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Meaning difficult to understand

Root of the
Synonyms baffling, perplexing, puzzling, mystifying, confusing
Antonyms straight forward, comprehensible
The bewildering array of jewellery displayed in the shop made my
choice very difficult.

Word: PLEBEIAN (adj)

Meaning lacking refinement
Root of the word -
Synonyms uncultivated, unrefined, lowbrow, rustic, coarse, uncouth
Antonyms refined, cultivated, sophisticated
Usage His plebeian tastes were heckled by the snobs of the club.

Word: RANCID (adj)

Meaning tasting or smelling unpleasant
Root of the word -
Synonyms sour, stale, rank, putrid, old
Antonyms fresh
Usage The rancid odour emanating from the dish was nauseating.

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