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Ancient Teachings of Tantra and Kundalini Yoga
ni Chakras Nadis Yantras Sri Yantra Links

Chakras are psychic centres that lie along the axis of the spine as consciousness
potentials. The chakras are not materially real and are to be understood as
situated, not in the gross body, but in the subtle or etheric body. Repositories of
psychic energies, they govern the whole condition of being. They are usually
represented as lotuses.

When kundalini is struck, she awakens, uncoils and begin to rise upwards like a
fiery serpent, breaking upon each chakra as she ascends, until the Shakti merges
with Shiva in sahasrara chakra.

As kundalini reaches each chakra, that lotus opens and lift its flower; and as
soon as she leaves for a higher chakra, the lotus closes its petals and hangs
down, symbolizing the activation of the energies of the chakra and their
assimilation to kundalini.

The increasing number of lotus petals, in ascending order, may be taken to

indicate the rising energy or vibration-frequencies of the respective chakras,  7. Sahasrara
each functioning as a transformer of energies from one potency to another.

Each of the chakras, according to the Tantras, corresponds to one of the

elements of which the known world is compounded. Muladhara represents
solidity; Svadhisthana, liquidity; Manipura, the gaseous; Anahata, the aerial;
 6. Ajna
Vishuddha, the etheric, or space. One can see the whole process as a progressive
transformation of the elements, with an increase of volatility.  

This ascent through the chakras can be viewed as an upward journey through the  5. Vishuddha
self which refines and subtilizes the energy that is the kundalini, until at the
sixth chakra, the Ajna, centre of command, a qualitative change has taken place.
   4. Anahata

The chakras
 Nepal 17th century  3. Manipura
 gouache on paper

 1. Muladhara
Copyright © 2006 - All Rights Reserved

Quote of the moment:

There’s a law – Newton’s Third Law of Force or Law of Karma – action has a reaction
equal and opposite. What is the way to get out of it? Develop you intuitiveness through you
meditative mind to the point that you do not cause a cause for which you are not willing to
accept the effect. - Yogi Bhajan

"If the mind vibrates with the mantra you chant, the effect will be tremendous, accurate, beautiful. When
you say "Ek", the whole universe should look to you as Ek. When you say "Ong", the spring season and
the seed sprout unflod in the universe. When you say "Kar", the moon, sun, stars, any beautiful thing ever
lived by you in your mental thoughts should become a spotlight for you. When you say "Sat" you should
feel illuminated. "Nam" should give you existence in your humility. "Siri", the miracle of this creation,
should be acknowledged by you. And after that you should fall into the ecstasy by saying "Wha," and the
total merge should happen when you say "Guru." If you take every care that verbalization is supported by
the mind when you chant a mantra, I cannot describe what you can be."

The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan by Yogi Bhajan

"Sadhana, daily spiritual practice, is the base, the foundation of all spiritual endeavor. Sadhana is your
personal, individual spiritual effort. It is the main tool you use to work on yourself to achieve the purpose
of life. It can be done alone or in a group. Sadhana is whatever you do consistently to clear your own
consciousness so you can relate to the infinity within you. Before you face the world each day, do yourself
a favor and tune up your nervous system and attune yourself to your highest inner self. To cover all your
bases, include exercise, meditation, and prayer."

The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa

During what are called the “ambrosial hours” (the two and a half hours just before sunrise), when the sun
is at a sixty-degree angle to the earth, the energy you put into your sadhana gets maximum results. Your
world is quieter. It’s easier to meditate and concentrate before the hustle and bustle of the day begins.
You can be sure when you’re doing sadhana in the ambrosial hours that you’re in the right place at the
right time doing the right thing. What a great feeling of self-esteem and self-assurance, to start each day
with confidence!

You can do sadhana at home or ideally with a group at a 3HO Yoga Center or Ashram. Begin by tuning in
with the Adi Mantra followed by a set of Kundalini Yoga exercises. You are now prepared to chant the
seven mantras of an Aquarian sadhana. The sequence begins with seven minutes of chanting long Ek Ong
Kar’s. This mantra opens all the chakras. All of the other mantras for the morning may be chanted to your
choice of melodies, with or without musical accompaniment. Choose a sadhana recording that suits you.
Sit in Easy Pose, on either wool or cotton padding of some sort. Be sure to keep your spine as straight as
you can. Finish your sadhana with any type of worship or prayer.

Having done sadhana, you have cleared your mind and consciously prepared yourself to go forth and be
successful in handling whatever the day may bring. Strive to hold on to the remembrance and awareness
of SAT NAM with every breath.

