time the reason WHY you were motivated to
Destiny. The Bible clearly states “a change in go, do, or become the thing that is closest to
name results in a change in destiny” and it is your heart.
recorded many times in that book, how names
were altered to secure a new direction. Your Heart’s Desire, also known as your
Soul Urge, is calculated from certain letters
The road map to your destiny, like the within your name. An analysis and investiga-
path taken on a long journey in a car, clearly tion of these special letters provides an un-
shows all the turning points: the stops, the derstanding of why you are motivated, or not,
accident prone points and the times of love, toward anything you may come into contact
responsibility and when to move on. This with in your life.  
beautiful component and Major Cornerstone
of your personality is the storyboard of your Some people change their name and the
life. Every page and scene can be read and Heart’s desire number very likely also chang-
prepared for, even those that have yet to come es. This alters things drastically and may
in the future. To have the book of your life in assist and improve their life or affect it ad-
your hands is to be in control of your destiny. versely. But one thing is for certain: the condi-
tioning and initial impressions we all receive
3. The Reason Behind Your Motives — with our original or first name remain fixed in
Your Heart’s Desire Number our subconscious and always hint and push us
to be what That Number dictates.
Every person aspires to
achieve and is self-driven You may know some singers and enter-
at some times in their life, tainers who have changed their names. Some
and at others performs under excel and go on to greater things, others fail
threat, to avoid emotional miserably, collapse into their own mistakes
and / or physical pain. and are left wondering what went wrong.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
The Heart’s Desire number will love you Numbers display themselves as markers,
and cherish you, and always nudge you in the habits and they all have an ability to express
right direction as a guide to your life’s pur- themselves through their owner. Of all the
pose. It will partner with your Destiny and numbers, this, the Birth Day number can be
Life Path Numbers, harmonize and strengthen likened to the bow of the ship: its nature and
your life’s purpose and always remind you — design are at the forefront, as it cuts through
through your feelings — to listen to its subtle the water bringing the ship in all its glory in
calling. its wake.

 4. Your Traits — Your Birth Day Number Your Birth Day number is a wonderful
indicator of your most obvious quality. Learn
Like your First to use it like a Master Craftsman has learned
Name, your Birth to use his tools and you will become an expert
Day has very at what you do, just as the driver of a rally car
special qualities. needs the skill and talents of the navigator to
It is the identifier, help him see his way on the road ahead.
the trademark, of
These are the 4 most important numbers
much of what you
of your numerology chart. Just by paying
do. This one num-
attention to these 4 numbers alone, you can
ber has the role
lead a significantly more fulfilling life (al-
and responsibility of heightening and adding
though your entire chart should be examined
energy to many of your daily activities.
for a complete and accurate picture).
This is the tool you use most often and
people will recognize this quality in every Let’s move on to the other numbers in
action you make: it is like the icing on the your numerology chart, and how they too can
cake, the paint on the metal body of the car, change your life…
the clothing that dresses the mannequin, the
way the Samurai holds his katana (sword).

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
The Codes to Numerology
Your Success is a Science

T he descriptions and
the qualities of the
numbers above are the
J ust as I described ear-
lier, talking about the
Bricks and Mortar and
Cornerstones that bind such that make you what
and hold your entire you are, there are other
Personality, Traits, more elemental qualities
Skills and Destiny that cannot be seen as
together through your Name and Birth Date. easily on the surface, but
Together these numbers are dictating and which explain the quality of the Bricks you
responsible for your every move and experi- are made from, the ingredients of the Mortar
ence throughout your life. which bind you together, and make you what
you are.
Your Numbers Act, Vibrate and Attract to
you all the events, people and experiences you
will ever have, from the time of your birth to
A. Your Surface Self — Your
the time you finally leave the planet on your Called Name
journey to greater things.
It is not often you are called by your full
As Einstein once said; “energy never name. You may have been when you were
disappears, it merely changes form” and to young, when your mom or dad may have
do this it must vibrate and dance to a tune. called you by it when you had done something
The Tune of Your Life is in the Numbers, and wrong.
Numerology is the tool to unlock the Codes to
More often you are known by your first
your Success.
and last name and this identifies you among
friends and associates.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
There may be others in your class, in your surface personality and cannot explain even to
work place or whom you associate with, that themselves, let alone others, the cause of their
have the same first name as you do, so the in- newly adopted behavior. This is something
clusion of your last name identifies you to oth- people should definitely be aware of, as it can
ers when talking about you or calling for you. alter the course of their life so easily.
Especially, when you may be in the company
of another person with the same first name. There is Power in the Called name Number.

