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Review 3

1-I was leaving the house when he called me.

2-the employees stood up when the boss arrived.
3-did you take Peter to the hospital? I need to ask his mother how he is.
4-the boss asked me to buy two suitcases for him because he wants to travel by ship.
5-we asked them if they wanted to go to the movies with us.
6-I asked her to take the children to school.
7-how many times a month do you watsh your car?
V-how much money do you need for the trip.I think two thousand is enough.
9-there were many children playing in the amusement park.
10-unfortunately. I didn't see him before he traveled

Review 4

1- Could you give me a salt shaker and a pepper shaker please?

2- These pens are theirs those are hers where are ours.
3- John invited his girlfriend to go to the teather.
4- They stopped on the road to save a little dog
5- I think we should go now. It´s too late.
6- The file must be put in the file cabinet, but first we need to read it.
7- Do you think we should buy this dress for her?
V- Could you put this coat on the hanger please?
9- In my opinion, they should buy a new computer for the office.
10- Could you please help me with a letter to the newspaper?

1)I was waiting for him to come for us to start.

2) We thought you were sleeping when we left yestarday.

3)The boss asked me to buy two suitcases for him because he wants to travel by ship.

4)These pens are theirs. those are hers. where are ours?

5) The file must be put in the file cabinet, but first we need to read it.

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