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MADURAI KAMRAJ UNIVERSITY, MADURAI Is a record of bonafide !!% carried out

by RAJNESH KUMAR Under my supervision and guidance and that no part of this report has
Been submitted for any other degree /diploma / Fellowship or similar titles or prizes. FACULTY
GUIDE Signature: Name:

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 PRODUCT PVT. LTD.BANGALORE Under the guidance of Prof Dr.Y.Poornima

Submitted in partial of the requirements for the Degree of

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MADURAI KAMRAJ UNIVERSITY, MADURAI Is my original and the same has not been
submitted for the Award of any other Degree /diploma/fellowship or other similar titles Or

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I extend my special gratitude to our beloved Director Dr. pattabhiram and Dean Dr.RajaRam,
project Guide Prof Dr.Y.Poornima and NIAM !!% Officer Mrs.Leela. for inspiring me to
take up this project. I wish to acknowledge my sincere gratitude and indebtedness to my project
guide prof Dr.Y.Poornima of Ramaiah institute of management studies, Bangalore for her
valuable Guidance, and constructive suggestion in the preparation of project report. I extend my
gratitude to  PRODUCT PVT. LTD, BANGALORE and the Manager Mr. Balchandran
Rai and all my colleagues, friends for their encouragement, support, guidance and assistance for
Undergoing industrial !!% and for preparing the project report.
Industry profile Origin and 8 "  ! of the Industry Growth and present status of the
industry. Future of the industry CHAPTERS PAGE NUMBER

PROFILE OF THE ORGANIZATION 2.1 2.2 Origin of the Organization Growth and
8 "  ! of the Organization 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Present Status of the Organization
Functional department of the Organization Organization Structure and Organization chart
Product and service profile of the Organization. Market Profile of the Organization

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incorporate slaughtering fermenting, sun drying, preserving with salt, and various type of
cooking (such as roasting, smoking, steaming, and oven baking). Salt preservation was especially
common for foods that constituted warrior and sailor¶s diets up until the introduction of canning
methods. Evidence for the existence of these methods exists in the writing of he ancients Greek,
Egyptian, Roman civilization as well as archaeological evidence from Europe, North, South
America and Asia. The tried and tested processing techniques remained essentially the same until
the advent of the industrial revolution. Example of ready means also exists from pre industrial
revolution times such as the Cornish pasty and haggis Modern food processing technology in the
19th and 20th century was largely developed to serve military needs. In 1809 Nicolas apart
invented a vacuum bottling technique that would supply food for French troops, and this
contributed to the 8 "  ! of the !!% and then canning by peter Durand in
1810.Although initially expensive and some what hazardous due to the lead used in the cans,
canned goods would later become a staple around the world. Pasteurization, discovered by Louis
Pasteur in 1862 was a significant advance in ensuring the micro-biological safety of food. In the
20th century, World War II, the space race and the rising consumer society in developed
countries (including the United State) contributed to the growth of the food processing with such
advances as spray drying, juice concentrates, freeze drying and the introduction of the artificial
sweeteners, coloring agents, and preservatives such as sodium Benzoate in the late 20th century
products such dried instant soups, reconstituted fruits and juices, and self-cooking meals such as
MRE food ration were developed.

In Western Europe and North America, the second half of the 20th century witnessed a rise in the
pursuit of convenience; food processors especially marketed their products to middle-class
working wives and mothers. Frozen

foods (often credited to Clarence Birdseye) found their success in sales of juice concentrates and
TV dinners. Processors utilized the Perceived value of time to the postwar population and same
appeal contributes to the success of convenience foods today Food processing sector in India is
world¶s second largest producer next to China, and has the potential of being the biggest with the
food and agricultural sector. The total food production in India is likely to double in the next ten
years. There is an opportunity for large investments in food and food processing technologies,
skills and equipment, especially in areas of canning, Dairy and Food Processing, Specially
processing, packaging, Frozen, food and Refrigeration and Thermo Processing. Fruits &
vegetables, Fishers, Milk & Milk products, Meat & Poultry. Packages/convenience Foods
Alcoholic Beverage & Soft drink and grains are important sub sector of food processing
industry. Health food and health food supplement are another rapidly rising segment of this
sector, which is gaining vast popularity amongst health conscious. Source: KPMG The Food
processing industry sector in India is one of the largest in terms of production consumption,
export and growth prospects. The Government has accorded it a high priority with a number of
fiscal relief¶s and Incentives, to encourage commercialization and value addition to agriculture
produce, for minimizing pre /post harvest wastage, generating employment and export growth.
India µs food processing sector covers a wide range of the products fruits and vegetables meats
and poultry, milk and milk products, alcoholic beverages fisheries, plantation, grain processing
and other customer products group like confectionary chocolates and coca products, Soya ±
based products, mineral water, high protein foods etc. 1. Trebling of the size of processed food
sector in India.

2. An increasing in the level of processing of perishables from 6% to 20% 3. Increase in value ±

addition from 20% to 30% 4. Increase in India share in global food trade from 1.5% to 3%.