The Called Name can be likened to an

overcoat, a dust jacket, or a costume you may
B. Apparent Motives — the
put on over your clothing to cover up the real Called Name Heart’s Desire
you underneath. Your Whole Name is one
Number, and your Called Name is another Just as your ‘shortened’ or called name
number. A man may wear shorts and a tee alters the way you do things on the surface,
shirt around home and look homely, but when the Heart’s Desire of the Called Name is also
he puts on a police uniform he takes on a like a driver, an inquisitive component of you
whole new that has quirky interests in this and that. Like
appearance. window-shopping, it displays through you
a quality that you enjoy doing, but there is
The Number of your Full Name is very im- no real substance or motivation to do it all
portant and dictates very clearly who you are, the time.
but the Called Name number identity is the
one that people see up front, and dictates how Imagine you are browsing through a de-
you approach anything in the first instance. partment store and come across a section that
captures your interest, such as a clothing rack,
If you change your Called Name by short- a book display or a tool or gardening area. You
ening it, or through marriage, your surface are curious and interested enough to browse
personality will alter and this will usually be- and may even buy something. But you don’t
come very noticeable within about six months. feel the need to spend too much of your time
This is one reason why people often have a there; “just looking” thanks!
major change in their apparent

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
Then there is the fun side to this Called The Personality contained in this form is
Name Heart’s Desire number. It is the driver derived by using only the consonants of your
or energy that nudges you every now and name. Once done, the Nature of your Name
then to do something you like. Go to a movie, is Revealed and your inner Base and Nature,
build a project for the home or yard, make a those you truly harmonize with, will become
cake or cook a dinner and have a party. It is evident. This is you without the icing on the
not an “all the time” desire that pulls at you cake, your naked self, not in a physical sense
continually. but a Primary Personality Persona. In other
words, the real you, who is not protected by
Do not discount that a change in your putting on a false face, looking for others to
Called Name may also cause a change in match your base roots to.
your Heart’s Desire derived from that name’s
D. Where are you Going in Life? —
Your Ultimate Goal Number
C. The Underlying Personality —
Your Base or Primary Nature I mentioned earlier, when
explaining the Destiny num-
Our evolved language has given us many ber, that we are all launched
ways to increase our language and especially into life by the Archer, the
so the vowels, threaded through our names, metaphorical character who
which give us more color and flavor, if you takes your new born spirit
can describe this concept in such terms. or soul, like an arrow, draws
his bow back and points you
If we were to remove the vowels from in the direction of your Des-
your name, what is left is the Personality in its tiny, the arena where your
Base form. In many ways, this is almost like Ultimate Goal lies.
returning your name from modern times to

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
This part of your nature is derived from
the complete you; i.e. the whole name you
E. The Missing Links —
were given at the time of your birth and your Karma & the Law of Vacuum
entire birth date. This is the total you.
One thing is for sure: you
And like a fine brandy or whisky — for and I cannot think about that
those so inclined — it is the time in your life which we do not know. The
where you have reached Maturity, where you Law of Vacuum states that
have earned the right to be complete. This is the Universe will not sustain
where you are to spend the rest of your earth an empty space and will fill
years enjoying and earning the love and it with anything suitable in
respect of those around you. the neighborhood.

The Ultimate Goal is the place your life So if you do something impulsively with-
was destined to go in the long run, once you out checking it out first, you will meet with
are well into the marathon of your life. Karma or the Vacuum Law, depending on
what you are doing.
It is the one place you always have dreams
of, it whispers to you in the winds of your If you hop into a very powerful car to take
mind and occasionally allows you a glimpse it for a test drive and you are caught out by the
of things to come, but always hides the true speed it delivers and cannot handle it, Karma
goal and purpose of your life until you are steps up to the plate and you learn what it is
Ready To Accept it. like to have an accident.