*The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa

Your ten bodies are your God-given, powerful capacities as a human being. They allow you to be joyfully
creative, obedient to your higher consciousness, and to see the spirit in everyone.
1. The SOUL body: The core essence of one's consciousness. The part of you which is infinite and undying.
2. The NEGATIVE mental body: The protective function of the mind which is sensitive to dangers and
warThe Cold Shower, a 3HO trademark
Go for it! When the cold water hits the surface of your
skin (which has four layers) all the blood from way deep
inside your body rushes to the surface in self-defense,
vastly improving your circulation on the spot. This is
called Hydrotherapy. It strengthens your entire nervous
system. People pay huge sums of money for what is now
called “Hydrothermal therapy” when in reality all you
need is cold water!

But first, before you get wet, massage your body all over
with a little oil. Oil is more easily absorbed by the skin
when it is mixed with water--and you won’t be greasy
afterwards. Almond oil is highly recommended since the
almond contains so many minerals, and it nourishes the
body through the pores of the skin.

Go in and out of the water four times, constantly

massaging your body until the water no longer feels
cold. Be sure not to miss the area under your arms,
which is where the parasympathetic and sympathetic
nervous systems meet. You can even stand on one foot
and massage the top of it with the other foot. Women,
be sure to massage your breasts.

Your first victory of the day!

You will probably become very holy the moment the cold
water hits your body, because it is likely you will shout,
“Oh my God!” You might try exclaiming “Wahe Guru”
(”Wow, God is Great!”) or “Ang Sang Wahe Guru” (”God
lives in every limb of my being.”) Remembering God is
always a blessing.

Dry off briskly with a rough towel till the body really
shines; put on loose, comfortable exercise clothing, and
you’re ready to do your sadhana, your personal daily
spiritual practice. God bless you, you’re bound to have a
wonderful day!

Exceptions for women: Don’t take cold showers during

your monthly period and No cold showers after the
seventh month of pregnancy; take lukewarm, body
temperature showers instead.
The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa
“ When we do ice-cold water massage, not only do we
open up the capillaries, but when they return to normal,
that blood goes back to the organs.”
ns us of them.

Seva is our Dharma...

Dharma is the path we follow to take action and to uplift and
serve others. If we only serve our own purpose, our own ego and
ourself we limit our ability to receive abundance. The law of the
universe is that what you give comes back to you tenfold. If you
serve, you shall win the heart of others. If you are humble, you
shall not only win the hearts of others, you will win their total
being. If you serve, people will want to do something for you.
Seva or service is not what serves you. Service is you, overflowing
and enriching another person. That is seva. When you act as a
demonstrative id of ego, you will totally lose all that there is and
there shall be. This is a very concrete law.

Excerpted from Seva is Our Dharma by Yogi Bhajan

Prosperity Paths Sept 1996 issue

" Become nothing and you will become everything and then prosperity

- Yogi Bhajan

To realize this in your life, become nothing by serving others, by serving others you will be enriched, and
by being enriched you allow the flow of prosperity into your life.

From the lecture Being a Zero by Dr. Harbhajan Singh Khalsa, Los Angeles, CA

Freedom in Action
Karma Yoga is action in service. It is selfless action with
no thought of reward. The philosophy of Karma Yoga is
traditionally stated in the Bhagavad Gita, where Arjuna
was instructed by Krishna that it was his duty to fulfill
his destiny without consideration for his own misgivings
and feelings to the contrary. He was to perform his
obligations selflessly, without attachment to their
outcome. Instead of making superficial external
changes, the path of Karma Yoga involves changing our
internal attitudes and emotions -- transforming our
actions as we refine our motivations. Action is
transcended through action.

The Aquarian Teacher by Yogi Bhajan

The Path of Selfless Service

Karma Yoga requires one to surrender the fruits of one’s
actions to God. The Karma Yogi always keeps in mind
that God is truly the Doer of everything. Non-attachment
to the results of one’s actions frees a person from
creating more karma. An analogy often given for non-
attachment is “to live in the world but not of it,” or to
“be like the lotus in the pond,” whose beautiful white
blossom remains pure and unstained above the water,
unaffected by the mud clinging to its roots below.

The Flow of Eternal Power by Shakti Parwha Khalsa

: 3HO Yoga & Meditations > Yoga > Exercise Set for The Nervous System and
Glandular Balance

Printable Version
Exercise Set for The Nervous System And Glandular Balance

1) Sit in Easy Pose with the arms extended straight out to the sides
parallel to the ground. The palms are facing up (I\) . Begin to move only
your Satum finger (the middle finger) up and down rapidly (B) . Using a
powerful breath, inhale as you raise the finger and exhale as you lower it.
Continue rhythmically, coordinating this movement with the breath for 7
This exercise stimulates the pituitary to create a balance between the
parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.
2) Remain in Easy Pose. Stretch the arms out in front, parallel to the
ground (A). Place the left hand over the right interlacing the fingers with
the palms facing down. Begin to rapidly swing your arms from side to
side, moving the head and neck in the same direction as the arms. Keep
the elbows straight. Continue coordinating the movement with a powerful
breath for 5 minutes. This exercise prepares the body for the shock of
accidents by making it very flexible. It also strengthens the chest muscle
and stimulates the lymph nodes in that area. There have been reports
that this exercise aids in preventing breast cancer .

