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In what ways can an image's context change over time?

Post-Modernism is a way of thinking that proposes that the meaning of a work of art, media
message is not fixed and in fact can have multiple meanings, this is known as polysemy.
"The meaning of each image are multiple(...)"
Sturken, M. Cartwright, L. Practices of Looking, p25.
There are the basic levels of meaning, the denotative and the conotative. In simple terms, the
denotative is what that image is and the conotative is what is the deeper meaning of the image,
and this is often decided through interpretation
"This process of interpretation is derived from semiotics(...)”
Sturken, M. Cartwright, L. Practices of Looking, p28.
Barthes' concept, based on Saussure: every image has a sign. The signifier i.e. the sound, and the
signified which is the thing that the sound makes you think of, together to form the sign (Sturken
and Cartwright, 2001, p.29.) the meaning is what is signified.

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