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By: Cam Caulder

Memoir #1
I love cat fishing. My dad says they’re catfish in my lake. I believe him, but I want one on my line. I tried
stake fishing. This is where you get a tent stake, and tie a fishing line on it. Then shove it in the ground.
With a hook tied on and a piece of bait on it. Throw it out in the water. Then check it every 24 hours. When I
did the line was snapped right in half. It was 55lb test line to. That kind of worries me that there is a 55lb
catfish in my lake, but it excites me to think one day that same fish could bite my hook.

Memoir #2
When I was fishing in the Bahamas, I noticed something. We were throwing all the fish back. I asked my dad about
it and he said. As soon as we catch something other than yellow tail, well it was about time to go.
I said one more cast please. Oh I don’t see why not my dad said. I casted out one more time, then something hit it
zzzzzzzz! Went my drag, It was not a yellow tail that hit it. Right then something hit my dad’s friend’s line.
Then when Coby, my dad’s friend, picked it up, after that every one rushed over to him with gaff in hand. I was
only eight years old with a flat fish on my line. My dad was over trying to gaff Coby‘s catch, I mean c’mon it was
just a snapper. My fish was the same size. Well any way we ended up having a great dinner for four.

My catch was bigger Coby’s catch

Memoir #3
Yellow four-wheeler

When I was about 8 years old I had a yellow four-wheeler. I would always challenge my brother to races,
and of course he would always win. This time it was disappointment all-around. My brother and I were
racing around my lake. I was behind him obviously. I tried to get in front. I went straight in the water my
dad had to tow me and the four- wheeler out.
Memoir #4
River monsters
River Monsters is my favorite TV show. The host of it is Jeremy wade. He goes all around the world looking for
fish that eat people. That’s why it’s called ‘’river monsters’’. Then he catches them with his fishing rod and
checks to see if it really is a river monster.
Jeremy wade is the one who inspired me to fish. He’s why I love fishing, and won’t stop. I love cat fishing the
most. One time Jeremy wade caught an eight foot long catfish that swallowed a human. I imagine cat fishing is
his favorite too, because he is always catching them. No sport is better than fishing to me.

This is Jeremy wade with a goliath tiger fish in Africa.
Memoir #5
Jake shields
Jake shields is my favorite MMA fighter. He is a black belt in Brazilian jujitsu, and a submission expert.He
usually wins his fights. he always tackles his opponent first thing. it happens very fast next thing you
know the other guy is on the ground knocked out.
Usually Jake shields is on a show called bully beat down, but that’s a hole other story. Jake shields is a UFC
fighter. He is not a strike force fighter. That’s Jake shields for you.
Memoir #6
MMA is my favorite sport. I love MMA. I'm not sure what I would do if it didn't exist. I would have to find a
new hobby. I have other hobbies, like fishing which I like even more. I have done MMA lessons with
strikes before. Now I'm doing strikes and grappling. It's so much better. Just one combination is boring.
Two is the bomb.
I liked this project, but it took a lot of elbow
grease. This was a good way to express my
life stories. It was a pretty cool over all
though I give it a 3 ½ .

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