3) Sitting in Easy Pose, extend the arms straight out in front, parallel to
the ground (A) . Make fists of the hands with the thumbs tucked inside
touching the fleshy mound below the little finger. Keeping the arms and
hands straight, bring the left arm up as the right arm goes down.
Continue alternately moving the arms up and down forcefully,
coordinating the movement with forceful breathing for 8 minutes. This
exercise works to balance the parathyroid gland and stimulates weight

4) Butterfly Pose. Sit with the soles of the feet pressed together. Draw the
feet into the groin, keeping the knees as close to the floor as possible.
Interlace the fingers into Venus Lock and place the hands in the lap (A).
Inhale and raise the arms up over the head while simultaneously drawing
the knees up towards the center of the body (B). Exhale and lower the
knees and arms down to the original position (A) . Continue rhythmically,
coordinating the movement with powerful breathing for 8 minutes. This
exercise balances the prana and apana, sets the navel point, and brings
the breast line into total balance. This exercise also prepares and
maintains a woman's pelvic area during her child bearing years.

Excerpted From Kundlini Yoga For Youth & Joy, by Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D., pg
Article Index : Yoga

    Exercise Set for Balancing Head and Heart - 08/10/2004

    Exercise Set for Electromagnetic Frequency - 08/09/2004
    Exercise Set for the Frontal Lobe Of the Brain - 08/09/2004
    Exercise Set for the Lymph System - 08/09/2004
      Exercise Set for The Nervous System and Glandular ... - 08/09/2004
    Exercise Set for the Ribcage Area - 08/09/2004
    Exercise Set for Upper Body, Neck and Shoulders - 08/09/2004
    Exersise Set for the Brain and Parathyroid - 08/09/2004
    Siabh Parnaam Exercise Set - 08/10/2004

Printable Version
Exercise Set for The Brain and Parathyroid

1) Sit in Easy Pose. Interlock the hands behind the neck. Keep the neck
straight and begin twisting powerfully from left to right. Chant powerfully
aloud: Hari Har, Hari Har, Hari Har, Hari with the tip of the tongue hitting
the upper palate behind the teeth. One repetition every 2-3 seconds.
Rhythmically coordinate the movement with the mantra for 4 minutes.
This exercise stimulates the thyroid and parathyroid
2) Come into Celibate Pose, sitting between the heels with the buttocks
touching the ground. Keep the spine straight. Interlace the fingers in
Venus Lock behind the neck (A). Listen to the tape of Jaap Sahib and
begin to bow to the Namastang rhythm, touching only your chin to the
ground (B). If the tape is not available, perform the exercise in the
following 10-count rhythm: down on 1, up on 2, down on 3, up on 4,
down on 5, up on 6, down on 7, up on 8, remain up for 9 & 10. Continue
for 15 minutes.
The posture in this exercise, also known as Bhujar Bhujang Asan ,
relieves problems of the reproductive area and the pituitary gland. When
the chin touches the ground the parathyroid gland is stimulated. This
exercise is a yogic practice guaranteed to change the total sum of

3) Sit in Easy Pose. Place the palms on the floor on each side. Keep the
elbows straight (A). Listen to the tape Wahe Guru, Wahe Jeeo . Begin to
rhythmically rotate the whole body, moving deep from the navel. Move
with the music and when the singing begins, copy the exact sound.
Continue for 15 minutes. If the tape is not available, move in the posture
and breathe long and gently for 7-11 minutes. This exercise works on the
parathyroid gland and develops the power to listen.

Excerpted From Kundlini Yoga For Youth & Joy, by Yogi Bhajan, Ph.D., pg
Lotus Prayer for Prosperity & Projection unto Victory

Mudra: Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine. Bend the elbows down into
the sides of the body. Bring the hands in front of the heart center, palms
facing one another, with the fingers pointing up towards the ceiling.
Spread the fingers wide apart. Make your hands into a lotus in front of
your heart center by bringing together and touching the tips of the
pinkies, the sides of the pads of the thumbs, and the base of the palms.
The other fingers will be kept spread apart, and curved slightly to form
the lotus petals.

Movement: Keeping the mudra with fingers pointing straight up, begin
gliding your arms up in a straight line, until the hands are a little above,
and a little in front of your head. Then in a continuous movement, without any
abrupt stop, glide them back down to the starting position. Continue.

Eyes: Unspecified.

Tape: Reality, Prosperity and Ecstasy, by Nirinjan Kaur. Then the

instrumental Dhuni.

Time: The meditation was done for 21 minutes in class; 15 minutes with
Prosperity tape, and 6 minutes with the Dhuni tape.

End: Inhale, exhale. Relax.

Comments/Effects: This is a prayer for prosperity. It is the prayer of

the lotus. Just
listen to the lyrics of the Prosperity tape, and go into a deep prayer.
Your faculty of projection with your personal reverence
will win all for you. That's the path of victory.

