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Sports and athletes salaries

Successful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other
important professions. Some people think this is fully justified while others think it is
unfair. Discuss both these views and give your opinion.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.

The world of sports is a multimillion dollar industry. Around the globe, people flock to
sporting events or watch their favourite teams faithfully each week on television. As a result,
professional sports athletes receive huge salaries – well above, for example, those of doctors,
lawyers, teachers or social workers. There is some debate about whether such outrageously
high salaries are justified.

On the one hand, sport is viewed as a professional career, in which the top players should
rightly earn high salaries. Athletes train rigorously from an early age to become peak
performers in their field. They face tremendous pressure in each and every game, match or
competition. Their personal lives are compromised and they lose all privacy. At the same
time, their strong achievements bring honour and attention, not only to themselves, but also
to their teams, schools, cities or countries.

On the other hand, various professions contribute to making our world run smoothly. Doctors
put in at least ten years of gruelling study and internship; their work saves lives. Teachers
educate and inspire young people to be responsible citizens: their efforts produce the citizens
of tomorrow. Social workers rescue individuals facing physical, mental and psychological
challenges: their intervention creates safer societies.

Yet, professionals in the fields above usually struggle to get by, despite their meaningful and
critical contribution to the world.

In my view, paying enormous salaries to sportspeople is unnecessary. We need to reconsider

our social priorities and eliminate the great disparity in income received by diverse
professionals. By doing so, we can build societies in which each one feels valued, appreciated
and appropriately compensated for their own vocation or specialization.

Gap Years

In some countries, young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between
finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and
disadvantages for young people who decide to do this.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.

Taking a “gap year” off between high school and university has become a popular option
among many young people. This time off provides a break after many years of formal study.
Some students use this time to travel around the world, others volunteer and still others begin
working. The idea behind each of these activities is to do something hands-on and refreshing,
which enables young people to learn more about themselves and their place in the world
around them.

The benefits of taking a year off are plentiful. On a personal level, students who travel away
from home develop their independence and self-confidence. On a cultural level, they learn
about viewpoints, traditions and perspectives different from their own. Professionally,
students get a taste of diverse workplaces, which might inspire a possible career interest.
Intellectually, they examine their own beliefs and ideas in relation to those of others in a new
environment. All these advantages combine to make a strong case for taking the one-year

Nevertheless, there are also dangers involved in taking such a long break. Academically, the
main drawback is that students can get sidetracked from their studies. A year is a long time
and students could lose the good study habits and sense of discipline they had when they
were in a formal academic structure. If they begin working, they could also be deluded into
thinking that they’re making a lot of money. They could lose the benefit of college or
university education and the chance to earn a higher income all their lives.

In conclusion, whether to take a year-long break or not is an individual decision. Each young
person should consider his or her motivations carefully and decide on what’s most desirable.
Time is a precious resource and people of all ages, including young people, should treat it
with respect.

University and Gender

Universities should accept equal numbers of men and women in every subject.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Gender issues have been increasing in importance through the centuries. In almost every
sphere of human activity, there has been a movement towards greater equality between men
and women. Although I agree that universities should open their doors to all students alike, in
my view, they need not set a fixed limit on the number of men and women they accept in
each subject. The bases for my views are psychological and personal.

Psychologically-speaking, men and women are simply different, though they have the same
potential for greatness. For example, women tend to be more intuitive, sensitive to others and
caring. This means they may feel drawn, on the basis of their personalities, to certain kinds of
professions such as teaching, nursing, or psychology; even if all fields are open to them. In
such a context, it is best for universities to choose the best applicants, regardless of gender.

Personally, students need to discover their true calling. This is an individual matter and is not
influenced by the universities reserving seats for men or women. For example, if the majority
of women shy away from math or engineering, perhaps it has to do with their upbringing,
which has influenced their interests. The universities will not be able to reverse this trend,
though they should always look out for the most qualified candidates.

In conclusion, equality cannot be forced upon people – not in the area of education,
employment or family life. Equality is about having choices and those who prove themselves
capable will qualify for university, regardless of gender. It is only right that universities
reflect and respect these free and natural choices being exercised by their students.

Public transport

In a world of increasing environmental awareness improved public transport represents the

way of the future. Although people do enjoy the convenience and privacy of travelling in
their own private vehicles, in my opinion they may choose public transport if it fulfils certain
conditions. These conditions fall into three broad categories: attitudinal, financial and

From an attitudinal perspective, people must first be convinced of the benefits of public
transportation. An educational or public relations campaign must be launched to sensitize
those who might have disregarded this possibility before. People should be familiarized with
the environmental, social and personal benefits for present and future generations. This is one

From a financial perspective, public transportation must be a clear and viable benefit to
consumers. In other words, it must be more affordable than driving to work every day. For
example, if people know that by using bus and subway, they can save enough money to take
a free holiday each year; many more individuals would be persuaded to travel in this way.
This is another critical step.

From a logistical perspective, public transportation should be convenient for commuters. City
planners and transport officials must ensure that frequent and reliable public transportation is
available for each citizen. For people to make the habit of travelling by bus or subway, they
must know that they will be able to get to various places on time. Transport vehicles must be
well maintained, subway and bus drivers should be customer-oriented and service must be
punctual and efficient. This is an additional important step.

In conclusion, through a multi-pronged approach, it is possible to increase the use of public

transportation. City officials and politicians can lead the way by utilizing these forms of
transport themselves and bringing about change through personal example. Then, more
citizens will follow suit and we may all hope to live in a cleaner, less polluted environment.

Better Parent

Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that this is why they
have a greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as
good as women at parenting. Write an essay expressing your point of view. Give reasons
for your answer.

A child is born to two parents – a man and a woman. Both sexes play a crucial role in raising
the child. Although fathers can make excellent parents, in my opinion, mothers are in reality
better parents based on their natural intuition and compassionate tendencies.

Firstly, for a wide variety of socio-cultural reasons, women tend to have more intuitive
intelligence than men. It is this intuition that enables the mother to know when her child
needs her. In addition, women often know how to read non-verbal signals in human
behaviour, which can alert them to issues and problems in the child’s life. All of these
“perceptive skills” play a major role in making the mother a close, responsible and responsive

Secondly, most mothers share an inimitable bond with their children. Perhaps this bond arises
during the nine months of pregnancy; perhaps it is reinforced through the act of
breastfeeding. As a result, the mother is able to evaluate the child’s actions from the
viewpoint of his/her intentions, and not just results. This empathy is priceless and cannot
easily be replicated. Although fathers may form deep loving bonds with their children, they
may not be able to match the depth of closeness shared by mother and child.

In conclusion, although both parents are certainly capable of caring for the child, the mother
often makes a better parent. Anyone who has experienced the unconditional acceptance of a
mother’s love can bear witness to this reality.

High School Success

High school is a critical time in the life of young people. On the one hand, teenagers are eager
to enjoy their freedom and independence. On the other hand, they must be disciplined enough
to keep their priorities straight. In my opinion, three social institutions impact high school
students the most at this vulnerable time – the family, peer group and school.