A. Origin and 8 "  ! of the industry
Sweet or salty. Soft or crunchy. Simple or exotic. Everybody loves munching on biscuits, but do
they know how biscuits began? The history of biscuits can be traced back to a recipe created by
the Roman chef Apicius, in which "a thick paste of fine wheat flour was boiled and spread out on
a plate. When it had dried and hardened it was cut up and then fried until crisp, then served with
honey and pepper." The word 'Biscuit' is derived from the Latin words 'Bis' (meaning 'twice') and
'Coctus' (meaning cooked or baked). The word 'Biscotti' is also the generic term for cookies in
Italian. Back then, biscuits were unleavened, hard and thin wafers, which, because of their low
water content, were ideal food to store. As people started to explore the globe, biscuits became
the ideal travelling food since they stayed fresh for long periods. The seafaring age, thus,
witnessed the boom of biscuits when these were sealed in airtight containers to last for months at
a time. Hard track biscuits (earliest version of the biscotti and present-day crackers) were part of
the staple diet of English and American sailors for many centuries. In fact, the countries, which
led this seafaring charge, such as those in Western Europe, are the ones where biscuits are most
popular even today. Biscotti is said to have been a favorite of Christopher Columbus who
discovered America! Making good biscuits are quite an art, and history bears testimony to that.
During the 17th and 18th Centuries in Europe, baking was a carefully controlled profession,
managed through a series of 'guilds' or professional associations. To become a baker, one had to
complete years of apprenticeship - working through


the ranks of apprentice, journeyman, and finally master baker. Not only this, the amount and
quality of biscuits baked were also carefully monitored. The English, Scotch and Dutch
immigrants originally brought the first cookies to the United States and they were called
teacakes. They were often flavored with nothing more than the finest butter, sometimes with the
addition of a few drops of rose water. Cookies in America were also called by such names as
"jumbles", "plunkets and "cry babies". As technology improved during the Industrial Revolution
in the 19th century, the price of sugar and flour dropped. Chemical leavening agents, such as
baking soda, became available and a profusion of cookie recipes occurred. This led to the
8 "  ! of manufactured cookies. Interestingly, as time has passed and despite more
varieties becoming available, the essential ingredients of biscuits haven't changed - like 'soft'
wheat flour (which contains less protein than the flour used to bake bread) sugar, and fats, such
as butter and oil. Today, though they are known by different names the world over, people agree
on one thing - nothing beats the biscuit! Some interesting facts on the origin of other forms of
biscuits: The recipe for oval shaped cookies (that are also known as boudoir biscuits, sponge
biscuits, sponge fingers, Naples biscuits and Savoy biscuits) has changed little in 900 years and
dates back to the house of Savoy in the 11th century France. Peter the Great of Russia seems to
have enjoyed an ovalshaped cookie called "lady fingers" when visiting Louis XV of France. The
macaroon - a small round cookie with crisp crust and a soft interior - seems to have originated in
an Italian monastery in 1792 during the French Revolution. SPRING-uhr-lee, have been
traditional Christmas cookies in Austria and Bavaria for centuries. They are made from simple
egg, flour and sugar dough and are usually rectangular in shape. These cookies are made with a
leavening agent called ammonium carbonate and baking ammonia.


The inspiration for fortune cookies dates back to the 12th and 13th Centuries, when Chinese
soldiers slipped rice paper messages into moon cakes to help coordinate their defence against
Mongolian invaders Industry. THE INDUSTRY Biscuits derive its name from a French word
meaning twice backed bread; Biscuits in general have a good shelf life, which is higher than all
other snack items available in the market. India is the second largest producer of biscuits in the
world after the U.S.A. but still the per capita consumption is only 2.3 kg/year of developed
countries. As per the latest survey done by N.C.A.E.R 49 biscuits are consumed in rural areas.
The penetration of biscuits into households stands at an average of 83.2% with the rural
penetration at 77% and urban penetration at 88%. Biscuits are reserved for the small-scale sector
but there are strong possibilities of the industry being deserved in line with the government
policy of liberalization. The net effect thus would be greater choice for the consumer as well as a
check on the costs. The country production of the biscuits during 2004-05 was 18.6 Lac tons of
which 1/2 were manufactured by the organized sector. The industry turn over was 5322.7 Crores
of which organized sector contributed 2519.3 crores.

B. GROWTH AND PRESENT STATUS OF THE INDUSTRY Biscuit industry in India in the
organized sector produces around 60% of the total production, the balance 40% being
contributed by the unorganized bakeries. The industry consists of two large scale manufacturers,
around 50 medium scale brands and small scale units ranging up to 2500 units in the country, as
at 200001. The unorganized sector is estimated to have approximately 30,000 small & tiny
bakeries across the country. The annual turnover of the organized sector of the biscuit
manufacturers (as at 2001-02) is Rs. 4,350 crores.


In terms of volume biscuit production by the organized segment in 2001-02 is estimated at 1.30
million tonnes. The major Brands of biscuits are - Brittania, " Bakeman, Priya Gold, Elite,
Cremica, Dukes, Anupam, Horlicks, Craze, Nezone, besides various regional/State brands. The
annual production of biscuit in the organized sector continues to be predominantly in the small
and medium sale sector before and after dereservation. The annual production was around 7.4
Lakh tonnes in 1997-98 In the next five years, biscuit production witnessed an annual growth of
10% to 12%, up to 1999-00. The annual Growth showed a decline of 3.5% in 2000-01, mainly
due to 100% hike in Central Excise Duty (from 9% to 16%). Production in the year 2001-02
increased very marginally by 2.75% where in 2002-03 the growth is around 3%. However the
average utilization of installed capacity by biscuit manufacturers in the country has been a dismal
60% over the last decade up to 2001-02. Biscuit can he broadly categorized into the following
segments: Glucose 44% Marie 13% Cream 10% Crackers 13% Milk 12% Others 8%. As regards
the consumption pattern is concerned. surveys and estimates by industry from time to time
indicate the average consumption scenario in the four Zones have been more or less close to each
other, as below: Northern States: 28% Southern States: 24% Western States: 25% Eastern States:


Biscuit Production According to the production figures of members available upto the calendar
year 2003, the total production was 625000 tonnes as against 475000 tonnes in the previous year.
The production of biscuit for the last 11 years is as under: 1993 - 167750 1995 - 202567 1997 -
362000 1999 - 425000 2001 - 465000 2003 - 625000 Current status of the Indian snack &
biscuits industry«Biscuits contribute Rs 8,000 crore to the FMCG industry and provide a vast
opportunity for growth, as the per capita consumption of biscuits is less than 2.1 kg in our
country, as compared to more than 10 kg in the US, UK and Europe and above 4.25 kg in South
East Asian countries. China has a per capita consumption of 1.90 kg, while in the case of Japan it
is estimated at 7.5 kg. Higher disposable incomes and the willingness of consumers to try new
brands have attracted a number of players to the biscuits industry, both, at the national & local
level and generated intense activity in the marketplace. The branded market grew around 15-16
per cent last year. Commodity inflation continues to have a significant impact on input cost and
this inflationary pressure has put industry profits under pressure. The major Brands of biscuits
are - Brittania, " Bakeman, Priya Gold, Cremica, Dukes, Anupam, Horlicks, Craze, Nezone,
besides various regional/State brands. 1994 - 180526 1996 - 222371 1998 - 400000 2000 -
450000 2002 - 475000

Future of the industry The bakery industry consumes agricultural produce adding to the income
of farmers. This is a direct contribution of the industry towards improving the agricultural sector
and strengthening the rural economy. The industry also provides direct & indirect employment,
locally as well as nationally. Despite this,


the industry faces serious challenges. Rapid increase in the cost of major inputs such as wheat
flour, sugar, oil, packaging material, fuel, power, transportation, etc, has made a dent in the
viability of the industry. Added to this is the heavy burden of taxation, which is making it
difficult for the organised biscuits industry to operate at an optimum level. Biscuits attract VAT
at 12.5 per cent - like chocolates, confectionery and ice cream that cater to a much smaller and
relatively more affluent consumer base. Other categories with lesser nutritional value like potato
chips, jams, jellies, sweets, savouries, namkeens, etc, attract less or no VAT at all. Biscuits
deserve parity with tea, coffee and other basic food products that are liable to VAT at 4 per cent
instead of being subject to VAT at 12.5 per cent applicable to delicacies. This is restricting the
growth of the industry, utilization of agricultural produce and therefore, larger revenues for the
government. To create a level playing field for an industry that is serving a large base of the
population both economically and from a nutrition & health angle, there is a need to reduce VAT
on biscuits from 12.5 to 4 per cent.



2.1 ORIGIN OF THE ORGANIZATION A cream colored yellow stripped wrapper with a cute
baby photo containing 10 ±


12 biscuits with the company¶s name printed in Red and you know these are "  biscuits.
Times changed, variety of biscuits did come and go but nothing has changed with these biscuits.
Yes, the size of their packing has definitely changed but for the consumers good as these are
money savers pack. The " name conjures up fond memories across the length and breadth of
the country. After all, since 1929 the people of India have been growing up on " biscuits &
sweets. Initially a small factory was set up in the suburbs of Mumbai city, to manufacture sweets
and toffees. The year was 1929 and the market was dominated by famous international brands
that were imported freely. Despite the odds and unequal competition, this company called "
Products, survived and succeeded, by adhering to high quality and improvising from time to
time. A decade later, in 1939, " Products began manufacturing biscuits, in addition to sweets
and toffees. Having already established a reputation for quality, the " brand name grew in
strength with this diversification. " Glucose and " Monaco were the first brand of
biscuits to be introduced, which later went to become leading names for great taste and quality.
For around 75 years, " have been manufacturing quality biscuits and confectionery Products.
Over the years " has grown to become a multi million-dollar company with many of the
products as market leaders in their category. The recent introduction of Hide & Seek chocolate
chip biscuits is a product of innovation and caters to a new taste, being India¶s first ever
chocolate-chip biscuits. All " products are manufactured under most hygiene conditions.
Great care is exercised in the selection and quality control of raw material and standards ensured
at every stage of the manufacturing process. " products have 4 manufacturing units for
biscuits and confectionaries at Mumbai, Haryana, Rajasthan and Karnataka. It also has 14
manufacturing units for confectionaries, on contract. All these factories are located at strategic
locations, so as to ensure a constant output & easy distribution. Today, " enjoy a 40% share
of the total biscuits market and a 15% share of


the total confectionaries market, in India. The marketing mix of " for this project has been
studied from the point to point view of " biscuits; mainly " - and " Hide & Seek.
  ± THE EVOLUTION Has been a strong household name across India. The great
taste, high nutrition, and the international quality, makes " -% a winner. No wonder, it¶s the
undisputed leader in the biscuit category for decades. It is consumed by people of all ages, from
the rich to the poor, living in cities & in villages. While some have it for breakfast, for others it is
a complete wholesome meal. For some it¶s the best accompaniment for chai, while for some it¶s
a way of getting charged whenever they are low on energy. Because of this, " - is the
world¶s largest selling brand of biscuits. Launched in the year 1939, it was one of the first brands
of " products. It was called " Glucose Biscuits mainly to cute that it was a glucose
biscuit. It was manufactured at the Mumbai factory, Vile " and sold in units of half and
quarter pound packs. The incredible demand led " to introduce the brand in special branded
packs and in larger festive tin packs. By the year 1949, " Glucose biscuits were available not
just in Mumbai but also across the state. It was also sold in parts of North India. The early 50s
produced over 150 tones of biscuits produced in the Mumbai factory. Looking at the success of
" -, a lot of other me-too brands were introduced in the market and these brands had names
that were similar to " Glucose Biscuits so that if not by anything else, the consumer would
err in picking the brand. This forced " to change the name from " Glucose Biscuits to
" -. Originally packed in the wax paper pack, today it is available in a contemporary,
premium BOPP pack with attractive side fins. The new airtight pack helps to keep the biscuits
fresh and tastier for a longer period. " - was the only biscuit brand that was always in short
supply. It was heading towards becoming an all-time great brand of biscuit. " - started