If you work diligently and apply yourself If someone offers you “down a dark alley”
to the purpose you were Destined for, Life or in a bar, an absolute bargain like a Rolex
will reward you with what you deserve. In Watch for a half price Cash Deal Only, and
this instance, if you are honest and ethical you go ahead thinking you’ve scored, only to
but certainly nobody’s fool, you should find find out later you’ve been ripped off with a
comfort and content in the dwelling of your budget store look-a-like, Karma has stepped
Ultimate Goal. up to the plate once more.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
Your name doesn’t include all the letters in as karma always delivers. So get smart and
the alphabet. Because of this you are ignorant learn those things that feature as void in your
of the knowledge the missing letters contain life and become its Master.
and may make simple mistakes or misjudg-
ments, due to the fact you had no understand-
ing of the consequences of your actions, and F. The Focus Number
you pay the price once more.
This is an interesting Number Pattern to
This is Cause and Effect in Action. discover in your Chart, as many people have a
relatively even mix of numbers in their name
Karmic Lessons simply mean that Life and Birth Date and that’s fine.
will teach you — through what you do not
know — to help you become aware of your But there are approxi-
ignorance and try to balance your life, at mately 6 Main Numbers
one and the same time. in this area that determine
whether or not you have a
The only real challenge being that, if you Focus Number.
are deaf to the lessons being learned and re-
peat them over and again in blind ignorance, This Number is active
this hurts. or predominant when it is
50% or 3 of your 6 Main Numbers. With this
Learning this lesson in Numerology helps being so, the value of the Number — whatev-
you to overcome or avoid things that many in er it is — tends to keep you always on track to
life experience the hard way: with marriage where this Number dictates you will perform
breakups, when money comes and then goes best.
straight away on bills and fines, when every
job you apply for turns out just as miserable Although it will oftentimes keep you in a
as the last one. particular field of employ or arena of activity,
at the expense of some other area of your life
Life does not care whether you succeed or that the common crowd may frequent, it will
fail, but it will reward you with love, happi- bother you not.
ness and success, or pain, loss and emptiness,

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
You are quite content to follow the path I had my own moment of revelation when
that the Focus Number points you in, and I turned on my genius factor through my
again, that’s fine. Intuition Plane, and I didn’t know I had this
amazing quality. Once I found out, I saw how
others could benefit as I have, by loading this
G. The Planes of Expression — powerful projectile for success and readying
Description of the Building it for firing.
Blocks of Personality The Planes of Expression are tools you can
rely on to empower a particular area of your
The letters of the alphabet are like the life. Knowing how yours affects and can help
construction blocks of your Personality and in you opens the door to possibilities that other-
this section of your chart relate directly to the wise lie asleep deep in your Nature.
way in which you are able to express yourself
with your Physical, Mental, Emotional and Very few people are missing or have
Intuitive areas of your life. ‘empty’ an element group in the Planes of
their Expression, but this too is significant
The four components amplify or impact and should it be the case for you, you are in
on the way they express themselves through a fortunate position indeed, for you can turn
you, based entirely on the actual amount of on the tap in this area of your life and share a
specific letters found in each Plane where world of abundant energy from that plane.
they reside in your name.
Remember I said earlier that there is no
If any one of the 4 Planes contains more such thing as “no-thing.” So when there is a
letters than the others, there is an increasing void in your life, the Universe can turn on the
possibility that you may have a Genius Factor energy flow without resistance and you can
that gives you a Powerful edge in this area, have what you want by merely asking for it.
over other aspects residing in your make-up.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
H. The Letter of Impact — the makes it even more special when used in the
right way.
Cornerstone of Your
First Name When meeting new people, the first letter
of your name is literally your Cornerstone
Every name has a first letter and this letter and holds the initial energy and leads the way
is extremely effective if used in the right man- for the rest of your first name’s energy to
ner. This may sound strange, but that letter is follow. It affects other people and how they
more potent than you realize. feel, respond, and react to you. The other
letters in your first name add weight to the
If you could choose between being in the first letter and express the power and Identity
path of a large balloon or a truck, I would contained in your presence. Your name is
guess you would choose the balloon, because simply fantastic.
it has less impact when making contact with
you at speed. Once you wake up the sleeping Army of
Talent within your first name, you will know
The Letter of your First Name is like this. what it is you have that affects others, and
Some letters are strong and cutting and others then you can apply yourself for additional
soft and emotional. Either way, the use and impact.
understanding of these letters, and the im-
pact they have on other people, is well worth I. The Subconscious Self —
knowing. It explains why some people learn
Negative vs. Positive /
the hard way, why some are direct and emo-
tion free, why some people lean toward ex- Reaction vs. Response
citement and others are laid back and appear
non-reactive to things going on around them. This area of the Chart is revealing for a
specific reason. People are what they are, but
The first letter of your first name has a the programming or conditioning, which they
meaning, a relationship in the Greater Scheme were subjected to as they were growing up,
of Things and is the cutting edge of your results in their ability, or lack of it, to manage
energy. It carries a value too, a Number that situations or conflict.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
There are times in your life when some- considered a life or death deciding factor and
thing unexpected happens, or you may find is worth learning.
yourself in a ‘situation’ of intense emotional
pressure — good or not so good. At such
times you may be spoken to in a particular J. The Challenges We Encounter
manner which you are not expecting, or you — Correction Lessons
may be physically disturbed by what someone
does to you, such as them pushing in front of There are many
you when you were in a queue. The emotions times in life where
within you are effectively charged, adrenalin you seem to have the
surges, your blood may boil (to coin a phrase) same problem surface
and you then spontaneously React, or else time and again, but
you pause momentarily and Respond. each situation appears
different at the outset.
This is very important to define, as some
people have a natural ability to control their It is like buying a book, not liking it
emotions better than others when challenged. and realizing it was a waste of money, even
though the title or subject matter of the book
This is your sub-conscious self taking over. was to your liking or interest.

