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Balance sheet 30 june 2007

2007 2006


Share capital and Reserves
Share capital 146,334.00 97,556.00
General Reserves 285,000.00 184,500.00
Unapropriated profit 171,423.00 174,088.00
Total Equity and Liabilities 602,757.00 456,144.00

Surplus on revaluation of fixed assets

net of tax 549,004.00 551,339.00

Non-Curren Liabilities

Long Term loans 135,784.00 84,999.00

Deffered Laibility for staff gratiuty 14,840.00 14,238.00
Other Long-term Employee benefits 12,774.00 10,103.00
Deffered Tax laibility - net 95,652.00 65,030.00

Curren Liabilities

Current portion of long-term loans 87,620.00 56,668.00

Trade and other payables 525,898.00 865,989.00
Short-term borrowings 938,890.00 596,442.00
Mark-up accrued on bank borrowings 15,911.00 8,581.00
provision for tax - net on advance tax - 8,729.00
1,568,310.00 1,536,409.00

Contingencies and commitments

2,979,121.00 2,718,262.00

Non-Current Assets

Property, plant and Equipment 1,215,459.00 995,226.00

Investment in Associates 47,932.00 37,401.00
Long-term Loans 2,289.00 1,208.00
Long-term Diposits 2,494.00 2,314.00
Total Non-Current Assets 1,268,174.00 1,036,149.00

Current Assets

Store and spares 26,508.00 20,138.00

stock-in-Trade 1,133,430.00 984,364.00
Trade Debts 504,951.00 392,953.00
Short-Term Loans and Advances 11,250.00 11,818.00
Short-Term Deposits and Prepayments 3,912.00 2,936.00
Other Recievables 14,663.00 21,883.00
Advance tax - Net of Provisions 8,842.00
Cash and Bank Balances 7,391.00 248,021.00
Total Current Assets 1,710,947.00 1,682,113.00

TOTAL ASSETS 2,979,121.00 2,718,262.00

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