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‘The GRID’ Ident revisions and decisions

We were set this assignment at the beginning of the year our task was to create an
idea for a series of idents for a new channel ‘The GRID’. It was a music channel that
would also feature both American and British TV shows such as ‘Family Guy’ and
‘Skins’ with a targeted audience of males and females aged 18 to 30. I was put into a
group with George Proctor and Kelly Wooldridge. We all immediately started
planning by doing spider diagrams on what our target audience would enjoy and
find entertaining in an ident. We decided on an energetic, musical party theme for
our idents as it fitted with both the shows featured on the channel a well as the
target audience.

During the planning stages of our idents we split up into 2 separate groups Kelly
and George planned Ident 1while I planned the ident 2. When I finished planning
Ident 2 George and Kelly had planned the storyboard, the shooting schedule and
were preparing to shoot the ident. The story of the ident takes place in a working
environment were people are trying to complete the rubiks cube passing it around
the table without anyone being able to complete it. We wanted this to be funny to
the our viewers who are working young adults who would find the fact that people
at work are getting stressed over the rubiks cube instead of dead lines and hours.

Early in our planning we decided we wanted a rubiks cube in our idents because it
associates with the word grid and is multi coloured. This was supposed to be a
similar iconic logo as the red circular objects in the BBC1 idents. After we were
finished shooting our ident we started our work on music, title, and editing. As soon
as we finished filming I went hunting for dance music (because its energetic and
gives the viewer that party feeling) I found some on that seemed to
fit what we were looking for we agreed on it and began editing it into our ident.

At the same time George began working on the title for ‘The GRID’ on live type we
wanted the background of the title shot to have the Rubiks cube. We also wanted it
to be multi colourful so it fit in well with the rubiks cube in the background. When
he finished Kelly then added this to her edited cut of the ident. Kelly also did a
fantastic job editing the ident her choices of effects and piecing together of the shots.
The effects she used really emphasized the theme of a party as well as playing with
the playing speed of the clips. We are all proud of this ident and the way it turned
out and are pleased to see the positive feedback.

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