First, the family plays the central role by providing the backdrop in a young person’s life. A
positive family environment provides love, support and encouragement for the student to do
his/her best. Simultaneously, the family aims to infuse discipline and ambition in the child.
The influence and expectations of family members remain paramount at this time and
throughout a young person's life.

Second, as a child turns into a teenager, the peer group begins to play an increasingly
important role in his/her life. The friendships one develops at this highly sensitive stage can
affect ones attitude to studies, authority, society and the world. In the right company, young
people can get involved in positive activities that support their academic performance. With
the wrong crowd, teenagers could develop a host of unhealthy and dangerous habits which
impact not only their grades but all aspects of their lives.

Lastly, the school itself is a deciding factor in the student's academic success. A variety of
elements determine how the students feel about school: the teachers, the staff, the facilities,
the subjects, the text books, the method of instruction and more. All of these have a
significant impact on the young person’s motivation to excel.

In conclusion, high school success is the product of various influences. We are all fortunate
that, aside from a few unfortunate exceptions, the majority of students worldwide aspire to do
well and grow up to become active and healthy participants in the world around them.

Foreign language in kindergarten

According to a famous saying, “The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”
Indeed, the ability to speak several languages is considered one of the hallmarks of a cultured
person. From this perspective, foreign language instruction should begin as early as possible
in order to achieve near-native fluency. The reasons behind this approach are intellectual,
social and professional.

Intellectually, learning a foreign language at a young age enables children to develop their
brain. At this age, children’s minds are like sponges and their capacities are limitless. They
have less inhibition or biases against learning different subjects. They can learn one, two or
three languages without confusion; it would only serve to expand their minds. Therefore, it is
ideal to start teaching a foreign language in kindergarten.

Socially, learning a foreign language enables the young child to enter a wider cultural world.
By learning to speak, think and understand a different language, the child develops greater
cross-cultural awareness. This critical ability enables the child to make friends with, identify
with and empathize with others who speak the additional language.

Professionally, by learning a foreign language in kindergarten, the child expands his/her

future career horizons. In today’s increasingly globalized world, bilingual and multilingual
individuals are in high demand. The child who achieves this fluency naturally and easily at a
young age already has an edge over others in the job market.

In summary, numerous benefits flow from teaching a foreign language from kindergarten.
The child will most likely grow up to thank those who made such a learning experience

IELTS Essay: Children' leisure activities

Some people believe that children’s leisure activities must be educational; otherwise they are
a complete waste of time.

Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your experience.

Nowadays children spend so much time at school and attend various additional classes and
this makes some educational specialists feel pity for them. They suggest giving kids more
spare time to play and have fun. Meanwhile, there is an opinion that youngsters should do
only those activities that benefit their knowledge and educate them, and I totally agree with
this point of view.

Of course, the volume of the information children receive at school and ought to memorize is
enormous and they should be given some free time to relax. Playing with others is essential to
develop communication skills and this also gives young brains some rest.

Although, we have to admit that in our competitive world the more time a kid devotes to the
study process the better life he can achieve. There are ways to make playing with others very
educational and parents should encourage their children to play games which make brain
work. For example, kids could have a competition combining physical activity and some kind
of trivia on geography, like we had in our childhood. Moreover, even computer games can be
very intelligent. There are so many electronic entertainments which teach languages, gives
information on history, geography, that child addicted to computers could become very smart
and educated.

In addition, unattended kid hardly makes proper use of his leisure time. If it happens, children
just watch TV or get under peer pressure. They unfortunately do not have skills of analyzing
and filtering what is bad or what is good. Education through games instead makes them
occupied and in the same time teaches analyzing.

To conclude with, education through fun is not very exhausting for kids but its usefulness can
be great. It would be a shame to devote this time to the TV or other entertainment.

It has been proved that smoking kills. In some countries it has been made illegal for people to
smoke in all public places except in certain areas. All countries should make these rules. Do
you agree or disagree with this statement?

The idea of banning smoking from public places always was a very controversial one. Those
who defend smoking on streets and in offices refer to human rights and the fact that tobacco
is legal. Others hold an opinion that since there are undeniable proofs that cigarette because
lethal diseases not only to smokers but to surrounding people, smoking should be allowed
only in special places. I totally agree with the idea of making smoking legal in certain places

On the one hand, it is the society who makes smokers to smoke and it would be not fair just
to put them into exile and consider the problem solved. Since we sell them tobacco they
should have right to use it wherever they want.

On the other hand, those who do not smoke should have the right to breathe clean air. When
somebody is smoking cigarette, health of non-smokers is under attack. Personally I am a
former smoker, but even for me breathing tobacco smell is unbearable. It is not only makes
people to temporarily feel bad but also causes long term effect. There are researches showing
that so called ‘passive smoking’ could be even worse for health than smoking itself. Causing
damage to anyone’s health is illegal, that is why there is no excuse for smoking in public

Another reason for this is the fact that not every legal action is allowed on public. Moral,
cultural and juridical limitations are existing. For example, there are toilets for people’s
bladder and nobody is allowed to urinate on streets. Tobacco is much more dangerous than
that so there is no doubt every country should consider moving smokers to special places.

To conclude with, every country must think of the wellbeing of its citizens and make steps to
protect them from dangerous effects of tobacco by banning smoking from public places.

IELTS Essay: More money for The Art?

The Art should be better funded by the government but there must be more control over
where the money goes. Discuss.
Since prehistoric ages The Art highlights our lives, adds beauty and happiness and cultivates
the taste among the people. However, nowadays creative projects became very pricey and
cannot bring pay-off to its authors. Some people think that the government should pay for
those projects and, of course, observe precisely how those funds are being spent.

This is quite obvious that no structure except government knows nations cultural needs best.
It can evaluate which sphere of cultural life have the necessity of development and achieve its
goals of public loyalty by funding a specific field of The Art, controlling budget by giving
maintenance only to projects they are interested in.

However, funding The Art selectively can lead artists to the lack of freedom in expressing
themselves. In other words, then those who have power use money to regulate cultural life, it
can limit the imagination and put artists into borders they would be scared to cross. Thus,
here comes the censorship, which has nothing in common with the main democracy
principles. For example, similar situation was in the Soviet Union, there solely the
government controlled The Art and therefore the only career an artist could pursue is praising
the Communist Party by his creations.

As an alternative of letting a government to control spending money on The Art, a non-

governmental independent organization could be established. It must consist of the best
cultural activists from a country. This would add a certain level of budget control and would
guarantee there are no limits for The Art.

To conclude with, I believe that funding The Art is one of the main tasks of a state, but the
purpose of it should be development, not making it to serve government political needs.

IELTS essay: Should education be free?

All education, primary, secondary and further education, should be free to all people and paid
for by the government.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The opinion that every citizen should have the right to study at school or university for free is
very controversial one. Those, who disagree, refer to enormous expenditures of government
in case of establishing such laws. Although, I hold the viewpoint that not charging people for
education could become very beneficial for country and its economy.

First, young people from poor families could be very smart. Looking back to history and
biographies of distinguished people, raised in poverty can illustrate this best. Making
schooling available only for fortunate is not fair. Moreover, the state well-being could also be
affected, because there would be a lack of talented specialists, whose skills was not
discovered and developed by proper training.