The habit of control, or condition of re- So you buy another book because the cover
sponding rather than reacting, is very impor- is different and you feel confident that this is
tant for your success and for the way in which a better buy. You soon discover the content of
other people view your temperament and the the book is the same as the first one, but the
quality of your personality. Such a condition cover is different.
can be learned and a habit formed which will
act as your servant for the rest of your life. Thus you buy another book in a similar
line, knowing that this book is definitely what
The Sub-conscious Self describes the you have been looking for, but wait, some-
manner in which you ‘react’ or ‘respond’ and thing inside you gives you that ‘gut-feeling’
gives you the choice to control your actions that maybe this is just the same book with yet
in any given situation. In truth, this could be another cover to make it appear different.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
So you look into it before you make the K. The Favors Life Provides us —
purchase and you were right, the book is the the Pinnacles of Success
same once more.
In similar fashion to the section on the
This is what the Challenges represent in Challenges, the Pinnacles represent the
your life. equivalent of Life providing us with multiple
periods of support and opportunity for us to
Many times you will be confronted with develop, gain and benefit from.
an opportunity that turns sour on you. It will
have cost you time and energy, but its effect You have four
on your life overall will have been very Seasons with well-
valuable and therefore to your advantage. matched opportuni-
In other words, it was a benefit and not a ties for you to do with
loss in the overall scheme of things. as you will. Some
choose to do noth-
BUT if you repeat the same lesson over ing with their cycli-
and over, you are having Challenges in cal Pinnacles and do
learning the Lesson. not make progress,
as they would be
This component of your life is represented well able to do if they took advantage of their
in the area of your Chart by the Challenges support. Others see the opportunity, grab and
and is worth taking particular notice of. hold tight and make full use of the Pinnacle
available to them.
Finally in this topic, there are four seasons
to your life, just as there are four seasons to a Each Pinnacle has a perfectly timed ar-
year on earth. The Seasons in your chart are rival and departure from your life. The first
derived from your Birth date and are much (Spring) being relatively long in duration, the
longer than the annual orbit of the Earth two middle seasons (Summer and Autumn)
around the Sun, precisely measured as to being 9 years each and the final and most
when they have an impact on your life. rewarding season running on for the rest of
your life.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
This is, in a sense, your most glorious Most people have an average of 3 names.
season, for it is where all the preceding These three names are written normally with
opportunities and lessons learned from the the First names (Christian names) from left
Pinnacles and Challenges support you, if to right, followed by the Surname; i.e. in a
you have used them to their fullest. series formation.

In every sense, it is prudent to have In Numerological analysis of the chart,

learned about these broad time-framed the way the name is written in preparation
periods of opportunity, as not understand- for analysis is different than simply writing
ing them, and not learning from them, cuts it in sequence as above. Each name is written
short most opportunities and leaves you with in Parallel, one above the other and in such
a mundane life or even worse, a negatively a manner that the letters themselves are also
soured one. extended or stretched out according to their
numerical value.

