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Dr.H.Munar Lubis, SpAK

Pediatric Emergency Department

Medical Faculty
University of Sumatera Utara
Kerosene  manufactory & house gas material
Chemical structure : Hydrocarbon chains
 Noonan & Hexadecane

 systemic effect
 GIT absorption slow and uncompleted
 Lung via blood stream
 acute toxicity, hemorrhage & bronchopneumonia
 death rapidly in minutes- hour
 Gerarde (1963)
 excreted through the lung >>

 Kerosene poisoning 
local irritation, CNS depression, degenerative
impairment & small hemorrhage in live, renal, spleen
always reversible
Clinical Presentation
1. Pharynx, esophagus, gastric and small intestine
irritation   burning sensation in mouth, throat
esophagus and mucosa ulcers
2. Ventricle fibrillation  rare
3. CNS : somnolent or coma, rapidly after ingestion
4. Bronchopneumonia
5. Inhalation sign: euphoria like alcohol intoxication
6. Severe Intoxication : albuminuria

Asphyxia  Death
 Induction of emesis  absolute contraindicated
 Adrenalin  contraindicated
 Don’t give Alcohol & Mineral oil
 True therapy :
1. Supportive
2. Oxygen
3. Intravenous fluid line
4. Antibiotic for prophylaxis
5. CNS symptoms  caffeine

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