Documentation of OTRPUBDB Database Creation

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Step 1>: In this step we are creating a database named OTRPUBDB.

Step 2>:Here the SID name is given.

Step 3>:In this step the database features are given.
Step 4>:Database is set to shared server mode to handle more client load.
Step 5>: In this step the memory ,DB size and Character set are defined.
Step 6>: In this step we define the storage , like control file,tablespaces and datafiles.
Step 7 >:the final step it runs the scripts to create the Database.
Step 8>: A brief Summary about Database.
Step 9>: creating Database.
Step 10>:Configuring the passwords for Sys and System user .

Password Details:->

Sys -> sachi

System ->sanjay

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