being advertised in the 80¶s. It was advertised mainly through press ads. The communication
spoke about the basic benefits of energy and nutrition. In 1989, " - its released its Dadaji
commercial, which went on to become one of the most popular commercial for " -. The
commercial was run for a period of 6 years. " - grew bigger by the minute. Be it the packs
sold, the areas covered or the number of consumers. It became a part of the daily lives of many
Indians. It wasn¶t a biscuit any more. It had become an icon. The next level of communication
associated the brand with the positive values of life Like honesty sharing and caring. In the year
1997, " - sponsored the tele-serial of the Indian superhero, Shaktimaan that went on to
become a huge success. The personality of the superhero matched the overall superb benefits of
the brand. " extended this association with Shaktimaan and gave away a lot of merchandise
of Shaktimaan, which was supported by POS and press communication. The children just could
not get enough of " - and Shaktimaan. In the year 2002, it was decided to bring the brand to
the child who is a major consumer. A national level promo ± µ" - Mera Sapna Sach Hoga¶
was run for a period of 6 months. The promo was all about fulfilling the dreams of children.
There were over 5 lakhs responses and of that, over 300 dreams were fulfilled. Dreams that were
fulfilled ranged from trips to Disneyland at Paris & Singapore; free ride on a chartered plane; 20
scholarships worth Rs 50,000; a special coaching etc« The year 2002 will go down as a special
year in " -G¶s advertising history. A year that saw the birth of -Man ± a new ambassador
for " -. Not just a hero but also a superhero that saves the entire world, especially children
from all the evil forces. A campaign that is not just new to the audiences but one that involves a
completely new way of execution that is loved by children all over the world-Animation. To
make the brand much more interesting and exciting with children, it was decided to launch a
premium version of " - called " - Magix in the year 2002. " ± Magix is
available in two tastes. The year 2002 also witnessed the launch of " - Milk Shakti, which
was the nourishing combination of milk and


honey, especially launched for the southern market. 2.2) Growth and 8 "  ! of the
organization Over the years, " has grown to become a multi-million US Dollar company.
Today, " enjoys a 40% share of the total biscuit market and a 15% share of the total
confectionary market, in India. The " Biscuit brands, such as, ParleG, Monaco and
Krackjack and confectionery brands, such as, Melody, Poppins, Mango bite and Kismi, enjoy a
strong imagery and appeal amongst consumers. Then the " representatives includes the
production officer and the operation¶s head made students exposed to the production unit
followed by the manufacturing unit and packaging. The extensive distribution network, built
over the years, is a major strength for " Products. " biscuits & sweets are available to
consumers, even in the most remote places and in the smallest of villages with a population of
just 500. The " marketing philosophy emphasizes catering to the masses. We constantly
endeavor at designing products that provide nutrition & fun to the common man. Most "
offerings are in the low & mid-range price segments. This is based on our cultivated
understanding of the Indian consumer psyche. The value-formoney positioning helps generate
large sales volumes for the products. However, " Products also manufactures a variety of
premium products for the upmarket, urban consumers. And in this way, caters a range of
products to a variety of consumers. In nutshell, the " name conjures up fond memories
across the length and breadth of the country.

2.3 Present status of the organization At present the organization consists of 520 people in
Bangalore who includes on roll employees, contracts and project trainees. The illustration is
given as below. S no Employees in  Number


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The employees who are mentioned on roll enjoy the complete benefits in the compensation and
all kinds of allowances, where as the employees on contract are given a fixed salary, at the last
the project trainees are taken to co ordinate with the employees in some projects and they are
given opportunity to learn. Talent matrix in the organization The talent matrix for the
organization is given below Qualification Graduate Post Graduate Engineer Others Grand total
No of employees 240 125 12 318 695

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COMPETITORS The  product range is a genuine treat for every snack lover. The biscuit
alone have such variety, catering to diverse paletters, there¶s something for everyone. And the
tantalizing array of sweetmeats is just the cherry on top.  Biscuits " biscuits are
linked with factors of power and wisdom providing nutrition and strength. " biscuits are
indeed much more than a tea-time snack, they are considered by many to be an important part of
their daily food. " can treat you with a basket of biscuits which are not only satisfying but
are also of good and reliable quality. " biscuit cater to all tastes from kids to senior citizens.
They have found their way into the Indian hearts and home


" A


for over 65 years, "  has been a part of the lives of every Indian. From the snow capped
mountains in the north to the sultry towns in the south, from frenetic cities to laid back villages,
"  has nourished, strengthened and delighted millions. Filled with the goodness of milk
and wheat, "  is not just a treat for the taste buds, but a source of strength for both body
and mind. Tear over a packet of "  to experience what has nourished Generations of
Indians since last sixty five years, making it truly Hindustan Ki Taakat. Various people have
various reasons to consume it, some consume it for the value it offers while others consume it for
sheer taste, For some it is a meal substitute for others it is a tasty healthy nourishing snack.
Patronised by millions for all this qualities, it is much more than just a biscuit brand. Little
wonder than why is it the Largest selling Biscuit brand in the World. Pack Sizes available:


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Krackjack crispy creams Krackjack Crispy Creams is a delicious combination of crispyness of

Krackjack and sweetness of cream biscuit. The classic sweet and salty taste gets laced with a
sweet & sour lime flavor in the cream sandwiched between Krackjack biscuits. A mouth
watering delicious combination! Packet Size 90G

Krackjack Cookies (new) Krackjack - The original sweet and salty biscuit is one of the most
loved biscuits in the country. It¶s not just a biscuit, it¶s the taste of relationships captured in a
biscuit. A little sweet and a little salty crafted in such a delicate and delicious balance, you can
never get enough of it. Have it anytime you like with anything you like. Packet Sizes available:
75 , 120 , 240 

Monaco Share the company of great taste anytime, anywhere with Monaco. A light crispy biscuit
sprinkled with salt, Monaco adds a namkeen twist to life¶s ordinary moments. Pack Sizes
available: 75 , 120 , 240  Milk Shakti From boy-next-door to Super Boy, no that¶s not the
plot for the next Hollywood

blockbuster it¶s the effect of Milk Shakti. The Shakti of milk fortified with the goodness of
honey, a zabardast combo that even ace batsman Dhoni swears by. So get that cape out and head
straight to for a pack of Milk Shakti today. Packet Sizes available: 75 , 150 