. TheYour ten bodies are your God-given, powerful capacities as a human being. They allow you to be
joyfully creative, obedient to your higher consciousness, and to see the spirit in everyone.
1. The SOUL body: The core essence of one's consciousness. The part of you which is infinite and undying.
Meditation to Open the Energy Channels & Take You to the

Mudra: Hands are flat, palms facing forward, and fingers point towards
the ceiling. Bend the pinkie finger down into the palm, and touch the
pinkie tip to the tip of the thumb. The other three fingers are straight and
held side by side.
Place this mudra so that the wrists are at the level of the shoulders, and
the hands are a little bit to the sides of, and also in front of, each
shoulder. Just hold the mudra still, but press back very hard on your
shoulders, the hands and elbows, and bring the chin slightly into the
chest. Imagine you are trying to sit up very straight, and are trying to
bring the shoulder blades to touch. This will force your chest to expand
out. Press as hard as you can, then just hold it.

Music: The instrumental Dhuni.

Eyes: Close your eyes and meditate.

Mantra: Sat Naam, Sat Naam, Sat Naam Ji, Wahe Guru, Wahe Guru,
Wahe Guru Ji. Chant this mantra, pulling in on your navel point on each
"Sat Naam" and on each "Wahe Guru." Chant, using the tip of your
tongue to strike the upper palate. This will stimulate the hypothalamus.
One repetition of the mantra is 8 seconds; each phrase is 1 second.

Time: Done in class for 10-1/2 minutes.

End: Inhale very deeply, hold for 10 seconds while you press back as
hard as you can on the mudra, shoulders, elbows, etc. Cannon fire the
breath out. Repeat 3 times total. Relax.

Comments/Effects: At first it may hurt to put as much pressure on the

back and chest as is being asked for, but just hold it still, and it will begin
to work itself out. The pressure is required to open up the chest and the
energy channels in the spine. This will allow the energy to ascend to the
heights. Do not allow yourself to relax the pressure as the meditation
carries on.

2. The NEGATIVE mental body: The protective function of the mind which is sensitive to dangers and w

Warrior's Exercise
for Opening the Energy into the Shushmanaa
& Balancing the Hemispheres of the Brain

Mudra: Stretch arms out to the sides, parallel to the ground. Make palms
flat, facing forward, and the fingers spread wide apart. The muscles of the
body should hold the weight of the arms, to perform the exercise. This
position is your base.

Movement: Keeping the palms flat, fingers spread apart the whole time,
begin the following movement:

(a) Raise your arms up directly over your head, criss-crossing them at
the wrists, left palm in front, right behind. They actually should cross a
few inches behind the area directly over your head. Then bring the arms
back down to the starting position.

(b) Raise your arms up and criss-cross them with the right palm in front
of the left, but angle the arms forward a bit, so they are crossing about
12 inches in front of the area directly above the head. Then bring the
arms back down to the starting position. Continue alternating in this

Music: The musical tape, Dhuni, is played during the exercise. One
repetition of the mantra is approximately 8 seconds.

Mantra: Mentally recite Sat Naam, Sat Naam, Sat Naam Ji, Waa-hay
Guroo, Waa-hay Guroo, Waa-hay Guroo Ji.

Eyes: Unspecified. Although for maximum strength, keep the eyes closed.

Time: Done for 2-1/2 minutes in class. Yogi Bhajan said this was enough
to initiate the students into this meditation and not space them out too
ENERGY - The 4/4 Breath
This is a great quick pickup when you have only a few
minutes. If you do it 2 or 3 times a day at strategic times
(before meals, meetings, driving home, etc.) and when you
begin to feel tired, you will notice a big difference in the way
you feel.:

aBasic Breath Series

What will it do for you?
This set opens the pranic channels and balances the breath in the two sides of
your body. It is often practiced before a more strenuous, physical exercise. It is
great to do by itself whenever you need a quick lift and a clear mind. It
strengthens the nervous system, energizes, calms and balances.
How to do it:

1) Sit in Easy Pose. Make an antenna of the right

hand fingers and block the right nostril with the
thumb. Begin long deep breathing through the left
nostril for 3 minutes. Inhale - - - hold for 10 seconds.

2) Repeat the first exercise, but use the left hand and breathe
through the right nostril. Continue for 3 minutes. Inhale - - -
hold for 10 seconds.

3) Alternate Nostril Breathing. Inhale through the left nostril,

exhale through the right using long deep breaths. Use the thumb
and the little finger to close alternate nostrils.