Another advantage of making education free of charge is happiness of the nation. Inability of
individual to collect amount of money needed to pay school or university fees cause stress
and anxiety of the middle-class society, which can even keep them from having children.
Nowadays we can see that the lowest birth rate is in countries where prices of enrolment to
highest education institutions are very high. This clearly indicates the fact that citizens of rich
countries do not feel able to provide their future offspring proper education.

Finally, nothing seems to be more beneficial to economy than intelligent nation. Free courses
and study programs can prepare excellent specialists, who would work to bring profit
themselves and hence their country. That would surely compensate most expenses of state
budget caused by education of no charge.

To sum up, even though making all schools free can be very expensive for state economy,
advantages are invaluable. After several years such improvements would bring fruits of
happy, intelligent nation confident about its future.

IELTS essay: Can TV teach people?

Some people say that television is a very useful tool when it comes to education. Others
argue that television is a much overused, ineffective teacher.

Discuss both of these views and give your opinion as to the usefulness of television as an
educational tool.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.

There is a lot of controversy about whether TV can play a role of teacher. Some people hold a
viewpoint that it can never be educational at all. Others, although, disagree, referring to TV's
high potential of teaching through amusement.

As a matter of fact, television nowadays can hardly be called educational. All those talk
shows and soap operas we can see every day are completely waste of time and can even have
negative effects by distracting young and undisciplined people from their studies. More other,
the most of so called educational programs like National Geographic cannot replace books
and academic lectures because they tend to entertain people and have not an aim to give deep
and concentrated knowledge.

However, TV can be a powerful mean of delivering information and a nice part of learning
process. Educational Methodists have proved that the more senses are involved at the time of
studying; the more effective result can be achieved. Television produces both picture and
sound, so its usefulness is obvious. Many teachers already use this advantage actively by
showing to students’ videocassettes which go as supplementary material to many language
courses. So why not to broadcast such movies through television?
The problem of ineffectiveness of television as educational tool is in fact not a problem of
television itself, but of people who decide the content of particular channel. It is hardly
unlikely that content directors would abandon their high profits and change talk shows to
lectures and video-lessons. Therefore, those, who insist on TVs uselessness maybe right, but
let us not forget that as technology improves new cheap ways of broadcasting appear, for
instance video podcasts. They can prove exclusive power of such learning tool as television.

IELTS essay: Who learn languages better?

Some people think children are more successful in foreign language studies than adults.

The viewpoint that children are better learners became almost a common sense, although it is
not always true in terms of learning foreign languages. When it comes to make an approach
to, for example, Japanese or French, adults have proven themselves superior learners because
of their experience of getting knowledge of their own language and their performance is
generally better motivated.

Every adult have some amount of education it their past and it mean he has already received
general understanding of the structure of native language. Thus, this more or less categorized
base usually serves as a template for foreign grammar or vocabulary. Person only has to place
new material on certain shelves in his memory and operate them like it their own language.
Children, in contrast, are usually confused by any grammar, even of their country. Bringing
foreign language to curriculum adds embarrassment because they do not have sufficient
understanding of grammatical of semantic categories and cannot bring to order such huge
amounts of information.

Grown-ups also appear to be more enthusiastic about language studies. As a matter of fact,
this skill for them is a tool that can be used to achieve career goals. Obviously, more
motivated individual do better, and even if his abilities are modest, through practice success
can come very fast and lot of success stories can prove it. Kids, though, usually consider
second language lessons as a fun or, otherwise, something boring and, even if they tend to
absorb knowledge like sponges, without use it rapidly disappears. With no proper
encouragement youngsters just do not know they have to practice new words and grammar in
order not to forget them.

Thus, while it would not be mistake to suggest children are naturally better learners, let us not
forget that adults are usually better suited to language studies.

IELTS essay: University or working?

Some people think high school graduates should travel or work for a period of time instead of
going directly to study at university.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both approaches.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.

There is a considerable controversy about what young people should do after receiving
graduation certificate of high school. The majority holds the viewpoint that obtaining a
university degree immediately after school is the only option to become successful and
established person. Others, however, tend to disagree; in their opinion after finishing school
individual should receive an opportunity to see the world or try his skills on job.

On the one hand, basic knowledge, came into possession of a pupil at school should be
preserved and receive further development at university. Human brain forgets facts rapidly,
especially those, which are not in use. In the case of making a long pause between
graduations from school and enrolling to a university, person may become unable to pass
admission exams.

On the other hand, on job training may provide an opportunity of receiving experience and
choosing career before deciding the sphere, in which student wants to obtain higher
education. For instance, young person can try his skills of management, working as an
assistant manager in a small shop. In addition, that could also help him to understand if this
work is really what he desires and prevent from making an expensive mistake of choosing
wrong major.

Another option of understanding someone’s needs is travelling. This is a perfect way to see
the world and different professions in use. Person, who have never been in rural areas could
be charmed, for example, by romantics of cheese making and come to decision to make
genuine milk products all his life.

To sum up, there are some ways different from the standard scheme of going to university
right after school and they should not be overlooked. Personally I think that whichever option
person chooses, time before university should not be wasted on entertainment or parties. It is
essential to use it wisely, thinking about the future.

Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish.

Why do you think this is happening?

What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced?

In our highly industrialized era there is a growing awareness about the excessive amounts of
trash people producing. We are about to be flooded by different types of garbage if certain
measures will not be taken. This essay will explore some causes of this and propose ways to
solve the problem.

To begin with, different food producers decided that their products will be selling better if
they will pack them in small-sized boxes and packets. These colourful and attractive packs go
straight to the trash can; the number of packs is growing along with the consuming growth.
More consuming produces more waste. Government and businesses encourage consuming
because it leads to high profits and development of state economy. They are not interested in
the situation there a person is going to use something for a long time. Society is being
bombarded with commercials, pleading to buy, for instance, a new mobile phone.

The problem of garbage is very complicated. As we can see, government is not interested of
reducing consuming. Thus, the responsibility has to be taken by individuals and non-
governmental organizations. Certain laws, regulating the percentage of packaging material
per ton of product should be established. Moreover, interesting programs, involving people to
participate can be developed.

In addition, everyone should become concerned about the future of human beings and our
planet. If we do not wish to be buried in rubbish, we should think twice before buying things
we do not need.

This is a good essay. It has the right structure and the contents cover the task. The paragraphs
are correctly built and logically connected. The language is fine; however the grammar needs
more attention. Overall, looks like a band 7 essay.

IELTS Essay: Information Technologies lead to social problems?

The age of Information Technology has taken a lot of people by surprise. While it has
become a way of life for some, others know very little about it and may be unlikely to learn.
Eventually we will have a polarised society and this will lead to serious social problems.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Our highly informative era became quite a shock for many of us. At the time one part of
society uses new means of information very actively; other people stay in the dark without
any chance to make an approach to understanding new technologies. There is a raising
awareness of does this problem have a potential danger of slicing the society into two parts
which would never understand each other.

