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@ OPINION Finding, Keepin The Best Mendars RECENTLY FINISHED a project that included 34 ven- dors, ranging from the best I've worked with to the very worst. So, the questions that have been on my mind are how to go about forming good vendor relationships and how to select the best vendors. Here is what I've learned: Price alone doesn’t mat- | a certain member ofthe | more likely that the ven- fer.Sometimest've gone | staff,only to find out that | dor can easily meet your with the most expensive | he wouldn't beassigned — | est vendors vendor, only to find that | to my account. I'vesigned | specialize in my industry my project wasn’t big ‘on because the vendor and have other customers enough tointerest its best | convinced me that its just like my company. My people. Other times, I've | product is terrific, only to | worst vendors also spe- selected the lowest-cost. | learnthat the thingisnow | cialize in my industry, but vendorand formed a ter- | manufactured someplace | they have customers that rifie partnership. You ‘else and doesn't work quite | are very different in don't always get what you | the same.No matter how | culture, price and delivery pay for. specific you are in your ‘Spend the time upfront ‘References don’t matter. | vendor agreements, you. | listening to your vendor Teonsistently ask for refer- always get what you | deseribe its most success- encesand check them, and | requested. People kave, | ful work, then match those they're always stellar. You | products are upgraded, _| situations with your own. ‘might elicit ways to build | and situations change. | Most salespeople will ‘good relationship with | And asmall company like | gloss over the differe the vendor by talkingto | mineoftendoesn'thave | you'll need to call them the references it supplies, | the relative power to r out, explore those diffe but don'texpect tohear | gotiate a deal. ences and really under- about the bad and the ugly. stand them. Every vendor No vendor is going to refer | So, what does matter? | has. preferred customer you toa customer who wasnt happy have never | — m Business model ft een able distinguish | matters.‘Thecloser your | Ill The closer you sreat vendor fromaso-so | needs maichthose ofthe | are to the profile vendorbytalliggoitcie | seniorsaveragecustones | Of a yendor’s pre= references, no matter how | the easier the relation- many ques ship willbe, ldentify tha | ferred customer, History doesn't mat average customer, and the easier and Thave contracted with | then compare its needs to cheaper things vendors because everyone | yours. If you havea match I talked to raved about higher than 80%, then its. | Will be for you. fits easily into the vendor's delivery stream. The closer you a | to that profile, the east and cheaper things will be for you. ‘Desire and attitude mat- ter. The more your vendor wants to do business with you, the more it will be willing to change its proc esses to fit your needs —and at little cost to you, Sometimes a smaller ver dor may be more flexible because it needs your busi- ness: other times, a larger vendor is looking toadd a customer to its reference list that is just like you. —one th Once you've found a great vendor, how do you keep it? First and fore: most, pay the vendor's in- voices before they are due. Does that sound simple? Itis,and yet how many unpaid invoices are sitting in your in-box awaiting your attention? If you've got a good vendor now. pay your bill today so you still have a good vend tomorrow. ‘Second, help your ven- dor grow its business. Talk to your friends and your co-workers about the rela- tionship you've developed. Help your vendor help itself, and it will be your veniior for as you want. Virginia Robbins isa former | c1Owho is currently the chief administrative oficer responsible for technology | and bank operations at the | California Bank of Com- merce. You can contact her at 26 COMPUTERWORLD JULY 30,2007

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