4) Repeat exercise 3), except inhale through the right nostril

and exhale through the left.
5) Sit in Easy Pose with hands on knees, thumbs
and forefingers touching, elbows straight. Begin
Breath of Fire. Totally center yourself at the brow
point. Continue with regular powerful breath for
2 to 7.5 minutes. Then inhale, circulating the
energy. Relax or meditate for 5 minutes, then
chant long "Sat Nam's" for at least 3, but up to
11 minutes if you want.

rns us of them.
3. The POSITIVE mental body: The positive, solution oriented part of the mind.
4. The NEUTRAL mental body: The listening and evaluating mind. It receives input from the negative and
positive minds and reaches a sane and balanced conclusion.
5. The PHYSICAL body: The vehicle in which we live and travel.
6. The ARC body: The antenna of the consciousness and transmitter of our intuitive awareness.
7. The AURIC body: The electromagnetic field of the physical body. It is the circumvent or protective force.
8. The PRANIC body: The subtle energy layer that transmutes pranic energy from the environment to
power the physical body.
9. The SUBTLE body: The subtle sensitivity of communication with others and with the environment.

Sat Kriya
What will it do for you?
Sat Kriya is fundamental to Kundalini Yoga, and should be practiced daily for at
least 3 minutes. Sat Kriya strengthens the entire sexual system, stimulating its
natural energy flow, relaxing sexuality phobias, enabling control of the sexual
impulse, and rechanneling the energy to creative and healing activities.
Severely maladjusted people benefit from this kriya, since mental problems are
a result of unbalanced energy in the lower 3 chakras. General physical health is
improved, and the heart is strengthened from the rhythmic up/down of blood

How to do it:
Sit on the heels and stretch arms overhead, elbows hugging ears, fingers
interlocked, index fingers extended straight up, and chant "Sat Nam" in a
constant rhythm, about 8 times per 10 seconds. Chant Sat from the navel &
solar plexus, pulling the umbilicus in to the spine, and on Nam relax the belly.

Continue for at least 3 minutes. Then inhale and squeeze the muscles tightly
from the buttocks all the way up the back, mentally allowing energy to flow up
the spine and out through the top of the head. Ideally you should relax for
twice the time you practice.

Since this exercise stimulates and channels Kundalini energy, it must always be
practiced with the mantra "Sat Nam". ("Sat Nam" rhymes with "but Mom".)

Time may be built up to 31 minutes, but ALWAYS with a long, deep relaxation
immediately afterwards. A good way to build duration is to start with 3 minutes
and rest for 2 and continue in this way for 25 minutes.

This is not just an exercise - it is a kriya that works on all levels of being, known and

Do not jump from 3 to 31 minutes, even if you are feeling strong or are a yoga
teacher. Respect the power of the technique, and allow this kriya to properly
prepare your body for higher experience. You might block the more subtle
experiences of higher energies by pushing the physical body too much. Or, you
could have a huge rush of energy, an experience of higher consciousness, but
be unable to integrate it into your psyche. So prepare yourself with constancy,
patience and moderation. The end result is assured.

If you have not taken drugs, or have cleared your system of all their effects, yo
may choose to practice the kriya with the palms open, pressing against each
other. This releases more energy, but is not generally taught in a public class
because someone may have weak nerves from drug abuse.

Notice that you emphasize pulling the navel point in - don't try to apply
Mulbhand (which occurs naturally when the navel is pulled). The hips and spine
do not flex, and the only motion is a slight up and down of the chest and arms
with each "Sat Nam".

There is no specific breath for Sat Kriya - follow the instructions for chanting
and pulling the navel point, and let your body find the right breath.

If you have time for nothing else, practice this kriya daily to keep the body a
clean and vital temple of God!


El hombre es un trío de CUERPO, ALMA y ESPÍRITU. Entre el Espíritu y el Cuerpo existe un

mediador. Este es el Alma. Los Gnósticos sabemos que el Alma está vestida con un traje
maravilloso. Ese es el Cuerpo Astral. Ya sabemos por nuestros estudios gnósticos, que el Astral es
un doble organismo dotados de maravillosos sentidos internos.
Los grandes clarividentes nos hablan de los siete chakras y el señor Leadbeater los describe con lujo
de detalles. Estos chakras son realmente los sentidos del Cuerpo Astral. Dichos centros magnéticos
se encuentran en íntima correlación con las glándulas de secreción interna.
En el laboratorio del organismo humano existen siete ingredientes sometidos a un triple control
nervioso. Los nervios, como agentes de la Ley del Triángulo, controlan al Septenario glandular. Los
tres controles nerviosos diferentes que interactúan entre sí, son los siguientes:
1º.- El sistema nervioso cerebro-espinal, agente de las funciones CONSCIENTES.
2º.- Sistema gran simpático, agente de las funciones SUBCONSCIENTES, INCONSCIENTES e
3º.- Sistema parasimpático o vago, quien controla FRENANDO las funciones instintivas, bajo la
dirección de la mente.
El sistema cerebro-espinal es el tronco del Espíritu Divino. El sistema gran sipático es el vehículo del
astral. El vago o parasimpático obedece las órdenes de la mente.
Tres rayos y siete centros magnéticos son la base para cualquier cosmos, tanto en lo infinitamente
grande como en lo infinitamente pequeño. "TAL COMO ES ARRIBA, ES ABAJO".
Las siete glándulas más importantes del organismo constituyen los siete laboratorios controlados por
la Ley del Triángulo. Cada una de estas glándulas tiene su exponente en un chakra del organismo.
Cada uno de los siete chakras se halla radicado en íntima correlación con las siete iglesias de la
médula espinal. Las siete iglesias de la espina dorsal controlan los siete chakras del sistema nervioso
gran simpático.
Las siete iglesias entran en intensa actividad con el ascenso del Kundalini a lo largo del canal
medular. El Kundalini mora en los electrones. Los sabios meditan en él; los devotos lo adoran y en
los hogares donde reina el Matrimonio Perfecto, se trabaja con él prácticamente. El Kundalini es el
Fuego Solar encerrado en los átomos seminales, la substancia electrónica ardiente del Sol que
cuando el liberada nos transforma en Dioses Terriblemente Divinos.


