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Maundy Thursday | A Service of Renewal and Communion

St. John CME Church

350 NW Crawford Place | Winston-Salem, NC 27105
April 1, 2021 | 6:30 PM

Welcome and GreeMngs Rev. Dr. Valerie Tate EvereQ

*The Hymn #14 Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing

The Prayer for Maundy Thursday

The Story John 13:1-20 The Readers

The SelecMon

The InvitaMon to Handwashing

The Liturgy for Handwashing

One: For the hands that will cra: experiences of a life>me--experiences that will mark the lives of children,
youth, and young adults for years to come--we give you thanks. May crea>vity con>nue to flow through them,
even as our minds grow weary and our eyes >red.
All: Take our hands, O God. Let them bless, let them open wide. Take our hands, O God.
One: For the hands grasped in prayer, seeking for the move of your Spirit, we give you thanks. May these hands
speak loudly the needs of your people to bring jus>ce and equity to the places where it has long been denied.
All: Take our hands, O God. Help them move, let them lead the way. Take our hands, O God.
One: For the hands that reach--that reach out into the world and reach out for the future--we give you thanks.
May these young hands and wrinkled hands alike be strengthened for the work of telling the story that has
endured for all this >me. May they shake the world and in their work declare, “The kinship community of God
has come near to you.”
All: Take our hands, O God. They are yours, gripping to your hands. Take our hands, O God.
One: We ask that you purify our hands and, by way of our hands, set our hearts aright with you. Let this holy
night, full of prepara>on and release, be one that gives us the strength to press forward. We present our hands
to you--wash them and make them yours.

All: Amen

All are invited to come to the appropriate sta;on where water will be poured over your hands. You will be
offered a towel to dry your hands and then they will be anointed with oil as a sign of renewal. You are invited to
return to your seat for a ;me of silent prayer and reflec;on.

The Prayer of Blessing Rev. Christopher N. Manning

*The Communion Reading

One: On the night of his arrest,

the Lord Jesus took bread and broke it, saying:
“This is my body, given for you. Remember me.”
Many: As Jesus gave thanks to God,
we also give thanks for his life and example.
One: On that same night, in the same way,
the Lord Jesus took the cup, saying:
“This is my blood, poured out for you. Remember me.”
Many: As Jesus gave thanks to God,
we also give thanks for this new covenant.
One: When you eat this bread and drink this cup,
remember the Lord Jesus. Remember and be thankful.
Remember un>l he comes!
ALL: Remember us when you come, Lord Jesus!
Thanks be to God!

To you, O God, we offer these gi:s of bread and cup for your blessing. Pour your Holy Spirit upon them,
sanc>fying them, that they will be for us the body and blood of our savior, Jesus Christ. We pray that all who
partake of this meal will be strengthened by your grace and filled with your goodness. And may we, like Christ,
be people of libera>on for all those oppressed in this world--seeking to build your beloved community here on
the earth. We ask this in the name of the great liberator, our savior, Jesus Christ.

ALL: Amen

The Lord’s Prayer

At the invita;on of the celebrant, all are invited to commune.

The Communion Hymn Feed Us, Lord

The BenedicMon Rev. Dr. Valerie Tate EvereQ

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