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Alpha Omega Homeschool Support and Tutorial Center


Name: ____________________________ Date: __________

Matching type. Write the letter of the answer before each number.

________1. It is one of the largest parts of the cell. It controls cell activities. A. vacuole

________2. An animal cell’s thin outer covering. In plants it is found beneath the cell wall. B. cell wall

________3. The jelly like substance that fills the cell. It is mostly water but contains many C. chloroplast

important chemicals. D. cytoplast

________4. A holding bin for food, water, and wastes. E. cell membrane

________5. A thick, stiff structure that protects and supports the plant cell. F. Nucleus

________6. The plant cell’s food factory contains chlorophyll.

Label the animal and plant cell.

vacuole cell wall 2
cytoplasm cell membrane nucleus
chemical factory power plant

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