It is the fact that many of everyday activities became available for computer users only. For
example, if you are a university student, you are supposed to submit your term paper as typed
and printed document; they no longer accept hand-written papers. Furthermore, some
manufacturers do not distribute information leaflets, but give a website address on their
products’ packs, thus only the Internet users can have an access for product details. The last
but not the least, the computer skills became a crucial requirement for employment in urban

Meanwhile, inhabitants of rural areas do not need new means of acquiring information. Their
work and everyday activities do not demand using computers. For example, a farmer can use
radio to hear news and ordinary mail to communicate.

Taking into account the fact not every citizen can use new information technologies,
governments would not change the traditional ways of interaction with their people. It is
highly unlikely people would no longer have a possibility to vote by filling papers by hand or
do other activities, important for their citizenship.

Informatization of society affected those, who have a need of instant information exchange.
People, whose lifestyle do not require any haste in communication have an opportunity to use
traditional ways of it. I am assured that as long as situation does not make others to change
their way of life against their will, there is no risk of receiving serious social problems.

IELTS Essay: Animals: To use or not to use?

Animals should not be used for the benefit of human beings, unless there is evidence that the
animals do not suffer in any way.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

There is a lot of controversy about using animals for human needs. Animal rights activists are
trying to stop all modern and traditional activities, which involve killing animals or cause
their suffering. Traditionalists are trying to convince the community that using living
creatures for men's needs is natural and cannot be avoided in everyday life. In this essay we
will explore this subject.

Activists, who defend animal rights, are telling the world that people should not use animals
in any way. Moreover, they say that animals should have exactly same rights as humans do.
The reason is that people and animals are both living creatures and there shouldn't be any
difference in treating them. So called extreme vegans are refusing to eat any food of animal
origin, even milk or honey. They are trying to convince people to do the same using as an
argument that killing animals and keeping them in captivity cause their suffering and not

Traditionalists disagree with the statement that human should stop killing animals or using
them to fulfil their needs. From the very beginning of human civilization there is a tradition
and vital need to use animals as a food and their parts in traditional crafts. Without proteins
and vitamins of animal origin human body wouldn't receive all nutrients it needs. Moreover,
testing some medicals on animals already helped to fight many diseases people suffered from.

I think, people have the moral right to use animals to their benefit, to some extent. I am sure,
we should not cause them suffer and die for our fun. Although, using animals for food is
natural for humans as predators, but as civilized predators we should make sure to use only
humane ways of killing.

Governments around the world are spending billions in support of space programs. This
money would be better spent on research into improvements in human health.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

There is an opinion that countries are spending a lot of their cash assets on space projects
while they should rather finance medical science sufficiently. Spaceships are flying all over
the Universe at the time people are dying from AIDS or even flu. Is there any point of
throwing money into the outer space?

On the one hand, human really have not fought many dangerous and highly contagious
diseases. Moreover, industrialization and economical progress brought new diseases as a
result of receiving more comfortable life. They are diabetes, cardio-vascular problems, etc. In
addition, launching just one space shuttle into the sky requires so many natural resources and
brings so many pollution, that it influences ecology a lot. That brings us new health issues,
that need additional funding, which could be withdrawn from excessive payments for space

On the other hand, scientists already have fundraising from commercial pharmaceutical
companies. A lot of diseases have been fought in just last 100 years and there is an increase
in mankind life expectancy. Moreover, improved health and elongated life of population
leads to a new problem – overpopulation. Space research can help to find a new home for
Earth inhabitants. The last, but not the least, who knows, there is a chance we could found on
other planets a panacea for all diseases.

As for me, I am not a very healthy person and my parents either. However, if there is a one,
very small chance, that something exciting will happen and astronauts will meet alien
civilization on other planets, I would not be happy that government is spending money for
medicine only. We have overcrowded planet and we should search for ways of expanding our

IELTS essay: Computer games or outdoor sports?

Children today are too dependent on computers and electronic entertainment. It would be
better for them to be outside playing sports and taking part in more traditional pastimes than
spending all day indoors.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Together with computerization of our society there is a rising of public awareness about kids,
who spend too much time in front of personal computer or playing video games. What it best
for children to devote their free time to outdoor activities and conventional games or to be at
home and entertain themselves with computer?

Some types of PC games can be very intelligent and may contain huge educational potential.
They can encourage youngsters to develop researching skills and inspire them to learn new
things. However, significant amount of video games is dumb-type, which develops nothing
but button-pushing skill. Unfortunately, these games are usually highly addictive. Thus, they
can cause the lack of physical activity and even serious mental diseases.

Outdoor games are often more beneficial for kids’ health. They not only train them in terms if
agility and endurance, but teach children to socialize and make friends. Moreover, they make
them stronger because of fresh air, physical activity and exposure to the sunlight. Therefore,
being on the street is not always safe. Unattended child can receive trauma or become a
subject of crime.

I was not very outgoing and physically active kid and preferred rather to read than to play
with others. Getting a computer brought more diversity for my leisure and study. It helped me
to experience new emotions, learn new things, study English and meet interesting people
online. High information technologies aptitude helped me to get a good job than I grew up.
Therefore I think parents should look to their child’s personality in order to decide what is
more appropriate. Finding good balance between electronic entertainment and outdoor games
depends on parents’ ability to identify what benefits their child best.

Space researches vs. fighting diseases

We plan vacations to tourist spots nearby; we plan to spend holidays to faraway lands. But how would
it feel if we could plan a vacation to Mars? How would it be to plan a holiday to some 'tourist
destination' in space? Won't it be exciting? Definitely, yes! Although it sounds unbelievable, it has the
potential of becoming a reality. The dream once dreaded is seen with thrill today. It is on its way of
turning true if we succeed in exploring space. Astronomers and space researchers have already started
taking efforts in this direction. They have begun exploring space. Nations have sponsored manned and
unmanned space flights to destinations unexplored in view of making the 'impossible', possible. But is
space exploration really a rosy picture? Or do some dark clouds shadow it? Let us look at the pros and
cons of space exploration.
Space exploration has the potential of discovering the yet undiscovered facts about space. It has a
great potential of resolving mysteries that surround the outer space. It may bring about a dramatic
change to our lives.

Through the exploration of space, we may find new minerals, new precious materials. We may end up
finding new human-like species in the outer space. We may find new living beings that are better
developed and better evolved than we are. Exploring space may lead us to the discovery of an all-new
world. An unexpected progress and advancement that the living beings in space might have made,
may take us by surprise.

Space exploration whets the human appetite for adventure. There are many brave souls around the
world who wish to take risks in life. They love adventure, they love accepting challenges, and they
love making the impossibilities possible. Space exploration satisfies this human desire of adventure.
One of the most important cons of space exploration is the money spent in the research. The money
that is spent on space exploration can rather be spent to reduce poverty in the underdeveloped
countries. The national wealth can rather be channelized towards the betterment of the downtrodden
lot of the society. Space exploration involves both astronomy and space technology. It requires a huge
amount of money to be spent on the journey to space. Some believe that the money can be diverted
towards the poor. When many cannot even meet their basic needs of life, is it right to spend on space

Manned missions to space impose a huge amount of risk on the astronauts who travel to space. Apart
from the expenditure of money, a travel to space also risks the human life. The human beings who
travel in space have to face harsh conditions and challenge themselves to adapt to unfriendly
environment. Unmanned missions and those using robots to explore space are a solution to risking the
human life. But robots mean another new technology, thus incurring added costs.