AKASHA es el agente del sonido. El KUNDALINI es el AKASHA. AKASHA es sexual. El KUNDALINI

ES SEXUAL. El centro magnético donde vive el Kundalini normalmente es absolutamente sexual,
como lo está demostrando el hecho concreto del sitio donde está situado: dos dedos sobre el amo, y
cerca de dos dedos debajo de los genitales; cuatro dedos de ancho, en el espacio donde está
situado. Sólo es posible despetar el Kundalini y desarrollarlo totalmente con la Magia Sexual.
Abrir la Iglesia de Efeso significa despertar el Kundalini. El color de este centro es rojo sucio en el
libertino, rojo amarillo en el Iniciadoy rojo azul púrpura en el Místico Iniciado.
El advenimiento del Fuego es el acontecimiento más grandioso del Matrimonio Perfecto. El centro
donde la serpiente se halla enroscada, tiene cuatro pétalos de los cuales sólo dos están en actividad.
Con la Iniciación se ponen en actividad los otros dos.
Los fuegos del corazón controlan el ascenso del Kundalini por el canal medular. El Kundalini se
desarrolla, evoluciona y progresa de acuerdo con los méritos del corazón.
El Kundalini es la energía primordial encerrada en la Iglesia de EFESO.
La Divina Serpiente de Fuego dormita dentro de su Iglesia enroscada tres veces y media. Cuando los
átomos Solares y Lunares hacen contacto en el TRIBENI, cerca del cóxis, despierta el Kundalini, la
serpiente ígnea de nuestros mágicos poderes. Sale de la bolsa membranosa donde estaba
encerrada y sube por el canal medular hasta el Cáliz (Cerebro). Del canal medular se desprenden
ciertos hilos nerviosos, que conectan a los siete chakras, o plexos simpáticos, con la columna
El Fuego Sagrado pone en actividad los siete centros magnéticos. El Kundalini coordina la actividad
de todos los siete chakras en forma maravillosa. Podríamos representar todo esto, por una vara con
siete rosas fragantes y hermosas. La vara representaría la columna espinal y las rosas
representarían a los siete chakras o centros magnéticos. Los tallos delicados de estas siete Rosas de
Fuego ardiente son los finos hilos que los unen a la columna espinal.
Los chakras de las Gónadas (glándulas sexuales), están dirigidos por Urano, y la Glándula Pineal,
situada en la parte superior del Cerebro está controlada por Neptuno. Entre este par de glándulas
existe una íntima existe una íntima corelación y el Kundalini debe conectarlas con el Fuego Sagrado
para lograr la REALIZACION A FONDO.
La Iglesia de EFESO es un loto con cuatro pétalos esplendorosos. Esta Iglesia tiene la brillantez de
diez mil millones de soles. La Tierra Elemental de los Sabios (representada por el cuadrado amarillo,
dentro del cual se encuentra un triángulo invertido conteniendo a la serpiente Kundalini), es
conquistada con el poder de esta Iglesia.


El ascenso del Kundalini a la región de la PROSTATA pone en actividad los seis pétalos de la Iglesia
Esta Iglesia nos confiere el poder de dominar las aguas elementales de la vida y la dicha de crear.
El chakra prostático tiene seis colores preciosísimos: Rojo, anaranjado, amarillo, verde, azul y violeta.
Este centro es importantísimo para el Mago. Con este centro controlamos el acto sexual. Este es el
centro magnético de la Magia Práctica.
El gnóstico que medita en este chakra pierde el miedo al agua, aprende a dirigir a las criaturas
elementales del agua, así como a conocer las distintas entidades astrales.
Su función es la de recibir los glóbulos vitales esparcidos en la atmósfera, distribuyendo energía o
prana en ellos y suministrarla por nadis especiales a cada uno de los demás chakras. La misión
principal de de este centro es proveer la vitalidad al cuerpo físico, cargando de prana todo el sistema
nervioso humano; su falta en el organismo da origen a una serie de dolencias llamadas nerviosas. En
el hombre este chakra controla el sentido del gusto y gobierna las funciones de los riñones y la región
abdominal inferior del cuerpo físico incluyendo las piernas.
Los Maestros señalan que en el centro, hay una media luna blanca que está relacionada con el
elemento agua. Este chakra prostático (uterino en la mujer) cuando entra en actividad confiere el
poder de salir del cuerpo físico en cuerpo astral, pudiendo investigar los misterios de la Vida y de la