Kreams Orange Tickle your senses with " Orange Kream ± The tangy orange cream between
two scrumptious biscuits makes for a real treat. Age no bar! Packet Sizes available: 90 , 180 

 20-20 " presents 20-20 Cashew and butter cookies where every cookie is baked to
perfection to deliver the perfect taste and aroma. A mouth-melting experience of premium
cashews and rich butter in every bite you take, Parle¶s new 20-20 cookies promises a
combination of crunch and scrumptious delicacy. Packet Sizes available: 75 , 110 , 225 
" Marie Melody Your favourite Marie biscuit, " Marie is now even more exciting. It¶s
lighter. It¶s crispier. And it¶s tastier. Making it even more appealing than before. So the next time
you¶re hanging out with your buddies, just tear open a pack of " Marie. And immerse
yourself in an engaging conversation and an even more engaging taste Packet Sizes available: 88
, 176 , 347 , 400  Hide and Seek Milano


The ingredients that go into making this prized cookie are a well-guarded secret. What is the
effect it has on those who eat it? A cookie with a reputation for romance. Indulge in the sinful
taste of Milano and everything that follows it. Packet Sizes available: 65G, 100 , 135 
NImkin A crispy cracker that adds a namkeen zing to the usual biscuit. Goes well with a cup of
tea, an evening snack or an occasional namkeen thought. Just bite in and let the rich golden
texture melt in your mouth. Packet Sizes available: 75 , 150 

Digestive Marie Digestive Marie will change your daily dipping and sipping routine; making it
more enjoyable and much healthier. With five times more fibre than the regular Marie, you can
actually see the differences in Digestive Marie. With lower fat and calories than other digestive
biscuits, Digestive Marie helps you stay Active-Lite all day. Yahi Marie, Sahi Marie! Packet
Sizes available: 25 , 50 , 100 , 200 

 Confectioneries Right from candies to toffees, the sweet 'n' treat category of the "
product range is a genuine treat for every snack lover. This category can satisfy one's taste and at
the same time create a desire for more. These confectioneries are a sheer delight to the taste buds
and have a universal appeal. " Biscuits and confectioneries, continue to spread happiness &
joy among people of all ages.


Melody Caramel meets chocolate to yield an outcome nothing less than delectable. "
Melody comes with an irresistible layer of caramel on the outside and a delightful chocolate
filling within. Pop it in your mouth and relish the unique experience. It won¶t be too long before
you find yourself asking the age old question µMelody itni chocolaty kyon hai?'

Orange Candy Small. Oval. Orangee. We¶ve kept it simple with the " Orange candy. And
for over 50 years this deceptively simple candy has kept the taste buds of the entire nation in a
flurry. The first product to be launched from the House of " and clearly, one that¶s been a hit
ever since.

Kaccha mango bite The glider got copied and became a jet plane. Western hits got copied and
became Anu Malik songs. The typewriter got copied and became a keyboard. Similarly, we have
managed to copy the tangy flavour of raw mangoes in a candy which is a little sour, a little sweet
and certainly a little mischievous. We call it Kaccha Mango Bite. It truly is a µkacche aam ka
copy¶ Kismi TOFFEE It¶s everything that the Kismi Toffee Bar is, only smaller. Wrapped in the
distinct flavour of elaichi (cardamom) this toffee is sure to send your sweet tooth on a joyride.
Mango bite Need a quick escape from everything ordinary? Just pop a Mango Bite and dive into
a tropical mango paradise. Sit back, roll it around and enjoy one wave after another of juicy
mango treats that go on and on and on.


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KISMI GOLD (NEW) Romantically sweet indulgence is what comes to the mind while talking
about the all time favourite " Kismi. After romancing with everyone¶s senses for over two
decades, " Kismi is now even better and even more romantic. With a perfect blend of
Caramel & Elaichi, the new " Kismi Gold is bound to take romance to an entirely different
level and make it more irresistible than ever before. Have one to experience romance at its best.

?0)! $*

STRONG COOL XHALE MINTS Simply chillicious Sugar Free Tablets: Careful, this is no
ordinary mint. It can do things that no other mint can. Like, change the weather and get the wind
to bite at your cheeks while people around you get the chills? Don¶t believe us? Suggest you try
one and find out for yourself. Pop one, take a deep breath and then exhale. You¶ll see the world
around you change to being "Simply Chillicious".

POPPINS Give the orange to a friend and the mango to a stranger. Or try the lemon for a
neighbour and the strawberry for a teacher. Give the black currant to the school bus driver and
the pineapple to anyone else you please. With so many flavours in each pack of Poppins, you
will have only one

 Snacks Salty, crunchy, chatpata and crispy caters to the bunch of " snacks. You can
now treat your loved ones with this yummy lot. " snacks are a complete delight to the taste
buds and can create the desire for more and more. These snacks will not only satisfy your tummy
but will also sustain a feel in your mouth to associate you with the bond of " .
BITES CHEESLLINGS Like cheese? Then you'll just love the light crispy taste of Monaco Bites
Cheeslings. Tiny crispy squares dipped in cheese that'll instantly melt in your mouth. Makes for
a perfect snack anytime, anywhere. Pack sizes available: Cheesling - Jar - 175 , 350
GCheesling Tin - 3.75 Kg MUST BITTES (new) Try as you might, you just can't resist the
temptation of Musst Bites. A snack pack with a dangerously addictive taste, Musst Bites is the
latest addition from the House of " . Available in a range of flavours like chatpata chaat, mast
masala, tangy tomato and green spice, this snack is sure to keep you munching all day.