What seems to take us by surprise may land us in trouble. We may find something in space that is
lethal to life on Earth. We may discover something that is extremely harmful for the living beings on
Earth. Space exploration may invite some dangerous microorganisms that may exist in space. The
extraterrestrial beings may actually prove dangerous for human life.

Space exploration can mean a major leap for mankind but it is also criticized as not having achieved
any major scientific breakthroughs. Public interest can serve as the determinant factor in judging the
suitability of space exploration. It may not be wise to splurge on space exploration if other basic needs
are being ignored or left unfulfilled.
Computer games pros and cons
The gaming industry is now a growing multimillion dollar industry. The level to which the industry
has grown since its conception is unimaginable. The credit for the industry booming could be very
well handed over to our children. Computer and video games have been very popular among children
and teenagers aged between seven to sixteen.

The strategies used to build the games, the graphics, the quality of sound, the interactivity all make
them quite irresistible among the younger generation. Gaming industries now have a new strategy to
market their games – the medical benefits of playing games. Not only medical benefits but also
educational. We cannot just ignore it as a cheap marketing strategy because they do have researchers
and doctors to back them up.

Researchers have found that frequent game players score better at vision tests as compared to non
players. It has also been found that playing these games could improve children's logical thinking
ability and problem solving skills. Games such as SimCity, Age of Mythology, etc where gamers have
to build houses, cities and develop war strategies help them to develop their logical skills and also
help in decision making. Educational games help to improve their communication and problem
solving abilities, alertness, locating things easily without straining too much and so on. American
teachers have also found improvement in their students’ mathematics, spelling and reading amongst
children who play these games. The government is pondering and researching ways to integrate such
games into the academic curriculum.

Where on one hand the games do prove to be beneficial to an extent, at the same time, its ill effects
cannot be ignored. Doctors have found a possible threat to these frequent gamers, affecting their
health. Common complaints found among children obsessed with games are eye strains, wrist, neck
and back pains, etc. Photosensitive epilepsy, headaches, hallucinations, nerve and muscle damages
etc. Speculation is going on about whether playing games can cause obesity in the long run.

Specialists have confirmed that children who spend too much time playing computer games not only
are easily susceptible to long terms problems like bad posture and RSI (repetitive strain injury), but it
also causes a disequilibrium in their daily routine. This stands true not only for children playing
games but also for those who spend long hours on the computer. Dr Diana Macgregor of the Royal
Aberdeen Children's Hospital has highlighted the case of an 11-year-old boy who suffered from
tendonitis following long periods on his Nintendo Game Boy, a condition that has come to be known
as 'Nintendonitis'. RSI is not as simple as it sounds. Its treatment is generally a long difficult process.
It could be anything from simple relaxation exercises to Physiotherapy and hydrotherapy. Is this really
something that parents would like their children to go through?

Spending many hours in front of the monitor and not going out enough could also cause social
problems thus resulting in them becoming shy and introvert. Apart from that the games developed
nowadays happen to be a lot more violent thus the gamers do have a tendency to lose control and
become more aggressive.

A controversial new research has proved that excessive playing of games can actually stunt the
growth of a human brain. Brain-mapping expert measured the level of brain activity in teenagers
playing a Nintendo game and compared it with those who played other arithmetic games. It was
concluded that the Nintendo game stimulated activity only in the parts of the brain associated with
vision and movement. While arithmetic games stimulated brain activity in both the left and right
hemispheres of the frontal lobe. The frontal lobe of the brain is associated with learning, memory and
emotion and continues to develop till the age of 20. Hence it is a matter of concern. Though the games
do provide certain benefits, the question is how much and is it really worthwhile.

Parents need to keep track of how much time their children spend in front of the screen playing games
and also as to what type of games they play. Every aspect has its advantages and disadvantages; so is
the law of nature. What we can do is try to maintain a balance and get the best of what it has to offer,
be it nature or technology.
Outdoor activities

Often times, life can seem brutal, stressful, and filled with anxiety. Without some kind of
release or outlet, you leave yourself open to potentially threatening illnesses. It's no secret
that built up stress is behind most medical conditions today. This is why it is very important
to find some way to release that stress. One powerfully effective method to burn off extra
steam is to participate regularly in organized sports. These can be incredible effective in
increasing your overall health as well as decreasing stress. In this article, you'll learn the
many benefits of participating in outdoor sports on a regular basis.

One big reason to participating in outdoor sports is that being in the sun is simply healthy.
Humans have developed the ability to extract vitamin D from the sunlight. Various
experiments have shown that prolonged exposure to environments devoid of any sunlight can
lead to a host of physical and emotional conditions. It's also a well known fact that more
people commit suicide in winter. It is thought because during winter, there is much less

And reducing stress is a key component of playing sports. If you have a particular stressful
job, it can be tough to not have an outlet. Playing sports is a great to channel all that extra
energy into something useful. Sports that require the most exertion and movement are
generally the ones that provide the best stress relief. Studies have shown that those with high
blood pressure, a sign of stress, can see a consistent drop over time when playing sports.

Participating in sports opens you up to all the benefits of competition. When you compete in
sports, you are increasing your ability to focus and concentrate on a goal. This is easily
transferable into other areas of your life. Competition has also been shown to significantly
increase the strength of your nervous system, which can keep you much healthier.

One reason more and more people are starting to participate in outdoor sports is that they are
very accessible to beginners. There are plenty of classes for those just starting out in sports
such as tennis and golf, and you can meet other like minded people. Larger cities have adult
education programs which include basic instruction in a wide variety of individual and team
sports. There's like plenty of opportunities in your own town that you don't even realize.

It can be easy to get into the rut of doing the same thing day after day. Wake up, go to work,
get home, and watch TV, again and again. But when you break up the monotonous habit with
participation in team or individual outdoor sports, you will bring new excitement into your
life and energize yourself in ways that you can't imagine.

Adventure sports are being taken to by people from all walks of life in a big way. The reason
for this is that there are new sports being invested that give and hair rising experience for the
people. This experience where the adrenaline starts pumping is very sought after by people
because their life has become very dull because of the routine life that they are having these
Computers instead of teachers

As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for
teachers in the classroom.

There is no doubt that education and the learning process has changed since the introduction
of computers: The search for information has become easier and amusing, and connectivity
has expedited the data availability. Though experts systems have made computers more
intelligent, they have not yet become a substitute of the human interaction in the learning
process. In my opinion; what can be expected, is a change of the teachers? role but not their
disappearance from the classroom. Nobody can argue that the acquisition of knowledge is
more fun and easier with computers. The mere activity of touching and exploring this device
constitutes an enjoyable task for a kid. This, accompanied with the relaxing attitude and
software interactivity, usually conduce to a better grasping of new knowledge. At a higher
educational level; the availability of digital books, simulator and other academic materials,
provide the student with an ever accessible source of information, that otherwise would not
be at hand.