Cuando la serpiente sagrada llega a la región del ombligo, podemos dominar los volcanes, porque el
fuego elemental de los Sabios corresponde al tercer centro, a la Iglesia de Pérgamo, situada en el
Plexo Solar. Su velocidad de vibración lo hace aparecer a la visión clarividente, del color de las nubes
cargadas de lluvia.
Tiene diez pétalos, dentro de él existe un espacio de forma triangular de color rojo anaranjado
brillante, relacionado con el elemento fuego, y el tattwa Tejas. El prana que este chakra absorbe y
distribuye es responsable de todas las funciones digestivas, la actividad del hígado, bazo, páncreas,
etc. Está vinculado con el flujo menstrual en las mujeres, e influye sobre el sentido de la vista en
ambos sexos.
Este es el cerebro de las emociones. El centro receptor es el centro umbilical, la antena emisora la
glándula pineal; las ondas mentales de aquellos que nos piensan, llegan al centro umbilical o cerebro
de las emociones y luego pasan al cerebro intelectual, donde esos pensamientos se nos hacen
Este es poder de la tepepatía. Este chackra es uno de los impulsores para las salidas en astral. El
despertar de los chakras es un trabajo delicado, con el cual se debe tener mucha paciencia y
tenacidad, son las fuerzas del verbo que actúan. Quien despierta este chakra puede sanarse de
enfermedades del estómago y del hígado, ya que este chakra se relaciona con estos órganos vitales.


Con el ascenso del Kundalini a la región del corazón, se pone en actividad la Iglesia de TIATIRA con
sus doce pétalos maravillosos. Esta Iglesia nos confiere poder sobre el aire elemental de los Sabios.
Está relacionado con el elemento aire, su tattwa es Vayú.
El desarrollo de este centro cardíaco confiere inspiración, presentimiento, intuición y poderes para
salir conscientemente en cuerpo astral, así como también poderes para poner el cuerpo en estado de
Digna de toda admiración resulta la Iglesia de Tiatira, el cuarto centro. El Cardias o Centro Cardíaco
está en íntima relación con el corazón del Sistema Solar. El hombre es un Universo en miniatura. Si
queremos estudiar el Universo, debemos estudiar al hombre. En el Universo descubrimos al hombre.
En el hombre descubrimos al Universo. El sistema solar visto desde lejos parece realmente un
hombre Glorioso caminando a través del inalterable infinito. El Sistema Solar es el cuerpo de un Gran
Ser. Aquel es todo Perfección. El Corazón de ese Gran Ser está en el Sol.
El Chakra del Corazón tiene doce pétalos. Seis activos y seis inactivos. Con el Fuego Sagrado, todos
los doce pétalos entran en actividad.
Su color es rojo vivo, dentro del dos triángulos que se cortan de color negro azabache, dentro de
estos dos triángulos se encuentra el centro de nuestro Ser individual, la llama misma de lo divino, que
brilla como constante llama puntiaguda de una lámpara.
Gobierna el sentido del tacto, el sistema circulatorio, el sistema locomotor y el sistema respiratorio e
influye sobre la glándula Timo. Su desarrollo tiene íntima relación con el ascenso del Kundalini.
Su mantram es la vocal "O" con sonido alargado. Un ejercicio para despertar este chakra es la
meditación. Y se conquista el poder de la Intuición. La vocalización y la meditación desarrollan y
desenvuelven esta Iglesia, Santuario del Amor. El Amor es Universal, Impersonal, Inefable,
Debemos actuar sobre el Corazón por medio de la Oración intensiva. La salida en Astral es más bien
emotiva y sentimental. El frío intelecto nada tiene que ver con las salidas en cuerpo astral, el cerebro
el lunar, el corazón es solar.
Para salir en cuerpo astral se necesita de la emoción superior, cierto tipo de emotividad, sentimiento,
una supersensibilidad muy especial y sueño combinado con la meditación. Esta cualidad sólo se
logra con el desarrollo del Cardias.
El capítulo segundo del Apocalípsis versa sobre las cuatro Iglesias inferiores de nuestro organismo.
Estos son cuatro centros conocidos como el Fundamental o básico, el Prostático, El Umbilical y el
Cardíaco. Ahora estudiaremos los tres centros magnéticos supeiores mencionados por el Apocalípsis
en el tercer capítulo.
Estas tres Iglesias Superiores son: La Iglesia de Sardis, la de Filadelfia y, por último, la de Laodicea.