Pack sizes available: 30 , 60  MUSST STIX Variants:MASALA MUNCH JAPANESE

SIXER Think Square is boring? Then what you need is a Sixer. This six-sided, salted delight cuts
out the boring from a biscuit. A unique shape coupled with an equally unique crunchy, munchy,
salty taste that leaves you asking for more! Pack sizes available: Sixer Jar - 200 ; Sixer Tin - 5

&:   %!D !  "  

It¶s a brand that has held its price line at Rs 4 for 25 years now -- the price was last raised in
1994 by 25 paise. So, it's not for nothing that " - is the world's largest-selling biscuit by
volumes. " is, of course, not doing it for charity. Soaring input prices meant it opted for
reducing the weight of the biscuit than increasing the price -- first from 100 gm to 92.5 gm in
January 2008, and then to 88 gm in January this year -- in line with other biscuit-makers and
FMCG players. It has 1600 crore turnover. " - enjoys close to 70 per cent market share in
the glucose biscuit category and probably has the deepest reach. It reaches 2.5 million outlets,
including villages with a population of 500 people, on a par with Unilever's Lifebuoy, ITC's
cigarettes or mobile pre-paid cards. It reaches 2.5 million outlets, including villages with a
population of 500 people, on a par with Unilever's Lifebuoy, ITC's cigarettes or mobile pre-paid
cards. It's also one of the few FMCG brands in the country, whose customers straddle across
income segments. The brand is estimated to be worth over Rs 2,000 crore (Rs 20 billion), and
contributes more than 50 per cent of the company's turnover (" Products is an unlisted
company and its executives are not comfortable disclosing exact numbers). Last fiscal, " had
sales of Rs 3,500 crore (Rs 35 billion). Competition has, of course, been trying to wean away
customers from " . Britannia relaunched its Glucose-D biscuit as Tiger in 1995 and boasts of
17-18 per cent share, while ITC's Sun feast glucose has captured 8-9 per cent, according to
industry sources. Even Levers had forayed into this segment in 2003 and launched a glucose
biscuit branded as Modern, after it acquired the bakery business of Modern. There are strong
regional brands, including Priya Gold (west), Cremica (north) and Anmol (east).








DISCUSSIONS ON (( 3.1 Student¶s Work Profile (roles and responsibilities)

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3.2 Description of Live Experiences I had a good experience in the company, the culture and
communication in the organization was very fair. The supervisors in the company had a nice
interaction with the employees and they give a feedback which can leads employees to improve
and perform their fullest potentials. I had coordinated various events in the company like
induction program, ISMS awareness programs and many other events for special days. I had
experienced the urge of management to keep the employees involved in the work and take the
optimum usage of their potentials. The working environment is fair and the company provides
adequate resources to keep the employee work to their fullest interests. And lastly I experienced
the importance that the company takes for security and quality to employees and costumers


A positive attitude held by the employee towards the organization and its values. An engaged
employee is aware of business context, and works with colleagues to improve performance
within the job for the benefit of the organization. The organization must work to develop and
nurture engagement, which requires a two-way relationship between employer and employee.
Here are the key benefits of employee engagement: ·Better performance. Engaged employees
work smarter, not harder. They keep looking for ways to improve performance and they keep
finding them. This means more sales, lower costs, better quality and innovative products. ‡ Better
communication. Engaged employees communicate ± they share information with colleagues,
they pass on ideas, suggestions and advice and they speak up for the organization. This leads to
better performance, greater innovation and happier customers. ‡ Greater customer satisfaction.
Engaged employees go out of their way to meet customers¶ needs. Customers aren¶t slow to
notice and this leads to higher levels of repeat business, at a lower cost to the business than that
of acquiring a new customer. ‡ Better team-working. Employee engagement is about increasing
the employee¶s connection with the principles, strategies, processes, culture and purpose of the
organization. It is a matter of commitment and encouragement. It is a matter of focusing on
business results, and the employees having a clear sense of responsibility for delivering on the
business agenda..

Greater commitment and team working. Engaged employees really care about the future of the
organization they work for, they feel proud to work for the company and they get on better with
their colleagues. Lower employee turnover and greater ability to recruit great people. Engaged
employees don¶t leave, despite offers to work elsewhere and they actively seek out new people
who they believe can help the company get even better.

4.2 Statement of Research Objectives RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Employee engagement is a

critical ingredient of individual and organizational success. Engagement is strongly influenced
by leadership quality, as well as by job and organization features. This research was designed to
determine if the potential for Employees to be engaged in work can be predicted at the time of
their initial application or work. These studies also provide additional evidence about the impact
of employee engagement on important business outcomes. The Objectives are
‡ To examine the effect of engagement such as job Effectiveness

and retention. ‡ To construct and evaluate a measure for predicting employee engagement. ‡ To
examine the effect of supervisor engagement on their subordinates. ‡ To examine the job
satisfaction of the employees working.

%!!   " % 
‡ The data analysis and interpretation is based on the data collected from 30 respondents through
the questionnaire. So the tabulation is processed in combining and totaling of the collected data. ‡
Primary data: Through interview, discussion, talks, personal interaction etc. The data were
collected by the survey method. Questionnaire was given to the respondents. ‡ Secondary data:
Through various books written by various authors, company files manuals & other publications.
‡ Sample Size 30


Limitations ‡ Time was one of the main constrains. ‡ Reaching out to the right person in the
company was a little difficult task. ‡ To maintain confidentiality. ‡ The company did not disclose
certain financial data since they were confidential which could have been useful for this project.

4.4 Analysis of data: The various responses are collected from the employees and they are
tabulated and drawn charts as below.
The various responses are collected from the employees and they are tabulated and drawn charts
as below. 1. Overall, how satisfied are you with current job? (Check one response)






  !% 4@9999999>>>>>>35@@5@@

10 2 10 0 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0
e d n o r fie d f ie d

N o sa p s o f m le P rce ta e e n g

S a ti


The above table shows that 83% of the employees were satisfied with the job and only 10% of
the employees are not satisfies and remaining 7% of the employees are neither satisfied nor

6 "  
    !      "
$ "" !%G





  !% >@<@5@@


The above table shows that 60% employees were satisfied with the leaders of the company
taking care of the employees.