But, besides the increasing complexity and behavior of intelligent software, which is usually
embedded in the academic digital material, the need of human interaction in the learning
process will always be present, at least in the foreseeable future. There is the necessity for a
human being to be able to determine what the specifics needs of each individual are. The
expertise of a teacher in how to explain and adapt complex concepts to different individuals
can hardly be mimicked by a computer, no matter how sophisticated its software is.

As computers are becoming a common tool for teaching, teachers should be more aware of
their role as guides in the acquisition of knowledge rather than transmitters of facts. They
have to be open minded to the changes that are taking places, keep updated and serve as a
problem solvers in the learning process, thus allowing students to discover the fact for

To summarize, in my personal view, teachers play and will() play an important role in the
classroom, especially at the primary level. No matter how complex computers become, there
will be no replacement for the human interaction, but in the way haw this interaction takes

Events bringing people together

Popular events like the football World Cup and other international sporting occasions
are essential in easing international tensions and releasing patriotic emotions in a safe
Every four years, the whole world stops to watch international sporting events such as the
Olympics and the Football World Cup in which athletes show their best performance to make
their country proud of them. These sporting occasions have proved to be helpful in easing
international tensions in difficult times when powerful leaders were trying to control the
world?s economy and other governments were fighting over land.

The Olympic Games are one of the best examples which prove how sporting events can bring
nations together, at least temporarily. From ancient History, when Greeks and Romans would
interrupt battles to participate in the games, to the more recent international disputes, when
athletes from Palestine and Israel would forget their differences, compete pacifically and
even embrace each other after an event. Moreover, these popular events have called the
world’s attention to the terrible consequences of wars; thus some leaders have tried to accept
agreements to end their dispute and live peacefully.

Similarly, international sporting events show benefits in some developing countries which
live in a daily internal civil war. For example, Brazil has a high rate of unemployment, lack
of education, hunger, crime, poverty and corruption which leads to an immense
embarrassment of being Brazilian and a low self-esteem. However, when the Football World
Cup starts, the Brazilian squad, which is considered the best team in the world, provokes an
amazing feeling of pride in their country. Most people seem to forget all their problems and
even the criminal activity decreases. They paint roads with the national colors, use wear the
Brazilian team shirt and buy national flags. Moreover, the competition brings families and
neighbors together and even rival gangs watch the games and celebrate peacefully.

In conclusion, popular sporting events play an important role in decreasing international

tensions and liberating patriotic feelings as History has shown.

Rich countries should help the poor ones

Improvements in health, education and trade are essential for the development of
poorer nations. However, the governments of richer nations should take more
responsibility for helping the poorer nations in such areas.

Today’s world has been divided into developing and industrialised countrieswhich the main
difference between them is the amount of money that governments apply in important sectors
such as education, health and commerce. Most of the poorer nations are buried in debts as a
result of their unbalanced finances which are reflect in a failed health care, an unstructured
education system and a weak international trade. This vicious cycle will continue indefinitely
unless wealthier nations show interest in minimizing the worldwide economic differences, as
well as taking more responsibility for assisting unfortunate countries. Most of the African
countries live in sub-human conditions because of the extreme poverty, upheaval, hunger,
disease, unemployment, lack of education and both inexperienced and corrupt
administrations. The devastating consequences of the AIDS epidemic in those countries could
improve if the infected populations receive free drugs to control the disease, have access to
health professionals and get information on how to prevent its spread. But this can only be
achieved through international help programs in which leaders of the world?s richest
countries donate medicine and also send doctors and nurses to treat and educate those in
Moreover, most of the poor countries rely on selling agricultural products and raw material to
rich nations and buying industrialized products from them resulting in a huge financial
deficit. Consequently,
they borrow a significant amount of money from the World Bank to try to improve their
broken economies, but sometimes the money disappears with no significant changes and they
cannot even pay the interest to the bank. Regarding this issue, last year the G8, which is
comprised of leaders of the eight richest nations, decided to forgive billions of dollars worth
of debt owed by the world?s poorest nations. In addition, they developed adequate loan
programs to financially assist those countries.

In conclusion, leaders of the industrialised countries play an indispensable role in assisting

developing nations deal with essential areas such as health, education and trade. Also, their
aid is the key to breaking the vicious cycle, which results in poverty and death.

Financial education

Financial education should be mandatory component of the school program. To what

extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

It is an obvious fact that financial aspects are a major part of daily life, as an adult and even
as a young individual. Each and every one of us has to make financial decisions concerning
recreation, health, education and more. The question is whether to start with financial
education as part of school program or postpone it for a later stage in life.

To being with, being able to understand the value of money, the way the economic system
works and interpret financial news and its implications is a virtue. Without this virtue, an
individual, and even a young one, might suffer, to some extent. For an example, a child who
doesn’t understand the concept of money might find it more difficult to except choosing only
one present out of more possible ones.

In addition, many adults are lacking financial analysis capabilities. Quite often, the reason
can be a shaky basis or insecurity when it comes to financial terms and concepts. Starting
from an early age, building a strong background, can very likely prevent such a situation.
However, financial education necessarily involves quantifying and setting prices and value
for services and goods. It can be easily turn young people into cynical and cold-hearted
human beings. Furthermore, a tendency to self-concentration and egoism might rise when one
start measuring everything from a profit making perspective.

In conclusion, financial education has both pros and cons. In my opinion, the advantages are
stronger than the disadvantages, making financial education an advisable component of
school program. The disadvantages should be thought of as a certain price that young people
have to pay due to the characteristics of the world that we live in.


However, financial education necessarily involves quantifying and setting prices and value
for services and goods. It can be easily turn young people into cynical and cold-hearted
human beings. Furthermore, a tendency to self-concentration and egoism might rise when one
start measuring everything from a profit making perspective.
In conclusion, financial education has both pros and cons. In my opinion, the advantages are
stronger than the disadvantages, making financial education an advisable component of
school program. The disadvantages should be thought of as a certain price that young people
have to pay due to the characteristics of the world that we live in. Secondly, several
companies from the more developed countries have already ventured to establish foreign
operations or branches to take advantage of the low cost of labor in the poorer countries. This
kind of business activity will provide more influx of cash or investment funds into the less
developed countries.

However, one cannot deny the negative effects which have derived from globalization. One
crucial social aspect is the risk and danger of epidemic diseases which can easily be spread as
the mode transportation is easier and faster in today s advance society. This is evidenced in
the recent birds flu disease which has infected most Asian countries over a short time frame.

As large corporations invest or take over many off shore businesses, a modern form of
colonization will also evolve which may pose certain power pressure on the local
governments of the less developed countries. Unemployment rates in the more developed
regions like Europe may also escalate as corporations choose to outsource cheaper work force
from Asian countries.

In conclusion. I like to reiterate that globalization is inevitable and we must urge individuals,
companies and governments to use a more balanced approach by taking appropriate steps to
deal with matters relating to the financial or economical gains verses the social, political or
ecological concerns of the world.

