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In a place far enough away from flammable structures and trees (including tree roots), a place that is

sheltered from strong gusts of wind, dig a shallow pit (you only need to go a few inches deep) a few feet
larger than you want your fire to be (if you can, it is best to dig a bit deeper and then fill the pit back up
partways with sand). Encircle the perimeter of the pit with rocks or bricks. Have buckets of water, sand, a
fire extinguisher, or what not, on hand at all times for safety and to put out the fire when it's all over.

Now gather:

 Tinder: 
lightweight and thoroughly dry material that burns well and quickly and that allows larger sticks to
ignite. Try twigs, shaved wood, dried leaves, paper, bark, grass, dried pine needles, broken up
pine cones, dried mosses, the heads of cattails, dryer lint, string, etc. You can also use some
charcoal briquets. 
 Small kindling: 
thoroughly dry sticks that are thumb-sized in diameter 
 Medium kindling: 
thoroughly dry sticks that are about wrist-sized in diameter 
 Fuel: 
Larger logs that are thoroughly dry (oak, maple, ash, beech, and birch are the best for burning)

If you use charcoal briquets, make a flat bed out of them at the center of the pit. Top them with a large
ball of other tinder material or, if you're not using briquets, just put the tinder in a pile at the center of the

In any case, take the small kindling and make a teepee -- a standing triangular structure -- to surround the
tinder, setting up the sticks at 45 degree angles from the ground and leaning them against each other in
the middle. They can be lashed together at the tops, and their ends can be sort of driven into the ground a
bit to keep them steady. Leave enough gaps to allow oxygen in toward the tinder.

Now build a cabin around the teepee. Lay two of the medium-sized kindling sticks parallel to each other
on either side of the teepee. Then lay two more on top and perpendicular to the first two. Then lay two
more on top perpendicular to the last two, and repeat until you've built a structure that is 5 layers high. 

Lay two logs on the top of two opposite cabin "walls." Position some smaller kindling so that they touch
the foundation of the cabin and the logs at the top. 

Drop a lit match inside the teepee (using a candle to light it will keep your hands away from the flames
and may be less frustrating if the matches keep going out). As the fire burns, add more wood as needed,
going from smaller to larger pieces as you go.

When the fire is over, pour water over it and pile dirt on top.

For Colorful Flames

If you want colored flames, you can do the following -- but it must be prepared well in advance:
Pick the color(s) you want your flames to be and get the chemical(s) needed to produce the effect.
Chemicals can be gotten locally (sometimes from stores that deal with fireplaces) or online, such as from
this place (offsite, will open in new browser window). You only need
"technical grade" chemicals, not the more expensive "purified grade.": 

strontium chloride
red flames
carmine flames lithium chloride
orange flames calcium chloride (a bleaching powder)
white flames magnesium sulphate (Epsom Salts)
blue flames cupric chloride (copper chloride)
green flames copper sulphate (blue vitrol)
yellow flames sodium chloride
yellowish-green flames sodium borate (borax)
purple flames potassium chloride
violet flames potassium sulphate (chromealum) mixed 
3 to 1 with potassium nitrate (saltpeter)
Wear rubber glovers during this procedure. Now, add the chemical(s), singly, to a plastic container of
water for each flame color -- adding as much as the water will absorb (about a half a pound per gallon of

Soak your wood, "logs" made of tightly-rolled newspapers, or some pine cones in the solution(s) overnight
(you can also use sawdust to sprinkle onto fire to make briefly burning colored flames. Just stir some
liquid glue into the liquid, too, and then add the sawdust. The glue will allow chunks to form). 

Take the wood/cones/sawdust out of the liquid, lay out on newspapers, and allow to dry thoroughly (for
sawdust, spread out onto sheets and dry). Save the newspapers on which they've dried, and roll them up
tightly to form "logs," too, as they can produce pretty colors from the chemicals they've absorbed. 

Just throw these things on to your fire for pretty flames (can also be used on indoor fires, but ventilation
should be good). The chemicals can be thrown directly onto the fire, too, for short bursts of color.

How To Build A Bonfire

(that lights with one match)
Article & Photos By Crede Calhoun
Chief Guide for Camp Earth and Owner of Windrush Online Art Gallery

Every week in the summer Camp Earth presents a bonfire program called 'Sacred Fire ~
Sacred Drum', at the Deep Creek Lake State Park amphitheater. Our season is done for
this year and we'd like to thank the many families and folks that came out this year to
see the show.

The fire was sacred to man in days long ago. There was no internet, TV, books, or other
forms of easy entertainment. At night when it got dark, man turned to the fire for
warmth, comfort and the friendship of storytelling. The elders would tell the story of
their lives, the lives of the ancestors, and the myths surrounding their relationship with
nature. Old and young would gather around the fire in a circle of fellowship and
togetherness. Even today the fire can have a special attraction that draws us in. Maybe
fire stirs ancient memories in our hearts of days long ago or may be it is just the magic
of the all consuming flames. I think about everyone is mesmerized by the fires special
magic and the intense radiance of its depths.