9   8  ! ! ! "  

 %!D !G




  !% 2>595@@



The above table shows that 86% of the employees had trust in the leaders of the company and
only 24% of people were lacking confidence.


<   8 % ! 

! !% $ 
 %!D !
 !%!!"" G


" !%" % %   ! 

%  !%" 
%  "


  !% 99996@59@5@@

10 2 10 0 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 0
tr o n g ly a e it h e r n S o D tr r is o n g ag ly r D ee is a g re e g re e o ta l

N o s m le o f a p s P rc n g e e ta e


The above table shows that only 66% of employees were having idea about the financial status of
the company and remaining 34% of people had no idea about the financial status.

5. In the company the Employees are treated fairly regardless of race, color, gender, religion etc.
Showing the response of employees,



  !% C@5@5@@

10 2 10 0 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 3 0 Ys e N o T ta o l 2 7 1 0 3 0 N o sa p s o f m le P rce ta e e n g 10 0


The above table shows that 90% of employees had a good opinion about the culture of the

6. When working, your company inspires and motivates you to perform to the best of your
abilities ± every day.


" !%" % %   ! 

%  !%" 
%  "


  !% 4@6>5@>>5@@


% !    


tr on gl y




The above table shows that 76% of the people agreed that the company motivates the employee
to perform the best of their abilities and only 12% disagreed to that.

!   !    "   

    ! G







  !% 5@@@5@@


10 2 10 0 8 0 6 0 4 0 2 0 0 Ys e 0 N o 0 T ta o l 3 0 3 0 N o sa p s o f m le P rce ta e e n g 10 0 10

The above table shows that every 100% of the employees were aware of their role in the success
of the organization.


27 ! 
    ! .

E($":  ;" !  ;  

;  !


" !%" % %   ! 

%  !%" 
%  "


  !% >>699995@@
  % !    
%  "%%







From the above table it was shown that about 89% of the people agreed to take up initiative and
do extra work to exceed the expectation of the employer.

9. To perform to the optimum I¶m provided with adequate resources like computer, phone, work
station, stationary etc.






  !% >@69@5@>5@@







From the above table 83% of the people agreed that the company provides enough equipment for
the employees to perform the work effectively. And only 16% of people had different opinion.

5@( "
 ! $ :!% !8 ! !







  !% 4@99>5@@5@@





From the above table it is shown that 83% of the people were satisfied with the working
environment in the organization and 10% of people had different opinion to this.


      !   8" !





"  $8 %  ; "" ! "

  !% >5@5>99995@@

8 % ; "" !$   " 


'   8 " >>F   "   %  ! ! 


    8" !        "
! 99F  "   
  ! ! !

12. My supervisor treats me fairly in work related issues like acknowledges my work, open to
hear my opinions and helps me develop to my fullest potential.



" !%" % %   ! 

%  !%" 
%  "


  !% >@6>9>95@@


% ! %    


gr e a ith e A y r


From the above table we can conclude that 86% of the people had agreed that their supervisor
treats the employees in a fair manner and only 10% of people had a different opinion. 13. In the
workplace my co-workers give due respect to my thoughts and feelings and demonstrate a
positive attitude.


" !%" % %   ! 

%  !%" 
%  "





  !% 4@99>>95@@


re e no r re e re e re e is ag % A g e is a To a g r ta l



The above table shows that 83% of people had a healthy relationship with the coworkers and
they demonstrate a positive attitude which helps the employee to share the ideas freely with




 %!D !  8 
 !"!!%!  !% !%!!%



" !%" % %   ! 

%  !%" 
%  "


  !% 4>995@@@5@@

%      !  
%%  "%







From the table it is shown that about 89% of the people agreed that the company had provided
enough ongoing as well as initial !!% as needed.

54   !
   !"   ! !





  !% 396>5@@



From the data available about 74% of the people agreed that the compensation was proportional
to the contribution made by the employee.

5>(!   ! E(.

 $   !
 !   !
 !E ! 
 !  %





  !% 5>995>6>>





From the above table it is shown that 49% of the people were satisfied with the administration of
compensation benefits and reimbursement programs and only 32% of people had a different


53(!   !   8 "" !  "!"""

""! !  " .







  !% 9@6999>95@@


From the above table 53% of the people were satisfied with the compensation paid by the
company and 9% of the people were dissatisfied with the compensation benefits and 33% of the
people were neither satisfied nor dissatisfied. 18. When it comes to compensation, my
performance is a major yardstick. Showing the responses of the employees,





  !% 5>699959595@@


From the above table 39% of people agreed that performance was the major yardstick to evaluate
the compensation in the company.

5C($ " ":     !   "  !   !   ! 





  !% 3@9@5@@


From the above information 70% of people were willing to suggest a friend to join the company
which shows a due respect towards organization.

6@( "!  !! !   ! " 






  !% 4><95@@


From the above table 56% of people were willing to stay in the company for the coming two
years, this shows the company had succeeded in retaining the employees.

