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MO_GLOBAL-Dive into R12 Multi Org Design

Contributed by Anil Passi
Saturday, 10 February 2007

I hope you have already read article Basics of Multi Org in R12 . A few questions come to mind when we think about
Multi Org in R12. The best way to analyse those questions is by opening package MO_GLOBAL. Don't worry if you are
not yet on R12, package MO_GLOBAL is installed 11.5.10 too.Lets get digging.

How is CLIENT_INFO being replaced in R12?

Lets take an example.
In pre Release 12, you would have had following methodology for PO_HEADERS_ALL
a. A table is created in PO Schema, named PO_HEADERS_ALL
b. A synonym named PO_HEADERS_ALL is created in APPS schema, referring to PO.PO_HEADERS_ALL
c. Create a view PO_HEADERS in APPS schema, as "select * from po_headers_all where org_id=client_info"

But now in R12, following will happen

a. A table is created in PO Schema, named PO_HEADERS_ALL
b. A synonym named PO_HEADERS_ALL is created in APPS schema, referring to PO.PO_HEADERS_ALL
c. Another synonym named PO_HEADERS is created in APPS, referring to PO_HEADERS_ALL
d. A Row Level security is applied to PO_HEADERS, using package function MO_GLOBAL.ORG_SECURITY.
This can be double-checked by running SQL select * from all_policies where object_name='PO_HEADERS'
e. The effect of this policy is that,whenever you access PO_HEADERS, Oracle RLS will dynamically append WHERE
CLAUSE similar to below
oa.organization_id = org_id)
Also see **** below, latter

Does this mean, if I create a new custom table, I will have to apply RLS [ Row Level Security ] against Custom table too?
Yes indeed, if it contains data partitioned by ORG_ID. All you need to do in such case is to assign package function
MO_GLOBAL.ORG_SECURITY to that table/synonym/view.

Will the Multi Org Row Level security be applied against the table or the synonym or the view?
In theory, RLS can be applied against any of the above objects. However in practice, you will apply RLS against Objects
in APPS Schema. This means, you will most probably apply RLS on Synonyms. Basically, the Multi Org Views are now
replaced by RLS Secured Synonyms. Hence no code change is required where the pre-R12 Multi-Org secured view was
being accessed. The responsibility of securing data as per ORG_ID now lies with RLS [also known as VPD - Virtual
Private Database].

I have made changes to my Multi Org Security Profile, by attaching a new Org Hierarchy. Do i need to run any process?
Just like we do in HRMS, it is advised that any changes to Security Profiles must be followed by running "Security List

Purpose of mo_global.init :-
It will check if new Multi Org Security Profile is set, to decide if new Security Profile method will be used.
If the new MO security profile is set, then mo_global.init inserts one record, for each Organization in Org Hierarchy, in
table mo_glob_org_access_tmp

When & from where is mo_global.init called ?

This package procedure will be called as soon as you login or as soon as you switch responsibility. Just like
FND_GLOBAL.INITIALIZE is called. It is safe to assume that Oracle will invoke MO_GLOBAL.INIT after

Is mo_glob_org_access_tmp table a global temporary table?

Yes, it is. Hence after Multi Org is initialised for your session, your session will have X number of records in table Powered by Joomla! Generated: 29 November, 2010, 07:00

mo_glob_org_access_tmp. X is the number of organizations assigned to MO Security profile [view org hierarchy or org
list in security profile]

What is the purpose of MO_GLOBAL.ORG_SECURITY?

The purpose of Row-Level-Security is to hide certain data[based on some conditions]. RLS does so by appending a
where clause to the secured object.
1. MO_GLOBAL.ORG_SECURITY is a function that returns a predicate for the WHERE CLAUSE
2. The where clause will be appended to Table/Synonym/View for which Multi Org Row Level security is enabled

What is the purpose of MO_GLOBAL.SET_POLICY_CONTEXT ?

This procedure has two parameters
Pass a value "S" in case you want your current session to work against Single ORG_ID
Pass a value of "M" in case you want your current session to work against multiple ORG_ID's
Only applicable if p_access_mode is passed value of "S"

In SQL*Plus, I wish to set my session to work against a specific Org [one single org]. How do I do that in R12
In the above case, ORG_ID 101 will be assigned as current org for your session.
Internally, following code in blue will be executed by Oracle when you set your context to single Org,
dbms_session.set_context('multi_org2', 'current_org_id', 101);

**** If the current database session is initialised for Single Org[as in above step], then Where clause appended to object
by Row-Level-Security will be
WHERE org_id = sys_context('multi_org2','current_org_id')

Why will I as a Apps Techie ever use MO_GLOBAL.SET_POLICY_CONTEXT ?

Lets say you wish to call an API to create invoices in ORG_ID 101. In case the API does not have a parameter for
Org_id, you can do the below
b. Call the Invoice API, which will internally read the ORG_ID from MO Current Context.

From SQL*Plus, I wish to simulate login to a specific responsibility. How do I do this?

This will set your responsibility id, user_id etc
This will read the MO profile option values for your responsibility/user, and will initialize the Multi Org Access. Powered by Joomla! Generated: 29 November, 2010, 07:00

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