In honor of fires historic place in the history of man, we always build what we call a
'natural fire' at the Sacred Fire Sacred Drum Bonfires. First we need to understand the
materials used to build a 'natural fire'. By 'natural' I mean no paper or other manmade
things can be used to get the fire burning. Of course we use matches for the first light,
but no paper, chemical fire starters, or flammable fluids are ever used to help start or
burn faster. A 'natural fire' is built using only natural materials like sticks and logs.

Many times I have been asked how I built the fire. The technique is fairly simple it just
takes a little bit of care in the collection of the wood and kindling and it takes some care
in the building of the fire. The fire we are building in this article is one that is
completely built before it is lit, as opposed to a fire that is started and lit, and wood is
added to it to increase its size.

Some Fire Terminology

Any readily combustible material used to start a fire. Small twigs that will light easily
by a match. Sometimes birch bark, pine needles, or a dried old birds nest might also be
used as tinder.
Larger sticks than tinder. Pencil thickness to about anything you can break over your
knee. This is the next size of firewood you add to the tinder.

This is split logs or logs. This is firewood as we know it. Hickory, oak, and other
hardwoods make the best fuel.

The first step is to create a good safe place to build and burn the fire. A fire circle of
rocks always makes the best and safest area to build a fire. You may even want to dig a
6"-12" pit for the fire if the fire circle will be a permanent addition to your backyard or
lakefront property. Start by placing to logs as shown.
Collect a 'tinder bundle'. A good handful of 8"-10"dry twigs that snap crisply.

Place the bundle. Be sure to keep the bundle tight. Notice the slightly larger
sticks on the top of the bundle. Collect these first starting with a little larger
twig and getting smaller as you collect. This way when you place the bundle
the smallest twigs will be the ones you light and the little bigger twigs will
catch next.

Place the bundle carefully between the logs leaning up at an angle against one
of the logs.
Lay good, dry, small, kindling sticks on both sides of the bundle. However,
keep an open space on one side (as shown) so you can reach in to light the
bottom of the bundle.

Lay two more good sized logs across the first two base logs as shown. Fill the
gap between the logs with lots of medium sized kindling.
Place more kindling the other way

Top the kindling with some nice short chunks of log. These chinks will
provide the heart of the fire and help it really get going hot.
Lay kindling up against your base.
Lean large logs against each other. Try to have the first couple of logs make a
nice tripod against each other. Cut these logs about 36" to 40" long, a 4-6"
diameter log section works great. Notice the little space where we will be able
to reach in and light the tinder bundle down underneath base.

Lean more logs (about 12-14) around the base. Leave a door to get in to light
the fire.
Light the tinder bundle and close up the door to the tinder bundle.

Wait about 5 minutes and......

Always keep a bucket of water nearby a big fire and be sure to cut long
marshmallow sticks. Find and learn some stories to tell and have fun. I think
you'll find that sitting and talking around a fire with family and friends lots of
fun. Imagine, having fun without electricity or television, just like your

How to Make a Bonfire

By an eHow Contributor
Building a bonfire may seem as simple as stacking some wood in a pile and lighting it
up, or for some crazier folks, torching a couch or other old furniture. However, a bonfire
is serious business and can only make for a great party highlight if it is done safely, so
that no one gets hurt in the process.
things you'll need:
 Shovel
 Large rocks or bricks
 Logs
 Kindling material (dry twigs, pine cones, leaves, newspaper)
 Long branches
 Newspaper wick
 Matches

o 1
Dig a circular ditch about 12 inches deep into the ground where you will build your
bonfire, as this will help to keep your fire from spreading to unwanted areas. If you
cannot dig into the ground, make a circle around your bonfire pit with large rocks or

o 2
Place two logs in the center of your bonfire pit, spacing them one to two feet apart, and
fill the space between them with dry twigs, pine cones, leaves, newspaper and other fire
kindling items. Stack two more logs on top, running them in the opposite directions, and
then fill the space between with long tree branches. Cover the branches with more
kindling material.
o 3
Build the center up, alternating the logs and packing with kindling material until you
have three or four layers, depending on how large you would like to make your bonfire.
When finished, place a single log on the center of the platform.

o 4
Create a tepee shape around the platform, stacking long branches and logs upright
against the inside stack. Work one layer at a time around the platform, but make sure
that you leave a small opening one one side where you can place newspaper to light
the fire.

o 5
Twist a piece of newspaper into a long tube and light the end. Stick the newspaper into
the door of your bonfire stack and cover the opening with a piece of wood to prevent
wind from blowing out the fire. Wait for the flame to catch the kindling material, and
watch your bonfire grow.
A good bonfire is the key to any number of outdoor events. Get the party started with these tips.

Use extreme caution when dealing with fire. Keep an extinguisher on hand and always check with
local authorities before building a bonfire.

Step 1: Prepare the fire pit

Dig a pit six to 12 inches deep with a diameter of five feet. Place a ring of large stones along the edge.

The fire pit should be at least 50 feet from any buildings, trees, or cars.