Describe a paragraph

The histogram describes the water usage for every year in some country in millions of cubic
meters. The water usage is shown in two trends, ground water and public supply. Fuel and
textiles are the ones that use the least water, 10 of public supply and 70 and 80 of ground
water. Machinery is just the opposite of these two and has 10 of ground water and 100 of
public supply. Food/drinks, metal, paper and chemicals are all over 100 of ground water
where chemicals peak at dramatically 430. The highest number of water usage of public
supplies also belongs to chemicals (240). Next on the list is food/drinks with 190, the others
are under 100.Overall, the chemical industry uses a lot more water then the rest of the
industries in terms of both ground water and public supplies, and in general most industries
use ground water by far more than public supplies.

Elephant in Thailand

In my opinion, an elephant is an important animal in my country, Thailand. It has been used

in many ways like a vehicle for King, one for trading and an attractive animal performance.
There are three reasons why I think an elephant is the most popular in Thailand.

First, in the past, King Phumiphon always rode an elephant not only for battle but for
sightseeing. There were wars between Thai and Burma and a lot of high-ranking soldiers and
King had to use an elephant as a good carrier both for warfare and tourism. An elephant has
many qualities such as strength and bravery. For example, it can go through wetlands or
muddy areas without being bogged down in it and travel to forests. Another is that it can
boldly fight with enemies during the war, resulting in many victories.

Second, we could carry a lot of goods by elephants.

About two centuries ago, there was no lorry for transportation of things like logs and raw
materials for trade exchange in cities. Although we could use other animals for this task, no
one is as convenient as an elephant because it was able to bring a lot of things from a village
to a city through rough and bumpy route effectively. Even though, Cattle were one which can
transport goods, but it was not convenient for long distances

Third, everybody is very excited and interested to attend the elephant football game.
In Thailand, every year, a lot of people from around the globe come to watch this sport and
many teams join the competition for The King's Title. There are several appealing aspects of
this tournament; for instance, people who participate have to be careful with their movement
because if not, they will fall to the ground and get injuries. Moreover, they have to use a skill
of controlling a ball from Hockey to score a goal.

In summary, an elephant has a great number of benefits not only for military but also for
business. Couple of centuries ago, there was not any vehicle for troops in the war than an
elephant and it was very difficult for dealers to transport goods from one place to another
without although cattle are useful too. Finally, a lot of children can enjoy the sport game
during a holiday.

Problem solving in schools:

Communication between parent and administration is an absolute necessity to deal with

problems effectively and even to prevent them such as trouble completing work, passing test,
getting along with other children, paying attention in class, being tidy and following the rules.
Parents should stay informed about the problem to deal with it before it get out of hand. The
sooner the problem could be identified with appropriate active procedures taken, the easier it
is to treat. Appropriate testing will help pinpoint the area of difficulty.

Education vs work experience

Employers mostly prefer college degrees for many reasons. A proven ability to analyze
problems, conduct research and produce solutions. A proven ability to learn complex,
difficult subject matter, proof they are motivated and have drive, proof of intelligence, better
interpersonal skills, more credible qualifications. An old adage says, "Experience is the best
teacher." Numerous other adages, however, say, "Learning from others’ experience is best of
all." In essence, that is what higher education is, a collection of the experience, successes, and
mistakes of the past. It gives students exposure to knowledge, concepts, and people that they
would never have known otherwise. Beyond just career success, education imbues
individuals with awareness beyond their day-to-day world. Choosing a career can be a
difficult decision. Whether you have known what you wanted to do for quite some time, or
are looking for that perfect career, the steps involved in making it all happen are numerous.
That is why you should always approach it with the big picture in mind, but begin by
breaking it down into smaller steps that make it all seem much more attainable when viewed
in this way.
Most jobs now require applicants to have some kind of training behind them prior to the
interview. That is why career planning is so important. Upon graduating from high school,
you will have either made the decision to go to college, or attend training from a skilled
facility. No matter which route you took, you received valuable information that was
designed to help you when doing a specific job. In many cases, you will be given
opportunities to learn various skills through hands-on training or internships. This will not
only give you a chance to hone your skills, but will also provide you with the practical
experience you will need when it comes time to go to work.

When you apply for a job, the prospective employer will weigh your training with experience
against that of other applicants, and will likely choose candidates based on this information.
While you certainly cannot invent experience you do not have, you can take advantage of
every opportunity possible to ensure you are accumulating experience.

Such opportunities may be offered during training, or may come in other forms. For example,
you may feel it necessary to take an entry level position in a company for whom you wish to
work. While this position may not directly incorporate your training, thereby making you
under qualified, you may be able to learn as much as you can about the inner workings of the
company while working your way up to a position that does require your level of expertise.
By that time, you will have gained experience, and will also show your employers you are
willing to work hard and take a vested interest in the company. When it is time to move on to
a different job related to your chosen career, you will then be able to negotiate salary and
position specifics much more successfully than if you have no experience at all.

Take every opportunity you can to learn more about the various aspects of your job.
Remember, just because you learned a specific task or skill one way, that does not mean it
will be performed exactly that way in every job. Keep what you know at hand, but be ready
and willing to turn it into practical experience when the need arises.

Keep working hard, and always keep the main goal in mind. Be smart, diligent, and willing to
accept change. This will not help you become a better employee, but will also make you more
employable to others in the future.

No rich nation is ignorant; no well educated nation is in poverty. Prosperity increases with
education. Knowledge is the key to increasing competitiveness and standard of living. To a
considerable extent, given costs including technology and faculty renewal, new investments
will be needed to improve our use of current spending. However, citizens, taxpayers, parents,
students, legislators and business leaders are not likely to invest new money in education
unless educators first agree to commit themselves to wiser use of funds now available. Better-
educated citizens attract better-paying industries to the state and enable to compete in an
increasingly global economy.
Sex education in schools
How to teach school based programs on sexuality and sexual health is a hot topic in today's
society. The government, including President Bush, has stated that schools should
implement ‘abstinence only' teaching programs to educate students to wait until marriage to
engage in sexual activity. However, there is a small amount of statistical data and positive
results documented to support this intervention about sexual health. Is it truly the most
effective way to prevent students from participating in sexual activities before marriage?
The reality is that in 2002, "the proportion of never-married females aged 15–19 who had
ever had sexual intercourse was 46 percent." This is an astounding number and it certainly
seems that an abstinence only approach is not effective.
I believe that the abstinence-only program sets non-realistic goals that are almost never met.
Also, a majority of them do not provide education on contraceptive use, abortion, or
sexuality. These are essential factors that students want to know more about and need to
know. Perhaps the most outrageous comment about why abstinence programs should be
used states that, "Sexual abstinence could protect you from being victimized or manipulated
by older boys to engage in sex." (Zanis, 59). In other words, they are saying that if the
students are educated to not engage in sexual activity at all before marriage, that girls will not
be as easily manipulated by older boys. Also, another interpretation could be stated that
older boys would possibly not victimize younger girls because they will know not to have
sexual relations before marriage. This whole idea is ridiculous and impractical. Of course
women can protect themselves from being victimized by practicing certain safety measures
such as not walking alone at night. However, if they are practicing abstinence truly does not
affect whether or not they will be victimized.
The idea that sexual activity is the ticket to popularity is burned into teens brains by the
media, through television, major label music, and movies, their peers, and celebrity role
models. They are bombarded with images and sounds dripping with sexual ambiguity and
sometimes-blatant encouragement of adolescent sex. It is almost impossible to believe that
any teen has not become sexually active after their constant exposure to the sex-craved
American entertainment system. Teens are making their decision to have sex without
knowledge of proper contraceptive techniques and ways to protect themselves from sexually
transmitted diseases because their school sexual education classes failed to mention them.
Public school sexual education classes should cover all the aspects of a good sexual
education, and not just abstinence. Many people believe that it is the parents’ responsibility to
educate their children on sex. While others think that it is the teachers’ responsibility to
educate their children on sex. Each parent has their own way of teaching sex education to
their child, whether it be "the birds and the bees" or the hardcore facts. Birth control pills also
have a percentage failing rate, not to mention their side effects are arguably harmful to the
female using them. Birth control patches and shots are in the same boat. They aren't one
hundred percent perfect. Spermicidal lubricants aren't any better. They are meant to be
used with other forms of birth control, not alone. That means they have the largest
percentage of failure rate. What Morals Do We Teach?
This question itself is the fire underneath the kitchen waiting to be set.
If child want to do well in school, parents should limit the hours of watching TV
programs or movies Should school child be limited on the hours of watching TV
program and movie?