L. Emotional Transits — This is like writing your name on a white

the Combination Locks balloon before it is inflated and then stretch-
ing it out so the name becomes elongated. If
This is an amazing and in-depth area of you remember the film “The Matrix” and all
Numerology which, once you have learned the green numbers, symbols and letters that
it, will have you hooked forever. were raining down the screens, this is what
it looks like. Once you know the secret code
This is the part where the format, you can read a person’s life in the
Ingredients of people’s lives are Past, see their Present activities and look as
formed, which influences every deep into their Future as you like — and it’s
emotion and drives people on to all-accurate.
do what they do. This section,
in conjunction with the Essence Now, this section is the prelude to what I
that follows, literally enables have just mentioned; for each letter is read in
the Numerologist to see into the a column format and not horizontally, like the
future. tumbler codes on a bicycle combination lock.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
Each letter has an individual meaning, a and be able to determine times and dates
duration of time, and is independent from the when things have happened for them, very
other letters. Sometimes it extends its energy likely before they do.
beyond its fellow letters, and sometimes it is
shorter than the letters around it. The value placed on this section of learn-
ing Numerology cannot be beaten, for its
These are the Transitional periods of each absolutely amazing ability to identify any-
letter and to some degree look like the ex- thing for the person about their emotional
change in a relay race where the runners pass condition, their financial situation, health,
on the baton to the next runner. You will note love situations and even loss and sorrow.
there is never an exact period of exchange for Nothing can compare!
all the runners and their batons at the same
time, they are staggered. This is the form the Even more exciting is when the follow-
letters have as they transit through your life ing section is ‘blended and read’ in conjunc-
and it is fascinating. tion with the essence. For knowing these two
Time Lord calculations, you can in truth see
M. The Essence — the future and gain the ability to control what
happens before it arrives. Once again, Wow!
the Way You Feel
If I sounded excited by the above Tran- N. The Personal Year — the 9
sits, I am really excited about the topic of the Revolving Stages of Experience
essence. Can you imagine being able to pick
up a person’s chart, even that of a complete To the Numerologist, the Personal Year
stranger and being able to tell them confident- simply means that you are on a cyclical Fer-
ly how they are feeling about life right now, ris wheel that takes 9 years to complete from
how they were feeling last year or 20 years start to finish. It is calculated using your birth
ago, and be absolutely accurate? Wow! data and combining that with the Calendar
Year (i.e. 1996 or 2002 or 2015).
This is what reading the essence can do.
You will know more about the person’s past

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
The importance of the Personal Year is that O. The Personal Months —
it identifies the Stage of Life you are currently Experiences from January to
experiencing. Like an actor who is performing December in More Detail
on a set, the stage has certain aspects such as
a “traveling” scene, or a “building a project” During a Personal Year, there are 12
scene and so on. months that have a ‘flavor’ or energy of their
own, so to speak, which is governed by the
The Personal Year brings its message and directive of the Personal Year.
instruction for you to act out your life upon.
When the Essence mentioned above is blended The events of each month are controlled
or mixed in with the personal Year, the out- to a major degree by the controlling factor of
come is a revelation of events that can be seen the Year, and, just as the Personal Year en-
and controlled to the point where you can ergy changes sequentially during the 9 years
manipulate future monthly activities and gain it takes to complete a full cycle, the energy of
the best from them without missing out or car- any particular year will affect a month and in-
rying some disadvantageous matter on your fluence the way in which a person experiences
shoulders as a burden. what they do in any particular month.

The Personal Years always run in sequence • The Personal Year controls the Months
and a storyboard of events is clearly identi-
fied. You can know when to buy and sell large • The Personal months control and influ-
items such as cars or houses, when to travel ence the individual
and to where, know when to manage your
health and diet with more care, and so on.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
The Personal Months can be used to But, what is special, important and seri-
determine the timing for when something ously worth investigating with the Personal
comes to a conclusion or offer a time to begin Day is when it is assessed for special times,
something. Selling a house is often indicated such as:
by a set pattern of numbers and letters and
the Personal Month, and once again can pin- • Babies being born
point the Right Time to make the sale. This
is why the personal months can be so helpful • Going to court
to an individual, and why a Numerologist
• When a tragedy occurs and having to
has the ability to identify such matters with
make sense of it
• When someone is seriously ill

P. The Personal Days — the • A special day... marriage

Ability to Identify Specific • Fixing an operation date, and so on
Though specifics are more important as
Generally speaking the Personal Days are
\ depicted above, the Personal Day still has a
determined by a standard math calculation lot to do with the Personal Month vibration,
and the formula is similar to others employed which is reliant on the Personal Year and the
in Numerological analysis. Essence and corresponding Letters relating
to it.
However, to focus on the days of the
month to see what is happening from day-
to-day is almost too ritualistic even for the
seasoned Numerologist and it often doesn’t
really happen.

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology
 In Summary
I trust that I have made an impression on you by expressing the exciting things I have
personally discovered with Numerology. Numerology does not control my life. It gives me the
privilege and freedom to control my life; therefore, placing me in a more prosperous position.

Your Sample Numerology Report will follow this email and should
be in your in-box by this time tomorrow.

In that Complimentary report (all about you), I will show you many
of the calculations that compose elements of your Character and
Personality so you can learn by the examples given.

Supporting your interest in Numbers...

Best regards,

Blair Gorman
B.Sc (Hons), Master Numerologist,
NLP Master Practitioner

How to Change Your LIfe with Numerology

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