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William Peterson
3000 BC-1000 BC
Lice went all the way back
to the ancient Egyptians.
They would shave their
head and wear wigs, but
they would still have lice.
The priest would shave
every hair off their body
even their eyebrows. This
made priest less likely to
get lice. Cats were loved
and worshiped by the
Egyptians the cat flea was a
constant presence even the
“hairless” cat the Sphynx
got fleas.
384 BC- 322 BC
People did not understand
lice and fleas. They thought
lice was made from sweat.
Greek writer and
philosopher Aristotle wrote
that lice developed from
the “flesh of animals.”
Aristotle also believed that
the more you sweat the
most chance you will have
lice. The idea was called
spontaneous generation. It
was proven wrong by
Louis Pasteur in in 1864.
year 1347
The black plague swept
through Europe killing
millions of people. It all
started from rat that had
infected bacteria from fleas.
The symptoms would be
red or black spots on the
body also they will have
swollen glands. When this
happened villages became
desperate for food and
water they would attack
each other. When some
people are immune to the
dieses the would catapult
an infected body into the
village and every body will
get sick.
Everybody had lice at this
time. Even rich wealthy
people couldn’t escape it.
Lice was now accepted into
life because it was
impossible to avoid them.
Also it didn’t help how
people rarely bathed back
then. Did you know that
the first president George
Washington had lice. They
all wore wigs, but their real
under the wig had lice.
In WW I many soldiers
fought in trenches for
protection from enemy fire.
It didn’t protect them from
the cooties which is slang
for body lice. Every soldier
would get it from each
other. The reason why they
got it because being close in
a trench. Infestations broke
which became misery.
Some soldiers were
crawling with lice. There
was very little treatment for
lice except flicking them
In this time people begun
use pyrethrum as
insecticide and delousing
powder. It is still use today
but with caution, they can
be toxic. This treatment
work, but also it killed
many animals and destroys
the environment. Fleas and
lice were adapting to the
pesticide and they were
still living. The U.S. banned
the chemical, and lice came
back even worse.

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