What are the leisure activities for children nowadays? Without a doubt, most children like to
spend their free time in front of a square box; either relaxing themselves with their entertaining
television programs or watching their favourite movies. This is mainly because of the attractive
vivid-coloured pictures on the screen in addition to the loud, funny and exaggerated sounding
effects. Though they may love it, parents should limit their children’s time watching TV
programs or movies due to the bad effects upon their children.

Today’s TV programs and movies are often fit with violent behaviour such as abuse, kidnap,
murder, and fights and so on for commercial purposes. Children who view these events are
likely to believe that the world is scary and something bad will happen to them. This fear is
simply caused by the inability of children to tell the difference between the fantasies presented
on the TV and the reality. Besides, children may also imitate the bad behaviours and attitudes
shown through the TV programs. All these facts could lead to damage of children’s
interrelationship with teachers and classmates in school.

Meanwhile, watching TV programs or movies is said to be unhealthy Based on research, the

obesity level has increased among children because they are inactive while sitting in front of
Television and watching TV shows or movies as they do not exercise or get involved with
outdoor activities. Moreover, unhealthy junk food advertisements such as soft drinks which are
shown on TV also influence children to consume them and similarly lead to obesity due to high
cholesterol and sugar level. This will also exert unfavourable impacts on children’s
performance in school.

Conversely, parents should limit the time of their children’s watching TV and encourage them
to plan their daily schedule with more balanced way that includes more healthy activities such
as reading books. In fact, reading can increase the ability of children in understanding new
subjects and information. Reading out loud also exposes children to proper grammar, phrasing
and language skills. On top of that, reading books can also allow children to enlarge their
knowledge of factual information, learn more about the world and enhance their understanding
of humanity. All these positive influences from the healthy activities like readings support
parents to limit their children’s time of watching TV programs or movies and maintain a
balanced schedule for children’s daily life.

In conclusion, in order to ensure their children behave well at school and study, parents should
insist their children to watch TV programs or movies within limited hours to prevent them from
negative impacts on their behaviour and their physical health, and also to help children have
healthier daily schedules.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better to be a member of a

group than to be the leader of a group. Use specific reasons and examples to support your

A team leader is someone who provides guidance, instruction, direction, and leadership to a group
of other members of the team for the purpose of achieving a key result or group of aligned results.
But often, a leader has to face the criticism of the public/higher officials, avoid clashes with his
own group members and still, may have to go against his own principles and values for the good
of his people. Because of the above reason I do agree with the statement and in this essay I will
enumerate some points which support my point of view.

First, a leader may have to bear the wrath of the public if in case something goes anomalous or
against the wishes of the majority. In a classic example, everyone believes that the economic
crises of America are because of poor management, so Barack Obama is the one who had to face
all the Americans. So, in my view a leader is often burdened with too much accountability and
expected to fulfil them in a miraculous manner. On the other hand as a team member every person
can work freely without any load.

Furthermore, although as the leader of a group I can improve my managerial skills but it is a fact
that as a team member I can enhance my social skills. Member of a team may endure some
qualities like cooperative, communicative, treats others in a respectful or supportive manner,
actively listener and participant and such attributes are very important for ever one in their
personal and social life as well.

Finally, the main priority of the leader and members are to make task successful but in case if
project did not succeed then may be everyone will blame on the leader of a group, while it might
possible that any team member is responsible for that. On the other side if project become
successful then the whole team will appreciate by others including team members.

To conclude based on the above discussion I prefer to be a member of the team, because as a team
member I can polish my social skills, can work in stress free environment without any pressure or

Does technology help us save time or waste time?

Merriam Webster defines technology as a "manner of accomplishing a task". While
technology is in fact a way to accomplish a task, this is not all it does. Technology exists as a
way to accomplish a task differently than in a conventional manner. Technology can make a
task easier, simpler, less time consuming, or simply more amusing. But the greatest
advantage technology has in today's modern world is its ability to save time. Forty years ago,
solving the equation 4 x 46 x 5 would have been a long and lengthy process. The person
trying to solve this equation would have to sit down with paper and a pen, solving the
equation over a span of several minutes. But today, all one has to do is pull up a calculator,
whether it be in a bag, wallet, or keychain, and enter the equation. People who own
computers can solve this equation in less that thirty seconds. All I have to do is pull up my
calculator widget on my Macintosh computer to find out the answer is 920. This i a simple
example, but no less relevant. Technology can make great wonders with math, since they are
accurate and fast in the world of numbers, calculating how fast a car can go in a given
amount of time, to how much thrust the space shuttle should exert to clear the Earth's
stratosphere and make into orbit in outer space.

Technology's great ability to save people time is also demonstrated by how it allows people
around the world, of all different ethnicities and cultures to communicate quickly and easily.
Communication was revolutionized by telegraph, then the telephone, and finally, the greatest
modern communication tool, the internet. Anyone can get access to the internet, and it lets
people come together and communicate easily and together. Through the internet, you can
send e-mails in a fraction of a second, contrary to the days of snail mail. People can open
discussions in chat rooms on particular subjects. Scientists can express their findings, and
news can spread quickly and easily. Jobs can be found, consumers can seek customer service,
and singles can find partners through dating websites. There are just a few of the unlimited
possibilities the internet poses, and the internet is just one of the many branches of
Technology can also save time by making transportation faster and more efficient. Thousands
of years ago, though it may be a drastic example, all people could do was walk from location
to location, or ride animals. Then there was the invention of the wheel, and transportation was
revolutionized. Many years later the motor was invented, and so now people could travel by
train, boat, and even cars. Then airplanes by the Wright Brothers, and so people could now
travel by air! What could have taken months before, now take merely hours. What more
proof do you need to prove that technology saves time, and does not waste it?

Technology is one the greatest tool mankind has to save time. It can accurately solve
mathematical equations it would take humans months to complete in seconds. Technology
allows people to communicate quickly, and with ease. Finally, technology also makes
transportation quicker, and more efficient. In the end, technology is a great tool to mankind,
which without a doubt helps man save, not wastes time.

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