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The mudras used in the procedure of avataran

Creating a balance between two main channels (nadis)

called ida and pingla
So that pranic energy can flow through the middle one called
sushumna. It is the center of all psychic energy termed as
kundalini and when the energy flow through the sushumna
the kundalini starts awakening

The spontaneous circle, It is a highly intense procedure

to kindle the mooladhar chakra or base energy center. The
whirling through the spine creates more and more passive
awareness and provokes the flow of kundalini upward.
Energizing the agya chakra It is a specific procedure to
feel and energize the eye brow center. By putting pressure
on the center of forehead, stress is reduced and the
awakening of third eye which is called agya chakra takes

Listening to the divine music, It is called anahat-naad

that means the eternal root sound of existence, who is the
mother of all worldly sounds. It lifts the consciousness into
the fourth dimension which is free from the time and space

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