Step 2: Collect the wood

Collect the wood. You’ll need tinder, dry twigs eight to 10 inches long and no thicker than a pencil;
kindling, pieces of wood eight to 24 inches long and no thicker than a wrist; and fuel logs, which can be
up to 48 inches long and eight inches in diameter. Collect a variety of sizes for each kind.

The dryer the wood, the easier the fire will be to light.

Step 3: Position the small twigs

Put a bundle of the small twigs between two short fuel logs in the center of your fire pit. Position the
bundle so it’s leaning up against one of the logs.

For easier lighting, wad up newspaper and place it under the pile of tinder.

Step 4: Position the kindling

Lean two loose bundles of the larger branches against either side of the tinder pile. Lay a row of medium-
size kindling across the two fuel logs.

Step 5: Stack

Lay two large logs on top of the stack, perpendicular to the two large logs at the bottom. Then, stack a
few bundles of kindling between the logs and on top. Position each bundle so it’s perpendicular to the one
under it. Top the pile off with two short, fat logs, placed perpendicular to the large logs under them.

Step 6: Position vertical kindling

Lean larger, longer pieces of kindling vertically around the pile. Make sure to leave a gap in the kindling
large enough for your arms to fit through, so you can light the tinder inside.

Step 7: Position the vertical fuel

Make a tripod around the kindling with the largest fuel logs; the logs should support each other where
they meet at the top. Then fill in the empty spaces with more fuel logs, forming a tepee. Be careful not to
destabilize the structure. Leave a space in the same location as the gap in the kindling so you can reach
inside the stack.

Step 8: Light the fire

Light the tinder or newspaper at the bottom of the pile and monitor the fire’s progress. If the tinder needs
more air, gently blow on the base of the pile until it catches fire. Fill in the gap you left in the fuel log tepee
and watch your bonfire grow.

Step 9: Fire maintenance

Maintain the fire by adding more logs like you would to any other fire. When the party’s over, make sure to
completely extinguish the fire before you leave the area.
Now gather:
 Tinder: 
lightweight and thoroughly dry material that burns well and quickly and that allows larger sticks to
ignite. Try twigs, shaved wood, dried leaves, paper, bark, grass, dried pine needles, broken up
pine cones, dried mosses, the heads of cattails, dryer lint, string, etc. You can also use some
charcoal briquets. 
 Small kindling: thoroughly dry sticks that are thumb-sized in diameter 
 Medium kindling: thoroughly dry sticks that are about wrist-sized in diameter 
 Fuel: Larger logs that are thoroughly dry (oak, maple, ash, beech, and birch are the best for
If you use charcoal briquets, make a flat bed out of them at the center of the pit. Top them with a large
ball of other tinder material or, if you're not using briquets, just put the tinder in a pile at the center of the
A good bonfire is the key to any number of outdoor events. Get the party started with these tips.
Use extreme caution when dealing with fire. Keep an extinguisher on hand and always check with
local authorities before building a bonfire.
Step 1: Prepare the fire pit
Dig a pit six to 12 inches deep with a diameter of five feet. Place a ring of large stones along the edge.
The fire pit should be at least 50 feet from any buildings, trees, or cars.
Step 2: Collect the wood
Collect the wood. You’ll need tinder, dry twigs eight to 10 inches long and no thicker than a pencil;
kindling, pieces of wood eight to 24 inches long and no thicker than a wrist; and fuel logs, which can be
up to 48 inches long and eight inches in diameter. Collect a variety of sizes for each kind.
The dryer the wood, the easier the fire will be to light.
Step 3: Position the small twigs
Put a bundle of the small twigs between two short fuel logs in the center of your fire pit. Position the
bundle so it’s leaning up against one of the logs.
For easier lighting, wad up newspaper and place it under the pile of tinder.
Step 4: Position the kindling
Lean two loose bundles of the larger branches against either side of the tinder pile. Lay a row of medium-
size kindling across the two fuel logs.
Step 5: Stack
Lay two large logs on top of the stack, perpendicular to the two large logs at the bottom. Then, stack a
few bundles of kindling between the logs and on top. Position each bundle so it’s perpendicular to the one
under it. Top the pile off with two short, fat logs, placed perpendicular to the large logs under them.
Step 6: Position vertical kindling
Lean larger, longer pieces of kindling vertically around the pile. Make sure to leave a gap in the kindling
large enough for your arms to fit through, so you can light the tinder inside.
Step 7: Position the vertical fuel
Make a tripod around the kindling with the largest fuel logs; the logs should support each other where
they meet at the top. Then fill in the empty spaces with more fuel logs, forming a tepee. Be careful not to
destabilize the structure. Leave a space in the same location as the gap in the kindling so you can reach
inside the stack.
Step 8: Light the fire
Light the tinder or newspaper at the bottom of the pile and monitor the fire’s progress. If the tinder needs
more air, gently blow on the base of the pile until it catches fire. Fill in the gap you left in the fuel log tepee
and watch your bonfire grow.
Step 9: Fire maintenance
Maintain the fire by adding more logs like you would to any other fire. When the party’s over, make sure to
completely extinguish the fire before you leave the area.

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