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How To Cut Down Your Expense Of College Text Books

Many parents save up to send their kids to college. They plan out to see how they can pay the
college tuition fees. However, even after paying the college tuition fees, they are still shocked to
see the exuberant rates of the college text books. Many wonder why the college text books are
so expensive. After all they are just text books. Are they really necessary?

College text books are the backbone of the college education system. There can be no substitute
for a good college textbook. A student cannot complete a college course without the help of the
necessary textbooks; hence it is essential that a student has all the textbooks he requires for
college. However the high prices of these textbooks make it really hard for the parents as well as
the students to cope with all the other financial needs. When asked the publishers, they claim that
they need to produce large volumes of text books ever year. However, within a couple of years
of production, these textbooks become out of date with the constant updates in the domain of
research knowledge. Therefore the high cost of production helps to cover the cost of the losses of
the books that are not sold.

Also another factor to be considered is that the textbooks for college rarely have single authors.
These books normally have a panel of authors that are consulted for the textbooks. This means
that all these authors have to be compensated for the work that they have put in. Therefore the
high cost of textbooks will help cover for these payments.
Also at times, the price of these textbooks is increased by the bookstores for their own profits.
Especially if a textbook is rare and in demand, the textbook store would sell it at an inflated rate
just to gain profits.

However, there is hope for the consumers. Most of the college textbooks that are bought by
students are not used by them for the rest of their lives. This has given birth to the used college
textbook stores. These textbook stores sell second hand textbooks which have been used once
by the students. These textbooks help to reduce cost that a student would normally spend on a
textbook. The student can also resell the textbook to the store after he or she is done with it. With
this money, the students can save for their college expenses to buy more textbooks. This system
makes the whole process of purchasing textbooks for college students easier. Also many rare
books that are not easily obtainable can be bought from these stores at a lesser price. This makes
the lives of students as well as the parents who are funding for the students much easier.

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