<4  ! !%

‡ According to the survey 83% of employees are satisfied with the job, this clearly shows that the
most of the employees has a feeling of job satisfaction, which is the major factor for measuring
the job satisfaction. ‡ The employees in the organization have got a clear understanding about the
leadership and planning. The report showing 60% and 40% on the care taken by leaders and
confidence on the leader¶s respectively. ‡ A fair and good corporate culture and communication
is maintained in the organization. Tough the communication part


regarding the financial status is comparatively low i.e. 66% this is due to the confidentiality
maintained by the company for several purposes, the treating of employees has gained 90% in
the survey. ‡ As per the survey the employees are aware of their role in the success of the
organization, this is also a critical factor in the employee engagement. The report says 100% of
people are aware of their role, 89% of people are willing to walk extra mile for accomplishing
the goals. This is a positive attitude from the employee side.
‡ The working environment i.e. the place where employees work is also a major factor to be
considering engaging the employees. As per the survey 83% of employees given a positive
response and are satisfied with the working environment. ‡ The relation with the immediate
supervisor or sub ordinate is also a major thing for the employees to share their views freely. As
per the survey the supervisors are given enough freedom for employees to take decision and
there exist a fair relationship between the supervisor and employee. ‡ The major part where the
employees are found dissatisfied is the process and procedures in the company to evaluate and
promote the employees. The satisfaction level is 53%, a point to work on. ‡ As per the survey it
is shown that, in the work place the coworkers give due respect to thoughts and feelings and
demonstrate a positive attitude. The percentage of people agreed to this fact is 83%. ‡ The
!!% and 8 "  ! is an important thing for the employees to get motivated and
engaged, as per the study 86% of people agree to the initial and ongoing !!% adopted in the


‡ Finally it comes to compensation and benefits now, any organization for that matter have a
problem in satisfying the employees in this issue. In the survey major differentiation are held in
this issue i.e. 26% of people doesn¶t agree that compensation is proportional to performance and
27% of people doesn¶t agree that compensation structure full fill the needs of the family, and
when it comes performance as a yardstick for deciding the compensation 39% of people agreed
to that. From the above findings we can conclude the following ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ Belief in the organization.
Desire to work to make things better. Respectful of, and helpful to, colleagues. Willingness to
µgo the extra mile¶. the organization enables the

H   !   "    $ ""

‡ A willingness to behave altruistically and be a good team player. The above attributes
demonstrate the high employee engagement.


SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 5.1 Summary of learning experience The following are
some of the learning tasks that are experienced in the management !!%. 1. Learned how to
interact with the employees when they come for queries. 2. Good grip on the ms excel, due to
making reports for attendance and other works. 3. Known the job profiles of different
departments in the corporate. 4. Experienced how to interact with the executives and

managers in the hr department. 5. Experienced the problems of balancing of work life and study
life. 6. Learned to coordinate in the events and made an active participation. 7. Learned to take
up responsibilities. 5.2 Conclusions and Recommendations CONCLUSION Employee
Engagement is the buzz word term for employee communication. It is a positive attitude held by
the employees towards the organization and its values. It is rapidly gaining popularity, use and
importance in the workplace and impacts
Organizations in many ways. Employee engagement emphasizes the importance of employee
communication on the success of a business. An organization should thus recognize employees,
more than any other variable, as powerful contributors to a company's competitive position.

Therefore employee engagement should be a continuous process of learning, improvement,

measurement and action. We would hence conclude that raising and maintaining employee
engagement lies in the hands of an organization and requires a perfect blend of time, effort,
commitment and investment to craft a successful endeavor.

Employee engagement is the sum total of the work place behavior demonstrated by the people.
Such behavior is characterized by:

· Belief in the organization · Drive to work to make things better · Understanding of business
context · Respect and support for others

  " !! $

The level of employee engagement affects key results such as sales, customer satisfaction, and
innovation and employee turnover. An engaged workforce is capable of delivering sustained
differentiation and a significant competitive advantage.


‡ Encouraging empowerment. Empowerment is the ability to make decisions within the work
environment without having to get prior approval. Empowered employees feel ownership for
their jobs and their roles in them. An improvement in this aspect is needed. ‡ Some kind of
transparency must be maintained in knowing the business status of the organization. Meetings
must be conducted at the end of financial year to create awareness in the employees about the
financial status of the organization. There must be a clear picture for the employees in knowing
the procedures of formulating the compensation structure because major differentiation is seen in
the satisfaction levels. A fair pay must be incorporated when performance is taken as the major
yardstick. ‡ To take up feedback periodically from the employees regarding the motivation
aspects and they must be given liberty to question for procedures on compensation if they are not
satisfied. BIBLIOGRAPHY Reference Books: 1. Personnel Management by C.B. Mamoria,
C.S.Mamoria & Gankar. 2. Personnel and Human Resource Management by


 &!%  ! #!
$$$% %"  $$$ "  

My name is RAJNESH KUMAR. I am pursuing my MBA in Ramaiah institute of management

studies Bangalore, as a part of my curriculum I am doing my project in  PRODUCTS
PVT. LTD These are some of the survey questionnaires on EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT;
please take a few minutes to complete this study. QUESTIONNAIRE (APPENDIX)






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!  8

perform to the best of your abilities ± every day. ‡ Strongly Strongly ‡ Agree Disagree Agree Nor
Disagree Neither

!   !    "   

    ! G




8. When it comes to the company¶s success, I walk that extra mile and exceed the expectations of
my employers. ‡ Strongly Strongly Neither





C      (.  8 $  # 

":    E ! E
$ :




5@( "
 ! $ :!% !8 ! ! !%"  !%"   







      !   8" !      

 ; "" !


8 %

12. My supervisor treats me fairly in work related issues like acknowledge my work, open to
hear my opinions and helps me develop to my fullest potential.

 !%"  !%"






59(! $ : "   A$ : 
!  "!%

 !%"  !%"






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54   !
   !"   ! !
 (:  !%"  !%" 





‡ ‡ 16. In my company, I¶m satisfied with the administration of compensation, benefits and
reimbursement programs. ‡ Very Very ‡ Satisfied Dissatisfied ‡ 17. In my company the overall
benefit plan fulfills all mine and my family¶s minimum needs. ‡ Strongly Strongly ‡ Agree
Disagree ‡ 18. When it comes to compensation, my performance is a major yardstick. Agree Nor
Disagree Neither Satisfied Nor Dissatisfied Neither




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