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Plus91 Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Title: Improving Patient Care through EMRs

Authors: Pooja Raval

Improving Patient Care through EMRs

by Pooja Raval

Source: Technology for Doctors (

EMRs-Electronic Medical Records are a modern revolution in the field of healthcare

improving the standards of quality in healthcare and raising it to a higher level. With all
the numerous benefits of EMRs to doctors, it eventually signifies the benefits to
patients and thereby improves
patient care.

Using EMR in medical practice

can improve patient care in the
following ways:

Safe and secure medical

records: Electronic medical
records are safely and securely
maintained in a PC in contrast to
the paper-based records let out in
open leading to forgery, loss of
records or damage due to natural
factors. Records inside the PC
cannot be damaged or lost and
thus a patient is tension-free with
respect to the security of his

Make better decisions: A patient history well maintained helps you make better
decisions in your treatment. EMR is a tool to maintain such patient histories and take
decisions accordingly increasing patient care.

Less time in management and more relief to patients: Paper-based records and
registers pile up and become difficult to manage. Moreover, it takes a lot of time for the
receptionist to search the record and hand it over to the patient. Instead through EMRs,
the doctor searches the records in a single click and reduces the time spent in searching
them inside the clinic. This eventually gives a relief to the patients as their waiting time
is curbed.
©2006-2011 Plus91 Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Plus91 Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Title: Improving Patient Care through EMRs
Authors: Pooja Raval

Email the reports to non-local patients: Mailing the reports is a great way to
showcase care for patients. If they are paper-based, it becomes a tedious task to deliver
it to the patients who are not in the same city, state or country. However, if the doctor
uses EMR and mails the reports it saves time and improves patient care.

Reduction in chaos, happy patients:

A messy clinic with cluttered papers,
chaos and mismanagement gives a bad
impression of the doctor and the clinic.
Instead resorting to EMR with no papers
lying around, a clean clinic and proper
management smoothens the practice
giving a good impression to the patients.

Say no to Memory-based treatments: A memory based treatment proves

dangerous for both patient and the doctor. So no more risk of giving bad treatment to
your patients with EMR having records of the diagnosis and treatment available within
seconds. EMR based treatments have proved safer in contrast to the memory-based
treatments improving patient care.

A specialists’ and colleagues’ opinion: EMR stored inside a PC is easy to share

with your fellow colleagues and specialists to discuss a rare clinical case. Paper-records
require a lot of time to share as compared to an electronic record. With a handy device
and a sharing access, medical record distribution is a cost-effective solution.

Handwritten Prescription Risk: A hand-written prescription can prove highly

dangerous for the patient. Drugs which are spelt similarly or having a difference of few
alphabets/structure are more liable to be misunderstood by the pharmacist and
handing over wrong medications. Resorting to a PC-based prescription along with the
record neutralize the perils of handing over some other drug increasing patient care.

Quick response to emergencies: Digitized records on a centralized server ensure

quicker response to emergency situations for patients. Entire patient history can be
referred by the doctor in a short time and proceed with the treatment unlike the paper-
based records where it requires a lot of time to search and refer patient history.

©2006-2011 Plus91 Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Plus91 Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Title: Improving Patient Care through EMRs
Authors: Pooja Raval

Adverse Drug Reactions: Side effects of drugs if not informed to the patient can
lead to a patient’s health in danger. EMR software which records ADR definitely makes
you inform the patient while prescribing the drug. Patient safety and patient care

Patient’s access to records: Giving another dimension to EMRs; from a doctor’s

accessibility to patient’s accessibility of medical records, EMR is a boon to patients as
well. Not only does it eases access of records in faster and simpler manner but is helpful
when a patient is at different locations. A medical record integrated with a doctor’s
portal is accessible worldwide limiting it only to the doctor and the corresponding
patient providing patient care.

Patient Consent: Smart EMRs with consents help patients make decisions about the
choices available in the treatment they are about to undergo. Issues related to patient
consent are reduced with EMRs that give you options of the treatment and lets the
patient beware of the risks and benefits associated.

An in-depth medical knowledge may care and cure the patient but added services like
EMR will retain patient care.

©2006-2011 Plus91 Technologies Pvt. Ltd
Plus91 Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Title: Improving Patient Care through EMRs
Authors: Pooja Raval

About Plus91:
Plus91 is a Healthcare Technology firm developing Innovative High Quality Solutions
for the Indian Healthcare Industry. These vary in complexity from Simple Practice
Management Suites to complicated Telemedicine Enabled EMR's. Plus91 is defining
what the next generation of Healthcare needs to be. Maximized across locations,
people, solutions and verticals; we cater to a growing mass of people in an integrated
and ever changing environment.

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©2006-2011 Plus91 Technologies Pvt. Ltd

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