El ascenso del Kundalini a la región de la laringe creadora confiere el poder de oir las voces de los
seres que viven en los mundos superiores. El fuego sagrado se hace creador en la garganta. Los
ángeles crean con el poder de la palabra. El Iniciado es capaz de crear cualquier cosa con el
pensamiento y luego materializarla con la palabra. Aquello de oir con el oído mágico ni ha sido bien
definido por los ocultistas. Debemos advertir que quien tiene el oído mágico puede oír realmente,
percibir casi físicamente, o mejor dijera, en forma semejante a la física, los sonidos internos. El oído
mágico nos permite escuchar a los ángeles.
Su ubicación en la base de la garganta, en el punto de unión de la columna vertebral y la médula
oblongada, en la glándula Tiroides, y es de color azul intenso. Este chakra está relacionado con el
plano mental. Debemos aprender el sabio manejo del Verbo. Este chakra se relaciona con el Verbo
Universal de Vida. Es necesario comprender que "Hay silencios delictuosos y palabras que hieren".
Existen otras que dicen: Hay un enanito que puede incendiar ciudades y que a la vez puede poner
paz y armonía. Este enanito es la lengua. Con el desarrollo del chakra laríngeo comprendemos el
esoterismo de todos los libros sagrados, se conoce lo pasado, presente y futuro de todo lo que existe
en el Universo.
Este chakra está relacionado con el AKASHA puro. AKASHA es el agente del sonido. Cuando el
Kundalini abre la Iglesia de Sardis, entonces florece en nuestros labios fecundoshecho verbo. El
chakra laríngeo tiene dieciseís hermosos pétalos. El desarrollo completo de este Centro AKASICO
nos permite conservar el cuerpo vivo aún durante la noches profundas del GRAN PRALAYA. Es
imposible la encarnación del GRAN VERBO sin haber despertado la Serpiente Sagrada.


Cuando el Kundalini llega a la altura del entrecejo se abre la Iglesia de Filadelfia. Este es el ojo de la
Sabiduría. En este centro magnético mora el PADRE que está en secreto. En el cuerpo físico está
relacionado con el plexo cavernoso. Se le denomina también sentido espacial o tercer ojo. Es el ojo
de la Clarividencia. Está relacionado íntimamente con la glándula Hipófisis.
El color del chakra es blanco purísismo; despertando este chakra se obtienen los ocho shidhis, o
poderes mayores, y los 32 poderes menores. Tiene dos pétalos, de color entre rosado y violeta
pálido. Este centro es el Trono de la Mente. Ningún verdadero clarividente dice que lo es. Ningún
verdadero clarividente dice: YO VI. El clarividente INICIADO dice: NOSOTROS CONCEPTUAMOS.
Todo clarividente necesita INICIACION. El clarividente sin INICIACION está expuesto a caer en
gravísimos errores. El clarividente que vive contando sus visiones a todo el mundo está expuesto a
perder su facultad. El clarividente hablador puede también perder el equilibrio de la mente. El
clarividente debe ser callado, humilde, modesto. El clarividente debe ser como un niño.
Existen dos tipos de clarividencia: La OBJETIVA, que posee un Maestro verdadero y que nunca
puede equivocarse, y la SUBJETIVA, en la que el chakra no ha alcanzado su pleno desrrollo; si no se
despierta la Intuición, se pueden cometer muchos errores.


La última flor de loto que se abre es la Iglesia de Laodicea, también llamado el loto de los mil pétalos,
aunque en realidad tiene 972. Esta flor de loto resplandece gloriosamente en la cabeza de los
Santos. Cuando el Kundalini llega a la glándula pineal, se abre esta flor maravillosa. Este es el ojo de
la Polividencia, el Ojo de Diamante. Con esta facultad podemos estudiar las memorias de la
Naturaleza. Este es el Ojo Divino del Espíritu. Da poderes extraños y dominio sobre los dos
enemigos mellizos: el Tiempo y la Muerte. Está situado a nivel de la coronilla, y es de color dorado en
los Maestros; en las demás personas tiene color violeta con la parte central amarilla. Tiene doce
estrellas que representan los doce poderes del hombre. En esta región mora un átomo superdivino.
Los indostanes dicen que es la morada de Shiva. En nuestro cerebro existen 24 átomos que
representan los 24 Ancianos del Zodíaco.
La glándula pineal está influenciad por NEPTUNO. Cuando se abre esta Iglesia recibimos la
POLIVIDENCIA, la Intuición, etc. La pineal se halla relacionada íntimamente con los chakras de las
gónadas o glándulas sexuales. A mayor grado de potencia sexual, mayor grado de desarrollo de la
glándula pineal. A menor grado de potencia sexual, menor grado de dsarrollo de la glándula pineal.
URANO en los órganos sexuales y NEPTUNO en la glándula pineal se unen para llevarnos a la


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